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19 Ergebnisse.

Armies of Ivan the Terrible

Nicolle, David / Shpakovsky, Viacheslav / McBride, Angus
Armies of Ivan the Terrible
It is generally assumed that the military reforms which propelled Russia into the modern world were due solely to the genius of Peter the Great. In fact, his reforms were built upon changes that had taken place during the previous 200 years, since the creation in 1550 of Russia's first full-time military force (the streltsi) by Ivan IV the Terrible. This account traces Russia's armies from that beginning, through the creation of paid regular r...

CHF 19.50

Armies of Medieval Russia 750–1250

Nicolle, David / McBride, Angus
Armies of Medieval Russia 750–1250
In the centuries following the first expeditions down the great rivers of northern Russia by Viking traders and adventurers, the foundations for a new state were laid. Many influences combined in this colourful culture which grew up first around the great cities of Kiev and Novgorod - Scandinavian, Finnish, Slav, steppe Turkish, Byzantine. By the time of the Mongol invasions of the 12th century the small enclaves of the old pagan Rus', tolerat...

CHF 19.50

The Armies of Islam 7th 11th Centuries

Nicolle, David / McBride, Angus
The Armies of Islam 7th 11th Centuries
During the Middle Ages, Islam was Christian Europe's only civilized and most troublesome neighbor. The Middle Ages saw almost continual strife between these two distinct cultures. By the time the Frankish Crusaders reached the Middle East at the end of the 11th century, Islam had already incorporated three major races: Arabs, Persians and Turks, each of which contributed different strengths to the armoury of Islam. This title explores the orga...

CHF 28.50

The Normans

Nicolle, David / McBride, Angus
The Normans
Despite the small geographic extent of Normandy its people played a crucial role in the history of the medieval world. Ferocity, boundless energy, cunning and a capacity for leadership were their heritage, to which modern scholars would add supreme adaptability and a simple piety. Their amazing military successes resulted from careful planning, speed of movement, decisiveness, daring and sheer ruthlessness. Added to this was a strong business ...

CHF 29.90

El Cid and the Reconquista 1050-1492

Nicolle, David / McBride, Angus
El Cid and the Reconquista 1050-1492
The very name El Cid sums up much of the special character of medieval Spanish warfare. It comes from the Arabic al sayyid, master or chieftain, and seems to have been given to Rodrigo de Vivar by his Muslim foes. But was it given in recognition of El Cid's victories against Islam in the 'Reconquista' - or because this Castilian nobleman was as content to serve beside the Muslims as to fight them? The story of the Christian conquest of the Ibe...

CHF 28.50

Arthur and the Anglo-Saxon Wars

Nicolle, David / McBride, Angus
Arthur and the Anglo-Saxon Wars
The Arthurian Age, the Celtic Twilight, the Dark Ages, the Birth of England, these are the powerfully romantic names often given to one of the most confused yet vital periods in British history. It is an era upon which rival Celtic and English nationalisms frequently fought. It was also a period of settlement, and of the sword. This absorbing volume by David Nicolle transports us to an England shrouded in mystery and beset by savage conflict, ...

CHF 28.50

Armies of the Ottoman Turks 1300-1774

Nicolle, David / McBride, Angus
Armies of the Ottoman Turks 1300-1774
The birth of the Ottoman state is shrouded in legend. Whatever the truth of its origins, the Ottomans formed an Empire which almost succeeded in bringing Christian Europe to its knees. During the last decades of the 13th century, the ambitious Osman Bey's tiny mountain state took eight frontier castles plus the Turkish town of Eskisehir. In 1299 Osman seized Yenisehir after working up the Kara Su valley. With this as its first real capital, th...

CHF 28.50

Armies of the Ottoman Empire 1775–1820

Nicolle, David / McBride, Angus
Armies of the Ottoman Empire 1775–1820
At the close of the 18th century the Ottoman Empire still had huge military potential. It was a complex structure of military provinces, autonomous regions and virtually independent 'regencies'. The Ottoman Empire had a larger population than its land could actually support which resulted in bloated cities, migration to under-populated mountainous areas, widespread banditry and piracy. It also meant that Ottoman armies had a ready pool of mili...

