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Zur Kasse

15 Ergebnisse.

Pragmatikus pszichológia (Pragmatic Psychology Hungarian)

Mittermaier, Susanna
Pragmatikus pszichológia (Pragmatic Psychology Hungarian)
A boldogság nem arról szól, hogy normális legyél. Arról szól, hogy önmagad legyél. Az életed mekkora részét töltöd azzal, hogy próbálod megoldani a ¿gondjaidat" és a normába beilleszkedni - majd megítéled magadat, mert sosem vagy épp eléggé jó? Mi van akkor, ha a gyengének, rossznak vagy egyszer¿en ¿rültnek ítélt részeid pontosan azok, amik a teljes boldogsággal és örömmel élt élethez szükségesek? A Pragmatikus Pszichológia arra invitál, h...

CHF 33.90

Psicologia Pragmática (Portuguese)

Mittermaier, Susanna
Psicologia Pragmática (Portuguese)
Felicidade não tem a ver com ser normal. É sobre ser você. Quanto de sua vida você gasta tentando consertar seus "problemas" e se encaixar na norma - e depois se julga porque nunca é bom o suficiente? E se essas partes de você que foram apontadas como fracas, erradas ou simplesmente loucas forem exatamente o que você precisa para viver a vida plenamente com felicidade e alegria? Psicologia Pragmática o convida a ver sua vida sob uma perspectiv...

CHF 33.90

Fairytale Family

Mittermaier, Susanna
Fairytale Family
Have you ever wished your family was a fairy tale?Is your family perfect?Do you wish your family could see you for who you are? Love you?Do you wish your family could be a fairy tale? If you woke up and could see what is truly possible, how much freedom would this allow you to have?Fairytale Familyinvites you to the freedom beyond the fairytale and gives you tools to be you with your family. When family is no longer the source of worry and suf...

CHF 33.50

Märchenfamilie (German)

Mittermaier, Susanna
Märchenfamilie (German)
Hast du dir jemals gewünscht, deine Familie wäre ein Märchen?Ist deine Familie perfekt?Wünschst du dir, deine Familie könnte dich so sehen, wie du bist? Dich lieben?Wünschst du dir, deine Familie wäre ein Märchen?Wenn du aufwachen und sehen könntest, was wirklich möglich ist, wie viel Freiheit hättest du dadurch?Die Märchenfamilie lädt dich zur Freiheit jenseits des Märchens ein und gibt dir Werkzeuge, um du selbst mit deiner Familie zu sein.W...

CHF 34.50

Who is Henry? A Peacock's Tale

Mittermaier, Susanna
Who is Henry? A Peacock's Tale
Henry is different. He always has been. Convinced that there must be something wrong with him for not being like the others he started on a journey to find himself. What he found showed up totally different than he thought.

CHF 36.50

Psicología Pragmática (Pragmatic Psychology Spanish)

Mittermaier, Susanna
Psicología Pragmática (Pragmatic Psychology Spanish)
¿Cuánto de tu vida pasas tratando de arreglar tus "problemas" y encajar dentro de la norma, y después juzgándote porque nunca eres suficientemente bueno? ¿Qué tal si las partes de ti mismo que te han dicho que son débiles, equivocadas o simplemente locas son exactamente lo que necesitas para vivir plenamente con felicidad y gozo? Herramientas prácticas para ser locamente feliz te invita a ver tu vida a través de una perspectiva radicalmente di...

CHF 33.90

Pragmatic Psychology

Mittermaier, Susanna
Pragmatic Psychology
Happiness isn't about being normal.It's about being you.How much of your life do you spend trying to fix your "problems" and fit in with the norm-and then judging yourself because you are never quite good enough? What if the parts of yourself you've been told are weak, wrong, or just plain crazy are exactly what you need to live life fully with happiness and joy? Practical Tools for Being Crazy Happy invites you to see your life through a radi...

CHF 34.50

Psychologie Pragmatique - French

Mittermaier, Susanna
Psychologie Pragmatique - French
Mag. Susanna Mittermaier est psychologue clinicienne et Facilitatrice Access Consciousness. Elle cre¿e un nouveau paradigme pour la psychologie et la the¿rapie, la Psycholo- gie Pragmatique, en utilisant les outils re¿volutionnaires d'Access Consciousness.Susanna, ne¿e a¿ Vienne, en Autriche, a travaille¿ en psychiatrie en Sue¿de pendant des anne¿es et a son propre cabinet ou¿ elle traite des clients atteints de de¿pression, anxie¿te¿, bipolar...

CHF 34.50


Mittermaier, Susanna
Mag. Susanna Mittermaier ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿, Access¿¿¿¿¿¿, ¿¿¿¿¿Access¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿, ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿, ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿Susanna¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿, ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿, ¿¿, ¿¿¿¿¿, ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿, ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿, ¿¿¿, ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿, ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿, Susanna¿¿¿¿¿, ¿¿, ¿¿¿, ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿, Susanna¿¿¿¿, ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿, ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿Access¿¿¿¿

CHF 32.50

Psicologia Pragmatica - Pragmatic Psychology Italian

Mittermaier, Susanna / Andreotti, Igor
Psicologia Pragmatica - Pragmatic Psychology Italian
Mag. Susanna Mittermaier, psicologa clinica e Facilitatrice certificata di Access Consciousness(TM), sta creando un nuovo paradigma con la psicologia e con la terapia, Psicologia Pragmatica, utilizzando gli strumenti di Access Consciousness(TM).Susanna, nata a Vienna (Austria), ha lavorato per anni in psichiatria in Svezia ed esercita trattando clienti con depressione, ansia, bipolarismo, ADHD, ADD, autismo, Aspergers e altre diagnosi mentali,...

CHF 34.50

Pragmatic Psychology

Mittermaier, Susanna
Pragmatic Psychology
Practical Tools For Being Crazy Happy Everyone has at least one 'crazy' person in their life, right (even if it's ourselves!)? And there are a lot of labels and diagnoses out there - depression, anxiety, ADD, ADHD, bi-polar, schizophrenia...What if there was a different possibility with mental illness - and what if change and happiness were a totally available reality?Susanna is a clinical psychologist with an amazing capacity to facilitate wh...

CHF 34.50

Pragmatische Psychologie - Pragmatic Psychology German

Mittermaier, Susanna
Pragmatische Psychologie - Pragmatic Psychology German
Was sind psychische Krankheiten? Sind es wirklich Störungen oder verbrigt sich dahinter etwas ganz Anderes? Wie wäre es, wenn du das "Normal sein müssen" loslassen würdest und entdecken könntest wozu du wahrhaftig fähig bist? Mag. Susanna Mittermaier ist klinische Psychologin und Access Consciousness® Facilitator, die ein neues Paradigma für Psychologie und Therapie kreiert, die Pragmatische Psychologie, wofür sie die revolutionären Werkzeuge ...

CHF 30.50

Pragmatic Psychology

Mittermaier, Susanna
Pragmatic Psychology
Practical Tools For Being Crazy Happy. Everyone has at least one 'crazy' person in their life, right (even if it's ourselves!)? And there are a lot of labels and diagnoses out there - depression, anxiety, ADD, ADHD, bi-polar, schizophrenia...What if there was a different possibility with mental illness - and what if change and happiness were a totally available reality?Susanna is a clinical psychologist with an amazing capacity to facilitate w...

CHF 45.90