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5 Ergebnisse.

ABCs of Success for the Teen Soul - Volume 2

Nwangburuka, Okey
ABCs of Success for the Teen Soul - Volume 2
Giving our teens and early adults the positive tools, skills, and competencies they need to successfully navigate our world will help them achieve emotional well-being and general success as adult members of society. This book lays a simple foundational groundwork that hopefully bring some bearing on how they think through issues, build resiliency, interact with others, and develop healthy self-esteem. This volume attempts to continue on the f...

CHF 28.90

ABCs of Success for the Teen Soul - Volume 1

Nwangburuka, Okey
ABCs of Success for the Teen Soul - Volume 1
In every nation of the world, both developed and developing, adolescence is a unique, intriguing, and special developmental stage. Adolescents face challenges and issues such as the strong desire to be independent from the apron-strings of parents or caregivers, self-esteem, academic competencies, relationships, physiological changes in their bodies, and futuristic uncertainties. Parental lack and poverty in both hemispheres affect the navigat...

CHF 28.50

Sustaining Courage in the Face of Chronic Illness

Nwangburuka, Okey
Sustaining Courage in the Face of Chronic Illness
As long as the earth remains, seedtime and harvest shall not cease. However, between planting and harvest, from the expectation to manifestation, time and processes are involved. When one is dealing with the challenges of any chronic illness, the miracle you pray for may not be instantaneous.How do you keep faith alive even when all your senses are seemingly contrary to your hope and expectation?How do your loved ones, especially latency age k...

CHF 16.90

Eleven Life Lessons Learned from ALS

Nwangburuka, Okey
Eleven Life Lessons Learned from ALS
The diagnosis of ALS especially within the context of robustly healthy premorbid pre-diagnosis functioning strikes fear into the heart of not just the one so diagnosed but also family members, friends, colleagues, well-wishers, and acquaintances.In the ensuing months following diagnosis, the horror, torture, and anguish of experiencing one's body degenerate, the loss of function, the helplessness, the associated indignity of not being able to ...

CHF 20.90

Living with ALS

Nwangburuka, Okey
Living with ALS
This is a story of pain, agony, and torture suffered by those afflicted with ALS. It is also a story of hope, love, and inspiration. There has been a heightened awareness about this illness recently but much is left to be understood about it. There is still no cure for it. While it is a limited recollection of my personal experiences and in no way presumes to represent what every person with disease goes through, I hope this book adds a little...

CHF 16.90