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Zur Kasse

17 Ergebnisse.


Morales, Casey
Ein getradeter Spieler, ein Kinderheim und eine Liebe, die allen Widrigkeiten trotzt. Der Aufstieg im Profi-Baseball ist hart. Als einer der wenigen geouteten Spieler in der Liga ist Nick Dunlaps Weg steiniger als der der meisten anderen. Mitten in der Saison wird Nick, obwohl er den besten Schlagdurchschnitt des Teams hat, ausgetauscht. Jeder weiß, dass sein , offenes Geheimnis' daran schuld ist. An seinem zweiten Tag in Columbus erklärt s...

CHF 23.90


Morales, Casey / Slattery, Carlie
From international bestselling author, Casey Morales . . . A traded player, a children's home, and a love to defy all odds. Climbing the ladder of professional baseball is hard. As one of the only openly gay players in the league, Nick Dunlap's path is rockier than most. When Nick is traded mid-season, despite a team-leading batting average, everyone knows his "open secret" is to blame. He flies to Ohio in hopes of a fresh start but finds so m...

CHF 21.50


Morales, Casey / Slattery, Carlie
Harvard University, 1941 Will Shaw and his friends are typical American students, still celebrating the end of the Depression and dreaming about a future filled with success. The war in Europe is far away and someone else's concern. Until it isn't. Compelled to do their part, Will and his best friend enlist, but Uncle Sam has other plans for these boys. Will's classes become consumed with learning German, understanding topography, and se...

CHF 21.90

Ich hore dich

Morales, Casey
Ich hore dich
Ein tauber Mann, ein Partylöwe und zwei entzückende Hunde. Was kann da schon schiefgehen? Tyler ist ein unbekümmerter Partylöwe und Mechaniker, der seinen Job, seine Freunde und seinen treuen Hund liebt. Das Letzte, an das er einen Gedanken verschwendet, ist, sich niederzulassen. Das ändert sich aber, als er Gabe kennenlernt, einen liebenswerten, schlaksigen, gehörlosen Mann mit Grübchen, der ihn auf ungeahnte Weise herausfordert. Als Tyler...

CHF 21.50

A Nashville Spicy Christmas

Morales, Casey
A Nashville Spicy Christmas
The boys are back . . . and this time they're all together! Across five novels, the men of the Nashville Spicy series formed a unique found family whose bonds of love and laughter delighted readers well beyond the borders of Music City. Now, thanks to the newly wealthy Cooper Hawk, the gang is headed on a luxurious, fun-filed holiday adventure. Come aboard with Sam & Miguel (Wrenched), Cooper & Nate (The Batter's Box), and Nick, Andre, a...

CHF 27.50

The Batter's Box

Morales, Casey
The Batter's Box
Wenn man alles riskiert, riskiert man ... alles. Nate Für mich ist ein Spiel alles, was zählt. Das ist alles, was jemals wichtig war. Ich habe immer davon geträumt, ein Trikot in der großen Liga zu tragen, seit ich das erste Mal einen Baseball in der Hand hatte. Jetzt bin ich so nah dran. In den jeweiligen unteren Ligen zu spielen, war ein Riesenspaß und ich habe viel gelernt, aber ich weiß, dass ich bereit bin für mehr. Dann erschien Coope...

CHF 21.50

Winning His Vote

Morales, Casey
Winning His Vote
Ein Wahlkampfmanager wird angeheuert, um für einen eingebildeten Kongressabgeordneten Schmutz über seinen Gegner auszugraben. Als die beiden aufeinandertreffen, geht es nicht nur politisch heiß her! Joe ist ein Wahlkampfmanager, der gerade mitgeholfen hatte, den ersten lateinamerikanischen Bürgermeister Nashvilles ins Amt zu bringen. Er genoss gerade die Euphorie des Sieges, als ihn ein Anruf der Vorsitzenden der Landespartei erreichte und ih...

