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Mckay, David
You Are A Step Away From Learning How To Improve Your Self-esteem, Get Things Done And Increase Your Productivity Manifolds!Imagine being able to check everything on your to-do lists, over and over again. Your life would be far different from what it is today. You would be far ahead in your personal goals and professional goals. But, that is not the case.Why do you think that is the case?Before you start answering, let me ask you a few questio...

CHF 40.90

The Self Help and Self Esteem Booster for Introvert People

Mckay, David
The Self Help and Self Esteem Booster for Introvert People
What is self-esteem?How can I be a positive thinker?Can pessimism lead to low self-esteem?What is depression and how does it affect the human mind and body?How does self-confidence affect our day to day life?What are the ways to boost one's self-confidence? Is self-worth similar to self-esteem?Every question raised above is something that pops into our minds once we think of self-esteem or even self-confidence.These are crucial aspects that ar...

CHF 40.90

The Self Help and Self Esteem Booster for Introvert People

Mckay, David
The Self Help and Self Esteem Booster for Introvert People
What is self-esteem?How can I be a positive thinker?Can pessimism lead to low self-esteem?What is depression and how does it affect the human mind and body?How does self-confidence affect our day to day life?What are the ways to boost one's self-confidence? Is self-worth similar to self-esteem?Every question raised above is something that pops into our minds once we think of self-esteem or even self-confidence.These are crucial aspects that ar...

CHF 32.50

Critical Thinking

Mckay, David
Critical Thinking
Would You Want To Be A Critical Thinker Who Makes Great Decisions After Evaluating All The Possible Outcomes And Settling On The Most Favorable? If You Would, Then Keep On ReadingOur life is a product of the decisions we've made throughout our lives. I know you know that all too well and want to make the right decisions consistently to propel yourself to the level of success that you so much desire be it in your career, relationships, finances...

CHF 40.90

The Anxiety Workbook

Mckay, David
The Anxiety Workbook
You Are A Step Away From Learning How To Free Your Mind From Social Anxiety, Panic Attacks And Depression!Anxiety is a normal emotion that we all experience just before we do something new, frightening, scary etc.However, if you are always anxious even in situations that do not warrant that, then something is wrong.Do you know that in the United States, anxiety affects about 40 million people and it is one of the most common mental illnesses? ...

CHF 39.90

Critical Thinking Skills

Mckay, David
Critical Thinking Skills
Do you struggle when you are faced with an unexpected problem? Does a sudden struggle send shivers running up your spine?If so, keep reading because this book could be for you.Critical thinking is an important skill in today's society. You need to think critically if you hope to have any interactions that are meaningful to others. You need to think critically if you wish to be successful in your career line. You need to think critically if you...

CHF 40.90

El refuerzo de la Autoayuda y la Autoestima para personas...

Mckay, David
El refuerzo de la Autoayuda y la Autoestima para personas introvertidas
¿Qué es autoestima?¿Cómo puede ser algo positivo?¿Puede el pesimismo llevar a la baja autoestima?¿Qué es la depresión y como afecta a la mentalidad y cuerpo del ser humano?¿Cómo la confiar en sí mismo?¿El auto valor es parecido a la autoestima?Todas estas preguntas han elevado sobre algo que se nos viene a la cabeza una vez que pensamos de la autoestima o incluso la confianza en si mismo.Es un aspecto crucial de parte de nuestra vida y no pode...

CHF 43.50

El Libro de Ejercicios de Ansiedad

Mckay, David
El Libro de Ejercicios de Ansiedad
¡Estás A Un Paso De Aprender Cómo Liberar Tu Mente De La Ansiedad Social, Ataques De Pánico Y Depresión!Este libro te enseñará:· Todo lo que necesitas saber sobre los tipos de ansiedad.· Datos interesantes sobre la ansiedad y el trastorno de ansiedad· Formas de identificar los desencadenantes de ansiedad· Cómo utilizar la atención plena y la meditación para controlar la ansiedad· Cómo respirar para abordar la ansiedad en el momento· La terapia...

CHF 46.90


Mckay, David
¿Quieres ser un pensador crítico y tomar grandes decisiones después de haber evaluado todos los resultados posibles y haber escogido el más conveniente? Si eso quieres, continúa leyendo. ¿Aquí tienes un avance de lo que aprenderás:¿Qué es realmente el pensamiento crítico?¿Por qué seguir tus corazonadas es fácil y poner en práctica el pensamiento crítico es tan difícil?Por qué es importante comenzar a pensar de manera críticaCómo empezar a toma...

CHF 37.90

El refuerzo de la Autoayuda y la Autoestima para personas...

Mckay, David
El refuerzo de la Autoayuda y la Autoestima para personas introvertidas
¿Qué es autoestima? ¿Cómo puede ser algo positivo? ¿Puede el pesimismo llevar a la baja autoestima? ¿Qué es la depresión y como afecta a la mentalidad y cuerpo del ser humano? ¿Cómo la confiar en sí mismo? ¿El auto valor es parecido a la autoestima?¿Qué aprende uno de este libro?Aprendes sobre las fortalezas y debilidades de una persona introvertida.Sabes los consejos para ayudar a una persona introvertida para mejorar sus relaciones con otros...

