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Zur Kasse

144 Ergebnisse - Zeige 101 von 120.

Clutch of Constables

Marsh, Ngaio
Clutch of Constables
Taking a spontaneous river cruise through the part of England made famous by the paintings of John Constable, Agatha Troy, Inspector Alleyn's painter wife, encounters murder and international art theft. The story is told through a series of lectures Inspector Alleyn gives at a police training in the United States.

CHF 23.50

Artists in Crime

Marsh, Ngaio / McCaddon, Wanda
Artists in Crime
When murder upsets the creative tranquillity of an artists colony, Scotland Yard sends in its most famous investigator. And what begins as a routine case, turns out to be most momentous for Roderick Alleyn, whose heart is captured by one of the suspects.

CHF 130.00

Death and the Dancing Footman

Marsh, Ngaio
Death and the Dancing Footman
The unspeakably wealthy (and generally unspeakable) Jonathan Royal has decided to throw a party and, just for fun, has studded the guest-list with people who loathe one another. When a blizzard imprisons them all in Royal's country house, murder ensues. In true Christie-esque tradition, there are nearly as many suspects as there are potential victims. Eventually, Inspector Alleyn makes his way through the snow to put things right.

CHF 23.50

Surfeit of Lampreys

Marsh, Ngaio
Surfeit of Lampreys
The killingly aristocratic Lamprey family exemplifies charm, wit, and a chronic lack of funds. Their only source of hope is the wealthy but unpleasant Lord Wutherwood, and the Lampreys may perhaps be forgiven for doing a little jig when his Lordship is killed and the resulting inheritance saves their bacon. Inspector Roderick Alleyn wouldn't dream of judging the Lampreys' joy. But he would like to figure out whether they murdered their benefac...

CHF 23.50

Death of a Fool

Marsh, Ngaio
Death of a Fool
The village of South Mardian likes the old ways. This may be 1957, but South M. still features a blacksmith, a village idiot, and an elaborate fertility ritual performed at the winter solstice. There's squabbling, of course, and things come to a head when one of the ritual's main players is found be-headed, everything north of his neck having been neatly lopped off by a ritual sword.

CHF 23.90

Artists in Crime

Marsh, Ngaio
Artists in Crime
In the movies, it's known as a "meet cute." But for Inspector Alleyn and Miss Agatha Troy, it's more like irritation: On the ship back to England, she finds him tedious and dull, he thinks she's a bohemian cliché. They may be destined for romance, but there's a murder in the way: No sooner has Alleyn settled in to his mother's house, eager for a relaxing end to his vacation, then he gets a call that a model has been stabbed at the artists' com...

CHF 23.50

A Grave Mistake

Marsh, Ngaio
A Grave Mistake
Upper Quintern is the sort of Little English Village that is home mostly to the very rich and the servants who make their lives delightful. But Sybil Foster's life is not delightful, exhausted from her various family stresses - a daughter, for instance, who wants to marry a man without a title! - Sybil takes herself off to a local hotel that specializes in soothing shattered nerves. When she's killed, Inspector Alleyn has a real puzzler on his...

CHF 21.90

Photo Finish

Marsh, Ngaio
Photo Finish
Photo Finish's dead diva, the soprano Isabella Sommita, was so widely loathed that the problem is less a lack of plausible suspects than an embarrassment of options. Though the grand country-house - and with it, the country-house murder - was history by 1980, when Photo Finish was originally published, Dame Ngaio got around the problem by setting the story on a lavish island estate, cut off from the mainland by a sudden storm. Happily, Inspect...

CHF 21.90

Døden på operationsbordet

Marsh, Ngaio
Døden på operationsbordet
Den britiske indenrigsminister hasteindlægges med en sprængt blindtarm, og det bliver fatalt for ham - ganske vist er operationen vellykket, men patienten dør kort efter. Kriminalkommissær Roderick Alleyn bliver sat på sagen, og han kan konstatere, at der er mange, der har haft motiv og lejlighed til at myrde ministeren. Både af private årsager og af politiske. Scotland Yards undersøgelser afslører, at hver eneste person i operationslokalet ku...

CHF 52.50

Alleyn i Rom

Marsh, Ngaio
Alleyn i Rom
Kriminalkommissær Alleyn er sendt inkognito til Rom for at følge nogle turister på turistture, der arrangeres af en herre med en blakket fortid, Sebastian Mailer. Den eksklusive gruppe af turister tæller blandt andet en afdanket jetsetter og hendes junkie-nevø, en sur, britisk major, en larmende baron og baronesse, der ligner hinanden overraskende meget og en noget tilbageholdende bestseller-forfatter. Mailer har lovet dem en yderst ukonventio...

CHF 52.50

Sidste forhindring

Marsh, Ngaio
Sidste forhindring
Under et ferieophold på øerne i Den Engelske Kanel bliver Ricky Alleyn - kriminalkommissærens eneste søn - ufrivilligt indblandet i en mordsag om en ung piges uforklarlige styrt fra en hest. Er det mord? Det mener i hvert fald Ricky, selv om det kunne se ud som et ulykkestilfælde. Her kommer kriminalkommissær Alleyn og hans mænd fra Scotland Yard ind i billedet. Sagen virker speget, og Alleyn må lægge hovedet i blød for at få brikkerne til at ...

CHF 52.50

Sidste billede

Marsh, Ngaio
Sidste billede
Isabella Sommita, verdensberømt sopran, verdensberømt temperament - kan en portrætmalerinde som Troy Alleyn ønske sig et mere fascinerende motiv? Da Troy og hendes mand Roderick Alleyn modtager et brev fra den berømte sangerindes utroligt velhavende ven, hvori han inbyder dem til sin luksusejendom på en lille ø i Lake Waihoe, og samtidig anmodeder Troy om at male sangerinden, der opholder sig på øen, tager de imod indbydelsen uden tøven - også...

CHF 52.50