Suche einschränken:
Zur Kasse

5 Ergebnisse.

Community Policing

Miller, Linda (Upper Midwest Regional Community Policing Institute, Bloomington Police Department (Minnesota)) / Hess, Karen (Normandale Community College, Minnesota)
Community Policing
Teaches the basics of the policing environment, while focusing on the essential elements of success: problem solving, community/police collaboration, and partnerships. This book spotlights community policing initiatives from around the country, which shows you where peoples' hope and determination have created a path toward a better life.

CHF 165.00

Early Las Vegas

Miller, Linda Karen
Early Las Vegas
After the departure of the early Mormon settlers in 1857, early Las Vegas continued to be a watering stop for overland travelers on the Mormon Road/Old Spanish Trail. The area was mainly ranches and mines until railroad rivals eyed the Las Vegas Valley. Sen. William Clark of Montana bought the land and water rights to the former Mormon settlement from ranching pioneer Helen J. Stewart. The foundation for modern Las Vegas was laid in 1905, as a...

CHF 36.50

Populist Nationalism

Miller, Karen A. J. / Miller, Linda Karen
Populist Nationalism
An examination of the political maneuvering of William Borah and Hiram Johnson, two post-war leaders of Republican progressivism, this study analyzes efforts to prevent US entry into the League of Nations despite overwhelming support for the organization among both Democrats and Republicans.

CHF 132.00

Early Las Vegas

Miller, Linda Karen
Early Las Vegas
After the departure of the early Mormon settlers in 1857, early Las Vegas continued to be a watering stop for overland travelers on the Mormon Road/Old Spanish Trail. The area was mainly ranches and mines until railroad rivals eyed the Las Vegas Valley. Sen. William Clark of Montana bought the land and water rights to the former Mormon settlement from ranching pioneer Helen J. Stewart. The foundation for modern Las Vegas was laid in 1905, as a...

CHF 38.90