CHF 31.90

Critical Thinking

Mckay, David
Critical Thinking
Would You Want To Be A Critical Thinker Who Makes Great Decisions After Evaluating All The Possible Outcomes And Settling On The Most Favorable? If You Would, Then Keep On ReadingOur life is a product of the decisions we've made throughout our lives. I know you know that all too well and want to make the right decisions consistently to propel yourself to the level of success that you so much desire be it in your career, relationships, finances...

CHF 35.90

Self Help

Mckay, David
Self Help
You Are A Step Away From Becoming The Best Version Of Yourself!We are all on a journey, a journey to become healthier, happier, richer, more fulfilled, to have more freedom, to grow and much more. But in our journey, we experience all manner of challenges along the way among them negative thinking, worry, stress, fear, frustration, disappointment and much more.These setbacks can set anyone off course and make it unfulfilling, frustrating and m...

CHF 47.90

Social Anxiety

Mckay, David
Social Anxiety
You Are A Step Away From Discovering How To Free Yourself From The Chains And Limitations That Anxiety Has Put On You And Do Anything Your Mind Thinks Without Overthinking!When anyone mentions the word anxiety, most people think that being anxious is bad and that you should not feel anxious. The interesting thing though is that being anxious, especially in situations that are important to your survival is okay.The truth is, being in a constant...

CHF 36.90

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Mckay, David
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
You Are About To Learn How To Deal With Anxiety, Stress And Depression Effectively, Boost Your Self-Esteem And Rewire Your Brain For Greater Success!Owing to the stressful nature of today's life, many people are struggling with such problems like stress, anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, negative thinking, fear, worry and many related problems.What's sad is that we've so much gotten used to using medication for everything that we've not di...

CHF 47.90


Mckay, David
¿Quieres ser un pensador crítico y tomar grandes decisiones después de haber evaluado todos los resultados posibles y haber escogido el más conveniente? Si eso quieres, continúa leyendo. Nuestra vida es un producto de decisiones que hemos hecho a lo largo de toda nuestra vivencia. Sé que lo sabes muy bien y que quieres tomar las decisiones correctas en todo momento para impulsarte a ti mismo al éxito que tanto deseas para tu carrera, relacione...

CHF 45.90

Reorganiza tu cerebro

Mckay, David
Reorganiza tu cerebro
¿Está cansado de estar siempre ansioso y tener pensamientos negativos, y quiere hacer algo al respecto? Durante mucho tiempo se pensó que el cerebro humano estaba programado para funcionar de una manera particular y que eso no se podía cambiar. Sin embargo, investigaciones recientes indican lo contrario. Gracias a algo conocido como neuroplasticidad, podemos cambiar nuestro cerebro y posiblemente cambiar muchas facetas de nuestra vida de adent...

CHF 41.90


Mckay, David
¡Estás a un paso de aprender a mejorar tu autoestima, hacer las cosas y aumentar tus colectores de productividad!Imagínese poder revisar todo en sus listas de tareas, una y otra vez. Tu vida sería muy diferente de lo que es hoy. Estaría muy por delante en sus metas personales y metas profesionales. Pero ese no es el caso.¿Por qué cree que es así?Antes de comenzar a responder, permítame hacerle algunas preguntas:¿Cómo te sientes contigo mismo? ...

CHF 31.50

Reorganiza tu cerebro

Mckay, David
Reorganiza tu cerebro
¿Está cansado de estar siempre ansioso y tener pensamientos negativos, y quiere hacer algo al respecto? Durante mucho tiempo se pensó que el cerebro humano estaba programado para funcionar de una manera particular y que eso no se podía cambiar. Sin embargo, investigaciones recientes indican lo contrario. Gracias a algo conocido como neuroplasticidad, podemos cambiar nuestro cerebro y posiblemente cambiar muchas facetas de nuestra vida de adent...

CHF 29.50

Self Esteem

Mckay, David
Self Esteem
You Are One Step Away From Learning How to Build Your Confidence and Self Esteem and Become the Version of Yourself That You've Always Wished You Could Become!One of the critical ingredients for success in life is confidence and a good level of self-esteem. Without these two, you can bet that you will struggle interacting with people, leading, taking initiative, getting stuff done, trying new things and much more. And in the end, your career, ...

CHF 36.90

Emotional Intelligence

Mckay, David
Emotional Intelligence
You Are a Click Away From Learning How to Develop Emotional Intelligence And Improve Every Facet Of Your Life!We are all working towards becoming better versions of ourselves. Whether it is through spirituality, excelling in our careers, relating with people better, finding our passions and much more, we are all working towards similar goals.Most of us face a challenge though, we have a hard time thinking critically and can't muster the much n...

CHF 34.50