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Orwell, George
As literary political fiction, 1984 is considered a classic novel of the social science fiction subgenre. Since its publication in 1949, many of its terms and concepts, such as Big Brother, doublethink, thoughtcrime, Newspeak, and Memory hole, have become contemporary vernacular. In addition, the novel popularised the adjective Orwellian, which refers to lies, surveillance, and manipulation of the past in the service of a totalitarian agenda. ...

CHF 33.90


Orwell, George
As literary political fiction, 1984 is considered a classic novel of the social science fiction subgenre. Since its publication in 1949, many of its terms and concepts, such as Big Brother, doublethink, thoughtcrime, Newspeak, and Memory hole, have become contemporary vernacular. In addition, the novel popularised the adjective Orwellian, which refers to lies, surveillance, and manipulation of the past in the service of a totalitarian agenda. ...

CHF 25.50

Down & out in Paris and London

Orwell, George
Down & out in Paris and London
Orwell is well-known for his novels: 1984 and a satire, Animal Farm. Down and Out in Paris and London is his memoir where he pens down his life as a penniless writer in two cities: Paris and England. Through his beautiful phrases, meticulous, honest, and vivid experiences of searching for work and spending nights on benches, he blends the testimonies of others of his kind on the streets of London and Paris. The book both illuminates the huge c...

CHF 26.50

Animal Farm (Warbler Classics Illustrated Edition)

Orwell, George
Animal Farm (Warbler Classics Illustrated Edition)
Animal Farm, George Orwell's satirical political fable, tells the story of a group of barnyard animals who overthrow their human masters in hopes of fashioning for themselves an egalitarian society. As their rebellion germinates and eventually fails in slow motion, Orwell draws deliberate parallels to events leading up to the Russian Revolution of 1917 and the Stalinist era of the former Soviet Union. Animal Farm is considered one of Orwell's ...

CHF 12.90


Orwell, George
Özgürlük, iki arti iki dört eder diyebilmektir. Eger buna izin verilirse, gerisi gelir.Sene 1984. Her hareketi izleyen tele-ekranlarin ve her düsünceyi okuyabilen totaliter düzenin devri... Yillarca süren savaslarin sonunda dünya üc büyük devletin elinde. Okyanusya vatandasi Winston Smith, insanligin baskiyla kontrol altinda tutuldugu, cocuklarin ailesini bile ihbar ettigi bir korku toplumunda yasayan uyumsuz biridir. Bu uyumsuzluk onu sorgula...

CHF 15.50

Warum ich schreibe. Die großen Essays

Orwell, George / Holtsch, Heike
Warum ich schreibe. Die großen Essays
»Mein größtes Ziel war es, aus dem politischen Schreiben eine Kunst zu machen.« Nicht nur mit seinen großen Parabeln 1984 und Farm der Tiere ist George Orwell dies gelungen. Auch seine klaren, klugen Essays sind herausragende Beispiele dafür, was passiert, wenn sich schriftstellerisches Talent mit politischem Scharfsinn mischt. Die erbarmungslose Ehrlichkeit, auch im politisch Heiklen, macht seine Essays zu einer zeitlos spannenden Lektüre. Wa...

CHF 11.90

Papazin Kizi

Orwell, George
Papazin Kizi
Su an elinizde tuttugunuz bu kitap, George Orwellin ilk kitabidir ve onu tiksindiren düskün bir kibarligi betimler.Babasinin huysuz ve bencil karakterine bir de parasizlik eklenince, Dorothynin kölelik hayati, cinsellik korkusuna ve ilerleyen yasina ragmen bekar bir hayat sürmesine sebep olur. Birkac talihsiz tesadüf sonucu, Dorothynin yaslica bir özgür düsünürle kayboldugu haberi, Dogu Anglikan papaz evinde büyük bir skandal yaratir. Kent cev...

