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23 Ergebnisse - Zeige 1 von 20.

The Power of Thoughts

Muktananda, Swami
The Power of Thoughts
Incredibly, the ingredients of a hugely successful life cost nothing at all. In fact, we mass-produce 60, 000 of them every day. These are the thoughts that our mind creates. They are responsible for the happiness and distress we experience. They are the precursors of all we do. We grapple with improving our actions, only to find our attempts undone by impure thinking.If we focus on transforming our thoughts instead, incredible results will ac...

CHF 25.90

The Self Is Already Attained

Muktananda, Swami
The Self Is Already Attained
A collection of contemplations and aphorisms by Swami Muktananda on such topics as divine love, the greatness of the human heart, and understanding thought and how the mind works.

CHF 8.50

Play of Consciousness: A Spiritual Autobiography

Muktananda, Swami / Chidvilasananda, Gurumayi / Muller-Ortega, Paul
Play of Consciousness: A Spiritual Autobiography
This best selling spiritual autobiography of Swami Muktananda tells the story of his journey to self-realization under the guidance of Bhagawan Nityananda, candidly describing his extraordinary experiences. Beginning with his spiritual initiation on August 15, 1947, and continuing through his enlightenment nine years later, this is a guide for seekers moving toward the same goal.

CHF 37.90

Mystery of the Mind

Muktananda, Swami
Mystery of the Mind
Revealing the power of letters, words, and images according to yoga, this book explains how to use this knowledge to strengthen and still the mind.

CHF 14.90

I Welcome You All with Love

Muktananda, Swami
I Welcome You All with Love
A collection of contemplations and aphorisms by Swami Muktananda on such topics as divine love, the greatness of the human heart, and understanding thought and how the mind works.

CHF 11.90

I segreti del viaggio interiore

Muktananda, Swami
I segreti del viaggio interiore
I segreti del viaggio interiore" ci conduce alla focalizzazione immediata su antiche verità. Tratta in modo succinto argomenti quali l'ego, la mente, i genitori e i figli, il matrimonio, il modo di sperimentare l'amore e di ottenere Dio senza abbandonare il mondo.

CHF 30.90

Light on the Path

Muktananda, Swami
Light on the Path
Early writings that explore such topics as the nature of grace, the guru-disciple relationship, the science of mantra, and kundalini awakening.

CHF 14.50

I Love You

Muktananda, Swami
I Love You
A collection of contemplations and aphorisms by Swami Muktananda on such topics as divine love, the greatness of the human heart, and understanding thought and how the mind works.

CHF 8.50

God Is with You

Muktananda, Swami
God Is with You
A collection of contemplations and aphorisms by Swami Muktananda on such topics as divine love, the greatness of the human heart, and understanding thought and how the mind works.

CHF 10.90

Does Death Really Exist?

Muktananda, Swami
Does Death Really Exist?
Drawing on teachings in the "Bhagavad Gita" and other classical works, this text contemplates the transition into another phase of existence, explaining how to overcome the fear of death and attain an expansive understanding of "samsara" (illusion), "karma" (destiny), and the immortality of the soul.

CHF 23.50

I Am That: The Science of Hamsa from the Vijnana Bhairava

Muktananda, Swami
I Am That: The Science of Hamsa from the Vijnana Bhairava
In this commentary on verse 24 of the Vijnana Bhairava, a classic text of the nondual Shaivism of Kashmir, Swami Muktananda teaches about the power and practice of the hamsa mantra--the mantra that arises naturally and spontaneously with the breath. Swami Muktananda reveals the mystical secrets of this form of mantra repetition and explains how, through dedicated practice, one becomes established in the unwavering experience of inner divinity....

CHF 23.50

Bhagawan Nityananda of Ganeshpuri

Muktananda, Swami
Bhagawan Nityananda of Ganeshpuri
This compilation of Swami Muktananda's talks and writings about his guru, Bhagawan Nityananda, forms an absorbing biography and loving portrait of one of the greatest spiritual masters of modern India.

CHF 27.90

Spiel des Bewusstseins

Muktananda Paramahamsa, Swami
Spiel des Bewusstseins
In den über dreißig Jahren seit seinem ersten Erscheinen ist "Spiel des Bewusstseins" zu einem klassischen Werk geworden. Es ist das Vermächtnis eines großen spirituellen Meisters. Muktananda berichtet in beispielloser Großzügigkeit von seiner spirituellen Reise. Mit großer Anschaulichkeit und noch nie dagewesener Offenheit beschreibt er seine spirituelle Einweihung, das Erwachen der verborgenen Kraft, die Kundalini Shakti genannt wird, und de...

CHF 31.50

Existiert der Tod wirklich?

Muktananda Paramahamsa, Swami
Existiert der Tod wirklich?
Was passiert mit der Seele nach dem Verlassen des Körpers? Wie wir über den Tod denken und ihm begegnen, ist im Yoga von ganz entscheidender Bedeutung. Ausgehend von Lehren der Bhagavad Gita und anderen klassischen Texten ermutigt Baba Muktananda uns, damit zu beginnen, über den Übergang in eine andere Phase der Existenz nachzusinnen. Er transzendiert das Bewusstsein von der Angst vor dem Tod zu einem erweiterten und klaren Verständnis und erl...

CHF 12.90