CHF 21.50


Morales, Casey
Eine packende Mischung aus Liebe und Mysterium "Wrenched" ist ein fesselnder Liebesroman, der die Elemente einer klassischen Liebesgeschichte mit einem fesselnden Krimi verbindet. Mit seiner fesselnden Handlung, den sympathischen Charakteren und den Themen der Selbstfindung und der Überwindung vergangener Traumata ist dieses Buch ein Muss. In der Geschichte lernen wir Sam Prescott, einen charismatischen Mechaniker, und Miguel Nuñez, einen en...

CHF 20.90

The Batter's Box

Morales, Casey
The Batter's Box
When you swing for the fences, you risk it all . . . Nate The game is all that matters. It's all that's ever mattered. I've dreamed of wearing a big-league jersey since the first day I grasped a baseball. Now I'm so close. Playing in the minors has been a blast, but I know I'm ready. Then Cooper appeared in the tunnel one night after a game. He's unlike anyone I've ever met - all wild hair and dimples, with a passion for numbers and a ...

CHF 22.90

Raised by Wolves, The Complete Series

Morales, Casey / Slattery, Carlie
Raised by Wolves, The Complete Series
I didn't run when he kissed me. Why didn't I run? I thought we were just two friends going to see a movie. He thought it was a date. When he picked the movie Threesome, I thought it was odd. Then his arm pressed against mine. When he kissed me, I thought my heart might burst. What followed was a hilariously authentic beginning to a lifetime of love and laughter. In Raised by Wolves, you'll walk with Michael as he discovers who he is,...

CHF 39.90

I Hear You

Morales, Casey
I Hear You
I Hear You follows the journey of Tyler, a devil-may-care, party boy mechanic who loves his job, his friends, and his faithful dog, but the thought of settling down is the last thing on his mind. That all changes when he meets Gabe, an adorably dimpled, floppy haired deaf man who challenges him in ways he never imagined. As Tyler starts to fall for Gabe, he realizes his carefree lifestyle may be holding him back from true happiness. Will...

CHF 24.90


Morales, Casey / Slattery, Carlie
A woman is missing. The clock is ticking. There's no time to lose when a life hangs in the balance. Miguel We found her car. I'm good at finding things, mostly clues and criminals. I'm not used to finding things when I don't look for them. Then I met Sam. What was I looking for again? Sam I grew up on a ranch. It was easy to win over furry friends as long as I had food in my hand. When I moved to Nashville, I leaned men are a...

CHF 23.50

My Wildest Date

Morales, Casey / Slattery
My Wildest Date
Just when things couldn't get any stranger . . . . . . a hot guy walked in with a cougar cub on his shoulder. Yeah, that one caught me by surprise, too. My Wildest Date is the continuation of Michael's search to find himself and his perfect match. He fumbled out of the closet, then met an amazing guy with a pair of cute toddlers. Now he's thrown into the zoo with lions and tigers - oh, my! You'll love this story because it's giddy fu...

CHF 18.90

My Last Date

Morales, Casey / Slattery, Carley
My Last Date
After a thousand dates and hookups, I'd given up . . . . . . and then the doorbell rang. Michael was a newborn gay not too many years ago. His first date was accidental. The ones that followed were adventures. Now, in his thirties, he wonders if finding a lasting relationship is even possible. Frustrated by the internet's failure to find true love, Michael swears off dating, determined to focus on his career. Then Heath shows up at his...

CHF 21.50

My Dream Date

Morales, Casey / Slattery, Carley
My Dream Date
I never thought I'd find him online . . . . . . but the AOL gods have a sense of humor. Months after first chatting, an IM popped up from a guy I barely remembered. We started chatting and couldn't stop. When we met for coffee, we stayed for hours, but was that a spark or just the java talking? No longer a newborn gay, Michael faces the man who could steal his breath simply by walking into a room. Can this new love finally be his last?...

CHF 21.50