Suche einschränken:
Zur Kasse

14 Ergebnisse.

Diamanda Galás

Mavrikakis, Catherine / Nathanaël
Diamanda Galás
An exercise in admiration, this book takes a look at the petrifying work of Diamanda Galás, the singer with three octaves. Far from being dumbfounded by Galás and her voice, Catherine Mavrikakis takes the artist's work head-on. From ancient Greece to the suburban United States, from the Armenian genocide to the AIDS epidemic of the 80s and 90s, Galás is constantly renewing herself.

CHF 28.50

Der Himmel über Bay City

Mavrikakis, Catherine / Klobusiczky, Patricia
Der Himmel über Bay City
Bay City, 1960: Am Ende der Veronica Lane wird ein Wellblechhaus abgeliefert, eine Familie zieht ein. Zwei Schwestern, Denise und Babette, bringen nacheinander waschechte amerikanische Babys zur Welt. Das kriegsverheerte Europa haben sie hinter sich gelassen, denn damals scheint die Zukunft in Amerika zu liegen, diesem Kontinent, in dem alles neuer, bunter, fröhlicher ist.Die Geschichte lässt sich aber nicht verdrängen. Amy, die Tochter von De...

CHF 29.00

Flowers of Spit

Mavrikakis, Catherine / Nathanaël
Flowers of Spit
Fiction. Translated from the French by Nathanael. FLOWERS OF SPIT is a corrosive narrative that surrounds the inflamed character of Flore Forget. Written as a long soliloquy, this novel is a delirious howl, an expectoration in the face of the world, a dolorous dive into the depths of identity. Is it possible to emancipate oneself from one's tragedies, from the the individuals that have touched our lives and have died? Is it possible for flower...

CHF 25.90

A Cannibal and Melancholy Mourning

Mavrikakis, Catherine / Stephens, Nathalie
A Cannibal and Melancholy Mourning
Herve, the friend with AIDS, his lover, Herve, also afflicted, Herve the hairdresser, Herve next door who has defenestrated himself: in "A Cannibal and Melancholy Mourning" the narrator confronts the deaths of so many friends, all named Herve. But the dead cannot be buried so easily, they live on, spectres haunting her, as the cumulative effect of all her Herves becomes a multifaced Death that simultaneously angers, saddens, cheers and confuse...

CHF 20.90

Gli ultimi giorni di Smokey Nelson

Mavrikakis, Catherine / Turato, S.
Gli ultimi giorni di Smokey Nelson
1989. Una famiglia è massacrata nella stanza di un albergo di Atlanta. Smokey Nelson, l'assassino, viene condannato alla pena capitale. Passa vent'anni nel braccio della morte in attesa dell'esecuzione della sentenza. Molte cose sono accadute dopo la sua carcerazione: guerre, altri crimini, la devastazione provocata dall'uragano Katrina e, a parte un nome su un documento dell'amministrazione penitenziaria, Smokey Nelson non significa più nulla...

CHF 32.50