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20 Ergebnisse.

Judy Moody salva el planeta!

Megan McDonald
Judy Moody salva el planeta!
Where would the world be without Judy Moody? This time she's in the mood to whip the planet into shape. Her class is learning about the environment, and Judy is startled to learn about the destruction of the rainforest and the endangered species in her own backyard, not to mention her own family's crummy recycling habits. So, never one to take things lying down, Judy Moody gets on the case!

CHF 14.93

Doctora Judy Moody

Megan McDonald
Doctora Judy Moody
Judy Moody has a mood for every occasion, and now, she, Judy Moody, is in a medical mood! It's no secret that Judy wants to be like Elizabeth Blackwell, first woman doctor, when she grows up. So when Class 3T starts to study the Amazing Human Body, Judy can hardly wait to begin her better-than-best-ever third-grade project: show-and-tell with something way rarer than a scab. A real-live ooey-gooey operation and a cloning experiment create doub...

CHF 14.93

Stink y los tenis mas apestosos del mundo

Megan McDonald
Stink y los tenis mas apestosos del mundo
When Stink goes to the Everybody Stinks exhibit at the science museum, he discovers that his nose has amazing sniffing abilities. Before long, he's engrossed in toilet water, corpse flowers, and all things smelly, and he and Sophie of the Elves are set to go toe-to-toe in a stinky sneaker contest! Will Stink's sneakers be foul enough to win the Golden Clothespin Award?

CHF 14.93

Stink y el increible Rompemuelas Supergalactico

Megan McDonald
Stink y el increible Rompemuelas Supergalactico
The Super-Galactic Jawbreaker Stink bought did NOT break his jaw. One letter of complaint later, andholy jawbreaker heaven! he receives a huge box of candies (FREE!). That gives Stink a great idea. Soon, he's writing more and more letters ... and the huge packages of free stuff just keep on coming.

CHF 14.93

Judy Moody y la Declaracion de Independencia

Megan McDonald
Judy Moody y la Declaracion de Independencia
Judy Moody has a mood for every occasion and after visiting Boston with her family, she's in the mood for LIBERTY and FREEDOM??????freedom from her parents?????? rules and her pesky little brother, that is. But Judy's plans to declare independence, just like the patriots did in 1776, wind up getting her into hot water. For sure and absolute positive, the founding fathers never had problems like hers! Will Judy be able to prove, once and for al...

CHF 14.93

Judy Moody y la vuelta al mundo en ocho dias y med

Megan McDonald
Judy Moody y la vuelta al mundo en ocho dias y med
Judy Moody is one of a kind, and she likes it that way. Enter Amy Namey, another third-grader with a name that rhymes! She's so much like Judy that they're practically clones. Will Amy Same-Samey turn out to be Judy's worst enemy or her new best-ever friend?

CHF 14.93

Judy Moody & Stink: Felices fiestas!

Megan McDonald
Judy Moody & Stink: Felices fiestas!
Judy Moody and Stink co-star in a full-color holiday extravaganza! Judy is making a list and checking it twice, but all her brother, Stink, wants this year is snow. It hasn't snowed on Christmas in Virginia in more than a hundred years, however, so what are the chances that that will change? It's the best time of the year, when strange packages and lots of surprises are swirling around, so isn't it possible that Stink might get his wish?

CHF 23.93

Stink y el Gran Expreso del Cobaya

Megan McDonald
Stink y el Gran Expreso del Cobaya
When three guinea pigs from the local pet shop make a great escape, Stink Moody and his friends Webster and Sophie fly into action to find the lovely fur balls. Then, The Fantastic Three hit the road in a crazy quest to find good homes for 101 squealing, whistling, chirping, wiggly piggies. Let the Great Guinea Pig Giveaway begin!

CHF 14.93

Judy Moody va a la universidad

Megan McDonald
Judy Moody va a la universidad
Judy Moody is in a mood. Not a good mood. And definitely NOT a math mood. Her teacher thinks Judy's math skills need improving. So Judy has to start meeting with a math tutor. When Judy meets her tutora sick-awesome college student with an uber-funky sense of styleand gets a glimpse of college life, Judy's bad math-i-tude turns into a radical glad-i-tude. Time to say good-bye to Judy Moody, old skool third-grader, and say hello to Miss College!

CHF 14.93

Judy Moody se vuelve famosa!

Megan McDonald
Judy Moody se vuelve famosa!
Good moods, bad moods--Judy has a mood for every occasion. Right now she's jealous of Jessica Finch, whose picture is on the front page of the newspaper. So Judy sets off in pursuit of her own fame and fortune. But all her efforts end up making her more infamous than ever.

CHF 14.93

Judy Moody

Megan McDonald
Judy Moody
When her teacher assigns her the task of creating "Me" collages, it puts Judyand her friends in a cut-and-paste mood.

CHF 14.93