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54 Ergebnisse - Zeige 41 von 54.

L'amore in un clima freddo

Mitford, Nancy / Pareschi, S.
L'amore in un clima freddo
Uno scintillante alone di glamour e di gossip ha sempre circondato le sei celeberrime sorelle Mitford, figlie del barone Redesdale, e Nancy, la maggiore in ogni senso, ne ha trasferito sulla pagina riverberi screziati di veleno. Questa micidiale comedy of manners, ambientata tra le due guerre, mette in scena gli impossibili Montdore, di ritorno da cinque anni in India dove il conte, ricchissimo, aristocraticissimo, congenitamente stolido come ...

CHF 32.50

Non dirlo ad Alfred

Mitford, Nancy / Pareschi, S.
Non dirlo ad Alfred
Chi non fosse pago della scintillante mondanità di "L'amore in un clima freddo" potrà ora continuare a leggere le avventure di Fanny, la narratrice, che dopo averci raccontato la storia della sua bislacca e aristocratica famiglia ci parla finalmente di sé. Catapultata dalla tediosa cerchia accademica di Oxford fino all'ambasciata britannica a Parigi, dove il marito Alfred è stato inopinatamente nominato ambasciatore, Madame l'Ambassadrice ci f...

CHF 35.90

Love in a Cold Climate

Mitford, Nancy
Love in a Cold Climate
A sparkling romantic comedy that vividly evokes the lost glamour of aristocratic life in England between the wars.Polly Hampton has long been groomed for the perfect marriage by her mother, the fearsome and ambitious Lady Montdore. But Polly, with her stunning good looks and impeccable connections, is bored by the monotony of her glittering debut season in London. Having just come from India, where her father served as Viceroy, she claims to h...

CHF 21.50

The Pursuit of Love

Mitford, Nancy
The Pursuit of Love
Mitford's most enduringly popular novel, The Pursuit of Love is a classic comedy about growing up and falling in love among the privileged and eccentric.Mitford modeled her characters on her own famously unconventional family. We are introduced to the Radletts through the eyes of their cousin Fanny, who stays with them at Alconleigh, their Gloucestershire estate. Uncle Matthew is the blustering patriarch, known to hunt his children when foxes ...

CHF 24.90

La bendición

Mitford, Nancy / Busquets Tusquets, Milena
La bendición
Cuando Grace y su hijo Sigi consiguen por fin, tras la separación provocada por la guerra, reunirse con su ilustre marido, Charles-Edouard, e instalarse en Francia, no sólo Nanny tiene dificultades para adaptarse a las costumbres del nuevo país. Grace pierde pie ante las elegantísimas mujeres francesas, y se ve sorprendida por un mundo de cotilleos, amantes y complicados affairs. Pero las sorpresas no acabarán ahí, más tarde descubrirá que su ...

CHF 36.50

No se lo digas a Alfred

Mitford, Nancy / Busquets Tusquets, Milena
No se lo digas a Alfred
Cuando Alfred es nombrado embajador en París, su mujer, Fanny, se convertirá en la encargada de manejar los asuntos cotidianos de la embajada. De repente se verá alternando con la aristocracia y lo más granado de la sociedad parisina, dando cócteles y cenas, y contemplando asombrada como cada nimio detalle de su vida es aireado en los periódicos. Por si fuera poco, tendrá que mediar en los asuntos sentimentales de sus amigos y encauzar a sus i...

CHF 36.90

Amor en clima frío

Mitford, Nancy / Martínez-Lage, Miguel
Amor en clima frío
Nancy Mitford recupera en Amor en clima frío personajes y situaciones de su anterior novela, A la caza del amor. La acción se traslada en este caso a la espléndida mansión de los Hampton, hogar de Lord y Lady Montdore. Lady Montdore, brillante figura de la aristocracia de su época, está empeñada en arreglar el mejor matrimonio para su hija única, Polly, pero sus maniobras acabarán estrellándose, una tras otra, contra el aparente desinterés de ...

CHF 36.90

Don't Tell Alfred

Mitford, Nancy
Don't Tell Alfred
Fanny Wincham has lived contentedly as housewife to absent-minded Oxford don, Alfred. But then her life changes overnight when Alfred is appointed English Ambassador to Paris. When Fanny's tenderhearted secretary begins filling the embassy with rescued animals and her teenage son shows up with a rock star in tow, things get entirely out of hand.

CHF 23.90

Madame de Pompadour

Mitford, Nancy / Foreman, Amanda
Madame de Pompadour
When Madame de Pompadour became the mistress of Louis XV, no one expected her to retain his affections for long. A member of the bourgeoisie rather than an aristocrat, she was physically too cold for the carnal Bourbon king, and had so many enemies that she could not travel publicly without risking a pelting of mud and stones. History has loved her little better. Nancy Mitford's delightfully candid biography re-creates the spirit of eighteenth...

CHF 27.90