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14 Ergebnisse.

Mom - I Cut My Leg

O'Neill, Dennis P
Mom - I Cut My Leg
A child's mind is like a sponge and it is always observing and learning about the world around them. When a child learns about what their body does after it experiences a minor injury, their minds and imaginations go into overdrive. All children fear what they do not understand. Teaching a child about their young body and how they immediately go into repair mode after a minor accident is truly something to behold. My use of highly colorful car...

CHF 36.90


O'Neill, Dennis P. / Illustrations, Blueberry
In some of the author's stories, the author uses the Learning Tree as a teacher. It subtly explains how the world works around them. The Learning Tree will gently show them why they must not do certain things and then strive to do others. The stories will both entertain their young imaginations and his brilliant illustrations will keep them interested. As his books and stories evolve, the Learning Tree will become a major focus in the series.

CHF 17.90

Healing Spirit

O'Neill, Dennis
Healing Spirit
Diese Musik nimmt dich mit auf eine Reise zur Entdeckung deines Selbst, der Liebe, Ganzheit und Heilung. Die genialen Klangkompositionen sind wie Feuer, welches dein Seele berührt und dein inneres Licht aktiviert. Du wirst angehoben und fühlst die Kraft der Liebe. Das Symbol der Liebe ist Musik. "Healing Spirit" ist diese Musik.

CHF 28.50

Healing Spirit

O'Neill, Dennis
Healing Spirit
Klare, wundervolle und herzberührende Melodien werden getragen von sanft fließenden Rhythmen und sphärischen Klangfedern, welche ein Gefühl der Leichtigkeit und des Angehobenseins aufkommen lassen. Eingewebt sind Naturklänge wie Meeresrauschen, die zusammen mit den melodischen Klängen der Gitarre, Flöte und Violine eine entspannende Wirkung verbreiten. Die einzelnen Musikstücke sind je knapp eine Viertelstunde lang. Sich einander in Struktur ...

CHF 28.50


O'Neill, Dennis
Schalte ab, spüre die Naturgewalt und fülle dich mit der powervollen Energie des Meeres auf! Diese hawaiianischen Wellen - atemberaubend kraftvoll und heilsam - wurden mit der Kunstkopf-Technologie aufgenommen, wodurch die bestklingendste Aufnahme dieses Naturgeräusches entstanden ist. Heilsame Subliminal-Botschaften machen diese CD einmalig. Subliminals sind positive kraftvolle Affirmationen, die mit einer ganz bestimmten Frequenz eingewoben...

CHF 28.50


O'Neill, Dennis / Daum, Norbert / TARENA & Friends
Diese sphärischen Klänge öffnen jenen Raum in dir, durch den du mehr und mehr mit deinen eigenen Gefühlen in Kontakt treten kannst. Sie führen dich zu deinem eigenen Entwicklungs- und Heilungsprozess und bringen dich in eine körperliche wie auch seelische Balance. Die Musik eignet sich hervorragend zum Relaxen und zur Meditation. Lass die Welt für kurze Zeit hinter dir und tauche ein in die göttliche Frequenz. Öffne dich für den heiligen Raum ...

CHF 28.50

Passionate Holiness

O'Neill, Dennis
Passionate Holiness
Archbishop Desmond Tutu of Cape Town once said with regard to South Africa's apartheid policy, "One of the ways of helping to destroy a people is to tell them that they don't have a history, that they have no roots." More recently, he described homophobic discrimination as "totally unacceptable and unjust as apartheid ever was." Unfortunately, it has been particularly difficult for some gay, lesbian, bisexual, and trans-gendered Christians to ...

CHF 71.00

Democracy and Cultural Diversity

O'Neill, Michael (Department of Politics, Department of Politics, Nottingham Trent University) / Austin, Dennis (Institute for Development, Institute for Development, University of Manchester)
Democracy and Cultural Diversity
This book is a study of how some of the world's leading democratic states have responded to the challenge of territorial or sub-national movements seeking to increase the salience of cultural differences - ethnic, linguistic and regional identity - on the national agenda. International experts explore the various ways that cultural differences have acquired political significance and how these are managed by democratic states in every region o...

CHF 26.90

Relics in the Shrine of All Saints at St. Martha of Betha...

O'Neill, Fr. Dennis B.
Relics in the Shrine of All Saints at St. Martha of Bethany Church in Morton Grove, Illinois
A relic can be anything from the past that has survived to the present. In some branches of the Christian Church, relics are more specifically either the bodily remains of the saints or their clothing, items they used, things they touched or which were touched to their remains, or things associated with the life of Christ or of his blessed mother. Throughout history, many people have venerated holy relics because the saints' bodies were temple...

CHF 71.00

The Sparkman Incident

O'Neill, Dennis
The Sparkman Incident
Who hasn't looked up into the night sky at the millions of glowing distant stars and wondered whether we humans are really alone in the universe. For some, the answer to this question evokes an empathic yes, but to many more of us, the answer to this question is not quite so simple. To this select group of people, their minds and imaginations can only see the endless possibilities of intelligent life existing somewhere out there amongst the st...

CHF 56.50

The Sparkman Incident

O'Neill, Dennis
The Sparkman Incident
Who hasn't looked up into the night sky at the millions of glowing distant stars and wondered whether humans are really alone in the universe. For some, the answer to this question evokes an empathic yes, but to many more, the answer is not so simple.

CHF 42.50