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13 Ergebnisse.

The Khazars

Nicolle, David / Zhirohov, Mikhail / Hook, Christa
The Khazars
Fully illustrated with detailed color plates, this is a fascinating study into the armies, organization, armor, weapons, and fortifications of the Khazars. The Khazars were one of the most important Turkic peoples in European history, dominating vast areas of southeastern Europe and the western reaches of the Central Asian steppes from the 4th to the 11th centuries AD. They were also unique in that their aristocratic and military elites conver...

CHF 21.90

The Third Crusade 1191

Nicolle, David / Hook, Christa
The Third Crusade 1191
The clash between King Richard I 'The Lionheart' of England and Saladin has become legendary. Throughout the ages, military enthusiasts have been fascinated by the strategy of the resolute, heavily armed Anglo-Saxon army versus their more lightly armed opponents. Richard's inability to recapture Jerusalem was disappointing, but it proved to the crusaders that Saladin was not invincible. This book describes the struggle that has evolved into a ...

CHF 27.90

Knight Hospitaller (1)

Nicolle, David / Hook, Christa
Knight Hospitaller (1)
The Knights Hospitaller became a formidable military order in the Holy Land. This study discusses how the warrior knights were recruited and trained, and how they lived and fought. It also explores the role they played in the cultural, political and economic development of the Christian empire.

CHF 22.50

Ottoman Infantryman 1914–18

Nicolle, David / Hook, Christa
Ottoman Infantryman 1914–18
Following the Balkan Wars of 1912-1913, the Ottoman Empire undertook a massive military retraining program. Although many histories have depicted the Ottomans as a poor fighting force, this was more often due to poor leadership and logistics. This book focuses exclusively on the Ottoman infantryman in the First World War.

CHF 22.50

Knight Hospitaller (2)

Nicolle, David / Hook, Christa
Knight Hospitaller (2)
Having campaigned on land during their early existence, the Hospitallers fought mainly at sea from the turn of the 14th century. The emphasis was now on small-scale operations, rather than the crusading invasion that had so often come to grief. Having conquered Rhodes, the Order fortified it and transferred there in 1309. A period of on-off warfare with the Mamluks became full-blown conflict with the Ottomans, who captured Rhodes in 1522, forc...

CHF 22.50

Constantinople 1453

Nicolle, David / Hook, Christa
Constantinople 1453
This title details the epic four-month siege of the city of Constantinople, last vestige of the once mighty Roman and Byzantine Empires. Mehmet 'The Conqueror' led an army of 80, 000 men with a massive siege train against the city. Defending were a mere 10, 000 men under the Emperor Constantine XI. The Turkish artillery battered the ancient city walls mercilessly, levelling a large section. A gallant defence held off the massive Turkish assaul...

CHF 27.90

Manzikert 1071

Nicolle, David / Hook, Christa
Manzikert 1071
On 26 August 1071 a large Byzantine army under Emperor Romanus IV met the Saljuq Turk forces of Sultan Alp Arslan near the town of Manzikert to the far east of the Byzantine Empire. The battle ended in a decisive defeat for the Byzantine forces, with the wings of the army routing following withering Turkish arrow fire, and the centre overwhelmed, with the Byzantine emperor captured and much of his fabled Varangian guard killed. This battle is ...

CHF 27.90

The Second Crusade 1148

Nicolle, David / Hook, Christa
The Second Crusade 1148
Despite minor setbacks, Christian Europe had enjoyed success on previous Crusader campaigns. This book shows how pursuing an ambitious but politically flawed strategy against an Islamic state friendly to their Crusader neighbours, the knights of the Second Crusade suffered a crushing defeat at Damascus in 1148.

CHF 27.90

Italian Militiaman 1260–1392

Nicolle, David / Hook, Christa
Italian Militiaman 1260–1392
Medieval Italy was characterized by regular warfare among its numerous city-states, as well as internal strife within comunes as aristocratic factions fought each other for domination of the cities' governments. In this context, Italian warfare developed quickly, with the crossbow playing a key role in improving the armour technology of the Italian city militias that used them. This book traces the evolution of the Italian militiaman, providin...

CHF 22.50

The First Crusade 1096–99

Nicolle, David / Hook, Christa
The First Crusade 1096–99
To many people the crusades were the First Crusade. This work states that the first "armed pilgrimage" to the Holy Land was the only Crusade that really succeeded. It resulted in the establishment of four Crusader States in the Middle East and its repercussions can still be felt today.

CHF 27.90

The Janissaries

Nicolle, David / Hook, Christa
The Janissaries
The Janissaries comprised an elite corps in the service of the Ottoman Empire. It was composed of war captives and Christian youths pressed into service, all of whom were converted to Islam and trained under the strictest discipline. In many ways, Jannisaries reflected Ottoman society, which was itself dominated by a military elite and where there was much greater social mobility than in Europe. On top of this, the Turks looked upon Europe muc...

CHF 22.50