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75 Ergebnisse - Zeige 1 von 20.

Mijn Levens Met Lucifer, Satan, Hitler En Jezus

Michaels, Kim
Mijn Levens Met Lucifer, Satan, Hitler En Jezus
Met een boeiend persoonlijk verhaal slaagt dit boek erin om alle paradigma's waarop onze beschaving wordt gebouwd, te onderzoeken en tevens antwoord te geven op de grotere vragen van het leven met in de eerste plaats: "Waarom bestaat het kwaad op deze wereld?"Ervaar het contrast tussen het leven op natuurlijke planeten (99% van de miljarden bewoonde planeten in ons universum) en onnatuurlijke planeten met oorlogen, armoede, lijden en dood. Kom...

CHF 52.50

Ending the Era of Ideology

Michaels, Kim
Ending the Era of Ideology
This book is for experienced spiritual students who understand that we who are in embodiment must decide what we allow on earth. And it is high time for us to decide that we will no longer allow ideologies to dominate thinking on this planet. We do this by raising the collective consciousness and invoking assistance from the ascended masters, our designated spiritual teachers. You will find a series of profound teachings on the spiritual cause...

CHF 46.90

The Mystical Initiations of Power

Michaels, Kim
The Mystical Initiations of Power
The books in The Path to Self-Mastery series present a set of mystical and practical initiations designed to raise your consciousness and unlock your creative potential. Each book presents the initiations of one of the seven spiritual rays. The way to increase your creative powers and manifest the life you want is to master the creative energies of these rays.This book presents the seven initiations of the First Ray of power and will. Master M...

CHF 42.90

Freedom from Internal Spirits

Michaels, Kim
Freedom from Internal Spirits
The books in The Path to Self-Mastery series present a set of mystical and practical initiations designed to raise your consciousness and unlock your creative potential. This book is the foundation for the following books by the seven Chohans. In this book, the leader of the Chohans, the Maha Chohan, gives foundational teachings on how we use our co-creative powers to create spirits that reside in our subconscious minds. These spirits are like...

CHF 43.90

The Spiritual Liberation of Women

Michaels, Kim
The Spiritual Liberation of Women
A cascade of profound spiritual insights on women's situation and how women have a historical opportunity to turn society in a new direction. Learn why certain manipulative beings chose that women should be the inferior sex on earth and how this has impacted civilization. Learn how women can free themselves from the consequences of this manipulation and thereby also free society from the male-dominated bias that is still affecting the world, e...

CHF 45.90

Being Spiritual in an Anti-Spiritual Society

Michaels, Kim
Being Spiritual in an Anti-Spiritual Society
Millions of people see themselves as spiritual, but not religious and they have very specific needs that most societies either ignore or even put down and ridicule. In this book one such person describes with deep insight how he experienced growing up in a society that claimed to be a free democracy, but still had no tolerance for those who do not fit the standard of being either Christians or materialists.Kim Michaels has spent 44 years pursu...

CHF 44.90

Was Jesus a New Age Guru?

Michaels, Kim
Was Jesus a New Age Guru?
This book shows with disarming honesty how the dominant Christian churches have created an image of "salvation" that is in complete opposition to what Jesus actually taught. Jesus taught an inner, mystical path whereby you attain a higher state of consciousness. It is this state of consciousness that is the true "kingdom of God." The author argues that the loss of this path of initiation is the reason so many spiritual people are leaving Chris...

CHF 21.90

Ending the Era of Elitism

Michaels, Kim
Ending the Era of Elitism
This book is for experienced spiritual students who understand that we who are in embodiment must decide what we allow on earth. And it is high time for us to decide that we will no longer allow elitism to dominate life on this planet. We do this by raising the collective consciousness and invoking assistance from the ascended masters, our designated spiritual teachers.You will find a series of profound teachings on the spiritual causes behind...

CHF 47.50

Ending the Era of Fanaticism

Michaels, Kim
Ending the Era of Fanaticism
This book is for experienced spiritual students who understand that we who are in embodiment must decide what we allow on earth. And it is high time for us to decide that we will no longer allow fanaticism to dominate thinking on this planet. We do this by raising the collective consciousness and invoking assistance from the ascended masters, our designated spiritual teachers.You will find a series of profound teachings on the spiritual causes...

CHF 46.50

Ending the Era of Dictatorships

Michaels, Kim
Ending the Era of Dictatorships
This book is for experienced spiritual students who understand that we who are in embodiment must decide what we allow on earth. And it is high time for us to decide that we will no longer accept dictators on this planet. The way to go beyond the era of dictatorships is to raise the collective consciousness and to invoke assistance from the ascended masters, our designated spiritual teachers.You will find a series of profound teachings on the ...

CHF 39.90

Accepting Saint Germain's Golden Age

Michaels, Kim
Accepting Saint Germain's Golden Age
In this book Saint Germain explains that his actual vision for what is possible in his Golden Age is so far beyond what we see manifest today that most people will not be able to accept it as possible. And if people cannot accept it as a realistic possibility, it cannot be manifest. That is why this book contains both teachings and tools that will help ascended master students raise their own consciousness and make the calls to help society an...

CHF 43.90

Înv¿¿¿turile mistice ale lui Isus

Michaels, Kim
Înv¿¿¿turile mistice ale lui Isus
Înva¿aturile din aceasta carte au ajutat sute ¿i mii de oameni sa ob¿ina o apreciere mai adânca pentru înva¿aturile lui Isus despre calea mistica pe care el a predat-o acum 2000 de ani ¿i pe care o preda ¿i astazi -- pentru cei care sunt capabili sa realizeze o conexiune interioara cu el.ASTAZI MUL¿I OAMENI NU POT gasi o conexiune a inimii de durata cu Isus cel real ¿i înva¿aturile sale deoarece, dupa cum spun majoritatea bisericilor cre¿tine,...

CHF 33.90

A Spiritual Clearance for America

Michaels, Kim
A Spiritual Clearance for America
A workbook for ascended master students who want to perform a powerful spiritual clearance for America, specifically for the government apparatus in Washington, D.C. The book contains profound teachings along with practical tools for invoking a change in the government of America. You will find the following tools: Invoking a better foundation for making decisions in America Invoking an openness to new solutions to old problems Invoking an end...

CHF 33.90

Spiritual Solutions to America's Problems

Michaels, Kim
Spiritual Solutions to America's Problems
This book is for people who are open to the spiritual side of life and who realize that everything manifest in the material world is the effect of causes in the higher energetic realms. Therefore, it is possible to change material conditions by changing the causes in the non-material world. You will find a series of profound teachings on some of the deeper problems in America, plus practical tools that allow you to make a contribution to chang...

CHF 46.90

Making Peace with Being on Earth

Michaels, Kim
Making Peace with Being on Earth
This book is one of the workbook companions to the novel My Lives with Lucifer, Satan, Hitler and Jesus. The novel introduces the concept that many spiritual people have come to earth as volunteers or "avatars." We have then received deep spiritual traumas as a result of what we have experienced here. Many of us still carry these traumas with us, and it explains why we sometimes feel as if we are not making progress on the spiritual path or wh...

CHF 39.90

Fulfilling Your Highest Spiritual Potential

Michaels, Kim
Fulfilling Your Highest Spiritual Potential
This book is one of the workbook companions to the novel My Lives with Lucifer, Satan, Hitler and Jesus. The novel introduces the concept that many spiritual people have come to earth as volunteers or "avatars." We have then received deep spiritual traumas as a result of what we have experienced here. Many of us still carry these traumas with us, and it explains why we sometimes feel as if we are not making progress on the spiritual path or wh...

CHF 43.90