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12 Ergebnisse.


Meister, Cari / Burns, Heather
It's Snowy's birthday! Seb and Princess plan a special surprise trip to the movies. But how will they get in without anyone seeing them? And what happens when the three horses get scared in the theater? Let's just say, it could be a stinky situation!

CHF 11.90


Meister, Cari / Burns, Heather
Seb is sad. Betty, a horse from the neighboring farm moved away. Princess and Snowy try to cheer him, but nothing works. Snowy decides Seb needs an adventure. There, Seb can swim in the ocean (a dream of his), Princess (the horse who believes she's a cat) can catch fish, and Snowy can get some inspiration for his book.

CHF 11.90

Roller-coaster Ride

Meister, Cari / Burns, Heather
Roller-coaster Ride
The Three Horses are off on another zany adventure! Snowy, Princess, and Seb make plans to head to the amusement park. Snowy believes he will get great material for his book, Seb can ride the upside-down roller coaster, and Princess? Well, she heard there's a posh cat spa near the park. And how are they going to get into the Amusement park?

CHF 11.90

Clover Fields Fiasco

Meister, Cari / Burns, Heather
Clover Fields Fiasco
Princess, the horse who believes she's a cat, thinks she needs to hunt for her next meal. She quickly convinces her friends Seb and Snowy to join her on an adventure to the clover fields. And when Princess spots food, it's in a tree! Will the three horses figure out how to work together to get Princess her meal?

CHF 10.90