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Zur Kasse

57 Ergebnisse - Zeige 1 von 20.

The Virgin

The Virgin
Destruction has changed many lives, and time has proven by the youth and the fictionalization has changed the prospective and the choices of today's society as a whole. The signs of it being too late have shifted the world's direction. Facing difficult times has become a way of life as we see it when do we have the courage, to accept it, and start making choices for an irreversible change. Let's forget the struggles that come with change. Let'...

CHF 24.90

The Virgin

The Virgin
Destruction has changed many lives, and time has proven by the youth and the fictionalization has changed the prospective and the choices of today's society as a whole. The signs of it being too late have shifted the world's direction. Facing difficult times has become a way of life as we see it when do we have the courage, to accept it, and start making choices for an irreversible change. Let's forget the struggles that come with change. Let'...

CHF 11.90

Pontificale Romanum

Melchizedek, SCST Rev. Michael
Pontificale Romanum
The Pontificale Romanum is the liturgical book which contains the rites and ceremonies commonly conducted by Bishops. The edition used here was promulgated by Popes Benedict XIV and Leo XIII, and approved by the Sacred Congregation of Rites in 1895.

CHF 216.00

The Service Book of the Oriental Orthodox Vicariate

Melchizedek, (Rt. Rev. Michael
The Service Book of the Oriental Orthodox Vicariate
THIS LITURGICAL BOOK in its forth printing is to foster more ritual unity in our church. Common worship, a living element in church life, has been adapted from ancient tradition to meet the needs of the time and for Christians living in the West. It is also a continuation of the Eastern identity of our Vicariate, as well as a connection with our fellow brothers and sisters in other Christian churches of the East.

CHF 119.00

'Poetry from the cuff' Blue Zebra Agent adventures in prose

Melchizedek, Gabriel Blue
'Poetry from the cuff' Blue Zebra Agent adventures in prose
Blue Zebra Agent adventures in prose. As the agent of change and information lost his power to write his stories for the archives....he started to write his archive post in prose. The myth and machinations that turned him in to the Blue Zebra Agent. Mystical adventures in a world where myth is not acknowledged openly as a power that drives man and his society/ies. The Blue Zebra Agent tries, despite his artistic handicap, to keep writing about...

CHF 22.50

Blue Zebra Agent Chronicles

Melchizedek, Gabriel Blue
Blue Zebra Agent Chronicles
A book with adventures of the Blue Zebra Agent in the Mythical Zone. A book full of tools, knowledge and wisdom of the modern spiritual seeker-warrior and a handbook for the 2012 singularity and how to survive it. In this book i run the gamut of all experiences in many fields and paths on the illumination or enlightenment trail. It is a book in which the light wins over the darkness and christconsciousness prevails over the dark forces and its...

CHF 37.50

Orthodox Book of Prayer

Melchizedek, Rt. Rev. Michael
Orthodox Book of Prayer
Before the advent of printing, prayer books were written by hand and often richly decorated with initials and miniature illustrations telling the stories in the lives of Christ, the saints or events from the Bible. Because of the cost involved, such prayer books were usually only used by clergy, monastics or the wealthy. With the invention of the printing press, prayer books became accessible to the average lay person and have since become an ...

CHF 62.00

Sex and Love in a Covenant Marriage

Melchizedek, Mandy
Sex and Love in a Covenant Marriage
Love is SpiritualSex is FunLove is PassionateSex is EnjoymentLove GivesSex is ExploringLove is IntimacySex ExerciseLove is PleasureLove is LaugherLove is UnselfishLove is UnderstandingLove is AdventureLove is RomanceLove Protects

CHF 19.90

Yasam Ciceginin Unutulmus Sirri 2

Melchizedek, Drunvalo
Yasam Ciceginin Unutulmus Sirri 2
Tüm fiziksel formun en önemli geometrik yaraticisi Kutsal Yasam Cicegi deseni, bu kitapta, ünlü Yasam Cicegi Calisma Gruplarinin ikinci yarisi olarakdaha derinlemesine incelenmektedir. Insan bedenini orantilari, insan bilincinin ayrintilari, yildizlarin boyut ve uzakliklari, gezegenler ve aylar, hatta insanligin yaradilisi bu güzel ve ilahi desende kaynaklarini yansitmak üzere göstermektedir...Arka Kapaktan

CHF 27.90

Yasam Ciceginin Unutulmus Sirri 1

Melchizedek, Drunvalo
Yasam Ciceginin Unutulmus Sirri 1
Bir zamanlar evrendeki tüm yasam, Yasam Ciceginin -bizleri fiziksel varolusa götüren ve oran cikaran geometrik desen- yaradilisin sablonu oldugunu biliyordu. Sonra, cok yüksek bir bilinc seviyesinden karanliga düstük ve akim oldugumuzu unuttuk. Yüzyillar boyunca bu sir, dünyanin her tarafindaki kadim sanat eserlerinde ve oymalarda, ve yasamin tüm hücrelerinde kodlanmis olarak kaldi...Arka Kapaktan

CHF 27.90

Serpent of Light (16pt Large Print Edition)

Melchizedek, Drunvalo
Serpent of Light (16pt Large Print Edition)
Every 13, 000 years on Earth a sacred and secret event takes place that changes everything. Mother Earth's Kundalini energy emerges from its resting place in the planet's core and moves like a snake across the surface of our world. Once at home in ancient Lemuria, it moved to Atlantis, then to the Himalayan mountains of India and Tibet, and with every relocation changed our idea of what spiritual means. And gender. And heart. This time, with m...

CHF 41.50

Lebe im Licht deines Herzens: Geführte Meditationen für d...

Melchizedek, Drunvalo / Mitel, Daniel / Klemm, Pavlina / Sayama
Lebe im Licht deines Herzens: Geführte Meditationen für den Zugang in den heiligen Raum
GEFÜHRTE MEDITATIONEN FÜR DEN ZUGANG IN DEN HEILIGEN RAUM - VON DER EINHEITSATMUNG BIS ZUR METHODE DER HERZZENTRIERUNG »Wenn du im Herzen bist, muss nichts getan werden, um Veränderung herbeizuführen ... Es wird unwillkürlich geschehen und voller Anmut.« Die Umstellung vom Herzen auf das Gehirn, die vor Tausenden von Jahren stattfand, ist uns teuer zu stehen gekommen. Damals war das Leben aus dem Herzen unser natürlicher Seinszustand, aber du...

CHF 29.50