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11 Ergebnisse.


Orringer, Julie
1940, France. In the middle of a devastating war, how many lives can you save?Varian Fry, a young American journalist, arrives in Marseille armed only with three thousand dollars and a list of writers, thinkers and artists he hopes to rescue - so long as the Nazis don't get to them first.With borders closing around him, Varian tries to track down those on his list, renowned artists like Marc Chagall, who cannot believe that he will ever be uns...

CHF 18.50

The Flight Portfolio

Orringer, Julie
The Flight Portfolio
Bighearted, gorgeous, historical, suspenseful, everything you want a novel to be" (-Andrew Sean Greer, Pulitzer Prize-winning author of Less), a new book inspired by the World War II story you've never heard-the real-life quest of an unlikely hero to save the lives and work of Europe's great minds from the impending Holocaust In 1940, Varian Fry traveled to Marseille carrying three thousand dollars and a list of imperiled artists and writers h...

CHF 26.50

How to Breathe Underwater

Orringer, Julie
How to Breathe Underwater
Orringer dives into the private world of childhood and immerses us in its fear and longings, but equally reminds us of those rare, exhilarating moments of victory and joy.

CHF 28.50

The Invisible Bridge

Orringer, Julie
The Invisible Bridge
Julie Orringer was born in Florida in 1973. She received the Paris Review's Discovery Prize, and her collection of stories How to Breathe Underwater was a New York Times Notable Book.

CHF 20.90

Die unsichtbare Brücke

Orringer, Julie / Fischer, Andrea
Die unsichtbare Brücke
Die Geschichte einer großen Liebe in düsteren Zeiten »Die unsichtbare Brücke« erzählt die ergreifende Geschichte der ungarisch-jüdischen Familie Lévi vor dem Hintergrund des Zweiten Weltkriegs. Paris und Budapest sind die Schauplätze dieses mitreißenden Romans, in dessen Zentrum eine außergewöhnliche, immer wieder gefährdete Liebe steht.Paris 1937: Der junge ungarische Architekturstudent András verliebt sich in die neun Jahre ältere Claire Mo...

CHF 18.50

Unter Wasser atmen

Orringer, Julie
Unter Wasser atmen
Wir müssen alle erwachsen werden »Von den Demütigungen, Grausamkeiten und Passionen der Kindheit erzählt Julie Orringer in einer prickelnden frischen Prosa. Sie ist eine Schriftstellerin mit einem großen Herzen und einem genauen Gespür für die kleinen Dinge, die in unserem Leben eine so große Bedeutung haben.« Monica Ali Es ist jener Moment, in dem das Leben einen zwingt, erwachsen zu werden. Von ihm erzählen die Geschichten der jungen amerik...

CHF 16.50

Il ponte invisibile

Orringer, Julie / Mennella, C. / Montrucchio, A.
Il ponte invisibile
András Levi è uno studente ebreo ungherese arrivato a Parigi con una borsa di studio per l'École speciale di architettura. Tutto quel che ha con sé è una misera valigia e una lettera che, a Budapest, gli hanno chiesto di recapitare a una certa Klára Morgenstern. È l'inizio, tra András e Klára, di una storia d'amore che li sosterrà entrambi, fatta di totale dedizione reciproca e della speranza cieca di un futuro insieme, contro ogni evidenza e ...

CHF 38.90

How to Breathe Underwater

Orringer, Julie
How to Breathe Underwater
A New York Times notable book and winner of The Northern California Book Award for Best Short Fiction, these nine brave, wise, and spellbinding stories make up this debut. In "When She is Old and I Am Famous" a young woman confronts the inscrutable power of her cousin's beauty. In "Note to Sixth-Grade Self" a band of popular girls exert their social power over an awkward outcast. In "Isabel Fish" fourteen-year-old Maddy learns to scuba dive in...

CHF 22.50

The Invisible Bridge

Orringer, Julie
The Invisible Bridge
Orringer's astonishing first novel is a grand love story and an epic tale of three brothers whose lives are torn apart by war. An unforgettable story of history and love, of marriage tested by disaster, of a Jewish family's struggle against annihilation, and of the dangerous power of art in a time of war.

CHF 31.90

The Invisible Bridge

Orringer, Julie
The Invisible Bridge
Paris, 1937. Andras Lévi, a Hungarian-Jewish architecture student, arrives from Budapest with a scholarship, a single suitcase, and a mysterious letter he promised to deliver. But when he falls into a complicated relationship with the letter's recipient, he becomes privy to a secret that will alter the course of his-and his family's-history. From the small Hungarian town of Konyár to the grand opera houses of Budapest and Paris, from the despa...

CHF 25.90