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55 Ergebnisse - Zeige 1 von 20.

The Moat Around Murcheson's Eye

Niven, Larry / Pournelle, Jerry
The Moat Around Murcheson's Eye
Humankind has spent years agonizing over the deadly threat posed by the only aliens they have ever encountered, the Moties. A race divided into distinct biological forms, each serving a different function. Now the Moties are isolated - until the empire is threatened. By the authors of "Footfall".

CHF 26.90

Beowulf's Children

Niven, Larry / Pournelle, Jerry / Barnes, Steven
Beowulf's Children
BOOK TWO IN THE CLASSIC HEOROT SERIES FROM GENRE LEGENDS LARRY NIVEN, JERRY POURNELLE, AND STEVEN BARNES.Some twenty years have passed since the passengers and crew of the starship Geographic established a colony on the hostile alien world of Avalon. In that time, a new generation has grown up in the peace and serenity of the island paradise of Camelot, ignorant of the Great Grendel Wars fought between their parents and grandparents and the mo...

CHF 14.50

The Legacy of Heorot

Niven, Larry / Pournelle, Jerry / Barnes, Steven
The Legacy of Heorot
BOOK ONE IN THE CLASSIC HEOROT SERIES FROM GENRE LEGENDS LARRY NIVEN, JERRY POURNELLE, AND STEVEN BARNESSTRANGERS IN A STRANGE LAND The two hundred colonists on board the Geographic have spent a century in cold sleep to arrive here: Avalon, a lush, verdant planet light-years from Earth. They hope to establish a permanent colony, and Avalon seems the perfect place. And so they set about planting and building. But their very presence has upset t...

CHF 13.90

The Legacy of Heorot

Niven, Larry / Pournelle, Jerry / Barnes, Steven
The Legacy of Heorot
BOOK ONE IN THE CLASSIC HEOROT SERIES FROM GENRE LEGENDS LARRY NIVEN, JERRY POURNELLE, AND STEVEN BARNESSTRANGERS IN A STRANGE LAND The two hundred colonists on board the Geographic have spent a century in cold sleep to arrive here: Avalon, a lush, verdant planet light-years from Earth. They hope to establish a permanent colony, and Avalon seems the perfect place. And so they set about planting and building. But their very presence has upset t...

CHF 23.50

Starborn and Godsons

Niven, Larry / Pournelle, Jerry / Barnes, Steven
Starborn and Godsons
THE LONG-AWAITED CONCLUSION OF THE HEOROT SERIES FROM GENRE LEGENDS LARRY NIVEN, JERRY POURNELLE, AND STEVEN BARNESAvalon was thriving. The cold sleep colonists from Earth had settled on a verdant, livable world. The fast and cunning predators humans named "grendels" were under control, and the mainland outposts well established. Avalon's new mainland hydroelectric power station was nearly complete, and when on-line would compensate for the nu...

CHF 34.90

Extraterrestrial - Die Ankunft

Niven, Larry / Pournelle, Jerry
Extraterrestrial - Die Ankunft
Die ferne Zukunft. Die Menschheit hat den Sprung zu den Sternen gewagt und ein Imperium errichtet. Doch nie trafen sie auf außerirdisches Leben. Dies ändert sich, als die Crew um Captain Blaine einem sonderbaren Flugobjekt zu Hilfe eilt. Die Mission gelingt, doch das seltsame Wesen im Inneren der Sonde wird versehentlich bei der Aktion getötet. Da niemand die Folgen abschätzen kann, bleibt Blaine und seiner Crew keine andere Wahl, als die gefä...

CHF 21.50

Komet - Der Einschlag

Niven, Larry / Pournelle, Jerry
Komet - Der Einschlag
Das Ende der Zivilisation. Der Beginn einer neuen Zeit. Das öffentliche Interesse ist groß, als Amateurastronomen einen bis dahin unbekannten Kometen entdecken. Doch schon bald steht fest, dass sich das Objekt auf Kollisionskurs mit der Erde befindet. Als das Unvorstellbare geschieht und der Komet auf der Erdoberfläche einschlägt, stürzt er die Welt ins Chaos. Der Kampf um das nackte Überleben und den letzten Rest Menschlichkeit hat begonnen....

CHF 21.50