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5 Ergebnisse.


Ofcansky, Thomas P
This book provides an overview of Uganda, a country that represents the hope and despair of modern Africa. It deals with a brief examination of the factors and themes that have influenced Uganda's historical development, focusing mainly on the postindependence period.

CHF 190.00


OfCansky, Thomas P.
This is a revealing and beautiful new look at the history and future of game preservation in East Africa, enlivened with large-format photographs and maps. Paradise Lost focuses on the development of policies affecting and influencing the creation of game reserves and the preservation of flora and fauna in East Africa from the time of colonial rule to the present.

CHF 39.50


Ofcansky, Thomas P
Once the "Pearl of Africa, " during the postcolonial era Uganda became one of the most brutal and violent nations in the region. This broad survey examines the political, economic, and social factors that have shaped Uganda, including historical cleavages along ethnic and religious lines, the impact of British colonial rule, and the emergence of the independence movement after World War II. The author analyzes the collapse and decay of Ugandan...

CHF 64.00

Historical Dictionary of Tanzania

Ofcansky, Thomas P / Yeager, Rodger
Historical Dictionary of Tanzania
When Tanganyika became independent in 1961, the people were elated to be finally united behind a widely backed party, and looked toward growing with a relatively promising economy. The young state then merged with Zanzibar becoming the United Republic of Tanzania, thus demonstrating to the world a rare example of African unity. Today's mood is much less euphoric thn during the heyday of early independence, but Tanzania may now be embarking on ...

CHF 201.00