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17 Ergebnisse.

Marafiki wa Pela

Mpesha, Nyambura
Marafiki wa Pela
Pela anawapenda wanyama. Siku moja mvua kubwa inanyesha na kuangusha mti mkubwa nje ya nyumba yao. Asubuhi Pela anatengeneza nyumba kutokana na matawi na majani ya mti huu na kuwaalika marafiki wake - Ndege, Kuku, Paka na Mbwa. Asichokijua ni kuwa hawa marafiki hawawezi kukaa pamoja, jambo linalomhuzunisha sana.

CHF 25.50

Chura na Mjusi

Mpesha, Nyambura
Chura na Mjusi
Chura na rafiki yake wanatayarisha karamu kwa marafiki wao. Lakini tamaa yake Chura yapita kiasi. Anajaribu hila ili aile minofu yote, lakini kitendo hiki kinaishia kumtia kwenye hatari. Nini kitaendela?

CHF 24.50

Hanna na Wanyama

Mpesha, Nyambura
Hanna na Wanyama
Hanna anawathamini wanyama. Ana mbwa na paka anaowapenda. Lakini anataka wanyama zaidi. Baba yake atampa ruhusa kuwaweka? Hiki ni kitabu cha kusisimua kusoma

CHF 28.50

Sindi and Kindi See

Mpesha, Nyambura
Sindi and Kindi See
Sindi cannot see brother Kindi. They can only touch and feel one another. What will they see when their eyes open? Read to find out what happens next to Sindi and Kindi.

CHF 30.50

Hare and the Princess

Mpesha, Nyambura
Hare and the Princess
The Princess wants to be married by a clever, wise person. The test is that he should be able to drink hot boiling water. Many men, young and old, rich and poor, try their luck but cannot drink the boiling water. Then comes Hare. He discovers a trick by which the water can be made cool. The Princess accepts him on account of this cleverness and marries him. This is a traditional African tale retold expertly by Nyambura Mpesha, the foremost of ...

CHF 27.90

Sindi Goes Out

Mpesha, Nyambura
Sindi Goes Out
Sindi is curious. She wants to see, touch and understand. What will she find when she steps out of the drey that she shares with her mother and brother Kindi?

CHF 25.50

Pili Pilipili

Mpesha, Nyambura
Pili Pilipili
Pili Pilipili ni paka mdaku. Hataki kuwakamata panya. Hataki kula nyama. Yake ni kula pilipili kali kila siku. Atafanywa nini aache udaku? Hiki ni kitabu cha kusisimua kusoma.

CHF 25.50

Sungura na bInti Mfalme

Mpesha, Nyambura
Sungura na bInti Mfalme
Binti mfalme anatamani kuolewa na mume mwenye busara, werevu na ushujaa. Mtihani anaotakiwa kupita ni kunywa chungu cha maji yanayochemka. Vijana wengi wanajaribu lakini wanashindwa. Mpaka Sungura anapojitokeza na kujua jinsi ya kufanya hivyo.

CHF 26.90

Kuku na Mwewe

Mpesha, Nyambura
Kuku na Mwewe
Kuku anakumbana na matatizo kadhaa ambayo yanamfanya kuishi katika hali ya wasiwasi hasa kutokana na vitisho vya Mwewe. Hiki ni kitabu cha kusisimua kusoma.

CHF 27.50

Sindi Looks Out

Mpesha, Nyambura
Sindi Looks Out
Sindi and Kindi's eyes have just opened. Sindi is anxious. What is there for her to see? This is a story that will keep the young reader curios wanting to find more.

CHF 26.90

Kamuniak and Ori

Mpesha, Nyambura
Kamuniak and Ori
Ori the baby oryx has just been born. His mother has to run away to save herself from Kamuniak the lioness. What will happen to poor Ori in the wild?

CHF 29.90

A Puppy named Trep

Mpesha, Nyambura
A Puppy named Trep
Mose has one big desire: to have a dog, the animal pet that he loves most. Then one day Daddy surprises him with a present, a puppy. Mose names the puppy Trep. What kind of puppy is Trep going to be?

CHF 32.50

Nyani Mdogo

Mpesha, Nyambura
Nyani Mdogo
¿Hii ni hadithi ya nyani mmoja mdogo ambaye aliuliza maswali mengi na kutaka kujua mambo yote ya porini. Wanyama pori ni viumbe wa kiasili, wasiofugwa wanaoishi kwa uhuru porini na wana asili ya nchi unayoishi.

CHF 27.50

A Mule called Christmas

Mpesha, Nyambura
A Mule called Christmas
Christmas is a playful mule. As we know, everyone loves happiness and he wants happiness too. All along he has been playing with school children. He now wants to play with his fellow animals. Will they accept him?

CHF 27.90

African Children's Literature

Mpesha, Nyambura
African Children's Literature
This bibliography of African Children's Literature includes 1759 titles written in English or Kiswahili and published with the African child reader as the target reader. The work is a useful tool for researchers, teachers, parents and librarians.

CHF 27.50