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3 Ergebnisse.


Nicholls, Gail F.
Who are you? Why are you here? Why did you choose this lifetime experience? Did you choose your family and friends? Does reincarnation really exist? Are our memories fact or fiction? Do we live multiple lifetimes? Have we come into this life with new skills? What does ascencion mean? Are we genetically encoded to be superhuman? What is the DNA all about? Do ETs exist within our illusion? Are we the only intelligent life on earth? Do angels rea...

CHF 79.00

The Doctor Who Refused To Die

Nicholls, Gail F
The Doctor Who Refused To Die
It was around 1996, that I met Dr. Danesh at a presentation in Auckland, NZ. To this day, Itry to remember how I got this information? But my gut feeling was to attend. Dr. Daneshwas introduced to us as he sat smiling, as the President told us his story. That was a dayI will never forget even though years ago. Later I asked if he would do a presentation atthe Naturopathic AGM, so my husband drove him to Hamilton. His amazing story alsohad Garr...

CHF 77.00

Remember Who You Are: So What Is Your Reality?

Nicholls Nd Dipclinhyp Lbl, Gail F.
Remember Who You Are: So What Is Your Reality?
This is Gail's personal journey starting of being awakened at 3 years to remember who she is. Never feeling like she fitted into society and feeling so alone! In her 40's she started to travel extensively to find out for herself, who was she, remembering past life times and one that blew her away! She discusses the DNA, what makes us who we are, and even discusses her theories on Extraterrestrials, Earth Cycles plus so much more. She prays whe...

CHF 34.50