CHF 19.50

Attila and the Nomad Hordes

Nicolle, David / McBride, Angus
Attila and the Nomad Hordes
Of all the conquerors who swept out of Central Asia, two names stand out in European memory - Attila the Hun and Genghis Khan the Mongol. Both are remembered for massacres and devastation, yet whereas Genghis is also famous for the laws he imposed on half of Asia and for the trade which flourished under Mongol rule, Attila's notoriety seems unrelieved by positive achievements. But what was Attila's short-lived empire really like? What happened...

CHF 22.50

Italian Medieval Armies 1000–1300

Nicolle, David / McBride, Angus
Italian Medieval Armies 1000–1300
This work examines the mediaeval armies of Italy. It shows how the rise of independent city armies and those of the Papacy, the spread of naval power and the founding of Norman states in the south, all contributed to a dazzling kaleidoscope of military styles.

CHF 19.50

Medieval Russian Armies 1250–1500

Nicolle, David / Shpakovsky, Viacheslav / McBride, Angus
Medieval Russian Armies 1250–1500
After disastrous defeats at the hands of the Mongols in the 13th century, the Russian principalities became vassals of the Khans of the Golden Horde for more than 200 years, and at the same time the western princes faced the German crusaders of the Teutonic Order. Remarkably, Russia responded with a new surge of military vigour. Eventually, freedom from the 'Mongol yoke' coincided with a degree of unity around a powerful new state - Muscovy. T...

CHF 19.50

The Age of Charlemagne

Nicolle, David / McBride, Angus
The Age of Charlemagne
Most historians agree that the Carolingian Age, from the 8th to the 10th Century AD, represented one of the most important turning points in European history. It can be said with some certainty that early Carolingian military success was built on good leadership, adequate administration, and troops whose morale was almost consistently superb. It is also clear that the Carolingian army managed to adapt itself to face many and differing foes. Th...

CHF 28.50

Saladin and the Saracens

Nicolle, David / McBride, Angus
Saladin and the Saracens
Salah al Din Yusif ibn Ayyub, known to his Muslim contemporaries as al Nasi, 'The Victorious', and to an admiring Europe as Saladin, is the most famous single figure in the history of the Crusades, being even better known outside the English-speaking world than his Christian foe Richard the Lionheart. Traditionally portrayed as a quiet, deeply religious and even humble man, Saladin was a typical product of his day and his culture. This title s...

CHF 28.50

Rome's Enemies (5)

Nicolle, David / McBride, Angus
Rome's Enemies (5)
Rome's desert frontier was one where the Empire faced few dangers, for here relations were generally based on a mutual interest in trade across the frontier. Yet when Rome did clash with desert peoples, particularly those of Syria and Arabia, the mobility, fighting skills and ability to withdraw into an arid wilderness often gave the Arabs, Berbers and Sudanese an extra edge. This fascinating volume by David Nicolle explores the history and ar...

CHF 19.50

Romano-Byzantine Armies 4th–9th Centuries

Nicolle, David / McBride, Angus
Romano-Byzantine Armies 4th–9th Centuries
Although the Byzantine Empire was a continuation of the Roman Empire and faced similar military problems, its solutions were very different. In North Africa, for example, Rome's large army concentrated on securing main roads and urban centres. Byzantium's smaller army built more fortifications and took a defensive stance. The most striking characteristic of later Byzantine military thinking was, however, the theme or provincial army system, wh...

CHF 19.50

The Moors

Nicolle, David / McBride, Angus
The Moors
The high point of medieval Islamic expansion was the 700-year presence of the 'Moors' in Spain and Portugal. The Arab and Berber conquest was followed by the establishment of a richly distinct culture in Andalusia, where for a while Muslim and Christian co-operated as often as they fought. The rise and fall of successive Islamic dynasties brought new invaders, fragmentation and disunity, and the growing Christian kingdoms to the north eventual...

CHF 18.50

French Armies of the Hundred Years War

Nicolle, David / McBride, Angus
French Armies of the Hundred Years War
The fourteenth and fifteenth centuries were a time of great upheaval for medieval France. In 1328 the Capetian line came to an end. This was the trigger for the Hundred Years War (1337-1453) as successive English kings attempted to uphold their claim to the French throne. Catastrophic defeats at Crecy and Poitiers shook the French kingdom to its core. A period of respite followed under Bertrand du Guesclin, but an even more devastating assault...

CHF 19.50