CHF 15.50

Animal Farm

Orwell, George
Animal Farm
All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.Drunken Mr Jones of Manor Farm has neglected his livestock for too long. In a burst of insurgent fervour they rise up and he is deposed, with the pigs taking charge of the newly named Animal Farm. Everything runs smoothly, productivity soars, and all animals are well-fed and happy.But the further away the memory of the revolution, the more distant seem its idealsand when Boxer ...

CHF 15.50


Orwell, George
1984, is a dystopian social science fiction novel by English novelist George Orwell. It was published on 8 June 1949 by Secker &Warburg as Orwells ninth and final book completed in his lifetime. Thematically, Nineteen Eighty-Four centres on the consequences oftotalitarianism, mass surveillance, and repressive regimentation of persons and behaviours within society. Orwell, himself a democraticsocialist, modelled the authoritarian government in ...

CHF 18.50


Orwell, George / Heibert, Frank
George Orwells großer dystopischer Klassiker in meisterhafter Neuübersetzung 1948 beendete George Orwell nach dreijähriger Arbeit seinen letzten Roman, der ihn weltberühmt machen sollte: »1984« schildert eine Welt, in der ein totalitärer Überwachungsstaat das Leben der Menschen bis ins Letzte bestimmt. Was Orwell, neben der sowjetischen Realität, noch als bedrohliche Perspektive sah, ist heute längst Wirklichkeit geworden, wenngleich es nicht...

CHF 22.50


Orwell, George / Strümpel, Jan
London, 1984: Winston Smith, Geschichtsfälscher im Staatsdienst, verliebt sich in die schöne und geheimnisvolle Julia. Gemeinsam beginnen sie, die totalitäre Welt infrage zu stellen, als Teil derer sie bisher funktioniert haben. Doch bereits ihre Gedanken sind Verbrechen, und der Große Bruder richtet seinen stets wachsamen Blick auf jeden potenziellen Dissidenten. George Orwells Vision eines totalitären Staats, in dem Cyberüberwachung, Geschic...

CHF 14.50

Acsin Aspidistralar

Orwell, George
Acsin Aspidistralar
Ve simdi sadakat, umut ve paraya adanma zamani ama para bunlardan acik ara en önde olanidir.Beceriksiz sair ve otuz dörde, kirk üc ebatlarinda Farelerin yazari Gordon Comstock, güzelim isinden ayrilir ve onu sonucsuz hamlelerle fukaraliga sürükleyecek uzun bir yola cikar, tüm bunlari yaparken de akli basindadir. Ona göre, bir bariyer ya da set ruhsal ölümün temsilcisi olan aspidistradan cok daha asildir.Ama aspidistra, kilic gibi yapraklari il...

CHF 14.50


Orwell, George
Bir insan digerinin üzerinde nasil güc kurar Winston Winston düsündü. Ona aci cektirerek.Hayatinda bir kez olsa bile bu erdem duvarini yikmayi, sevilmekten daha cok istiyordu.Aptallik, zeka kadar gerekliydi ve edinilmesi en az onun kadar zordu.Günlük tutmak yasak degildi. Ama tespit edilirse, günlük tutmanin, ölüm cezasina veya zorunlu calismakampinda en az yirmi bes yil calisma cezasina sebebiyet verecek bir eylem oldugu acikti.1984 derin, ür...

CHF 15.50

Hayvan Ciftligi

Orwell, George
Hayvan Ciftligi
Bütün hayvanlar esittir ama bazilari daha esittir.Hayatlari boyunca köle olarak yasayan hayvanlar, nihayet kendi kendilerinin efendileri olmaya karar verip isyan bayragini cekerek insanlari alt ederler. Artik düsledikleri dünyayi yaratma sansi onlardadir. Fakat kendi kendilerine yetecekleri adil bir sistem kurma hayalleriyle ciktiklari bu yolda insanlarin hatalarini tekrarlamaktan ve yozlasmadan kacamayacaklardir.Orwell bu unutulmaz eserinde o...

CHF 14.50


Orwell, George
George Orwellin korkunc bir bakis acisiyla totaliter rejimi betimledigi bu kitap, basildigi tarihten itibaren, insan özgürlügü konusunda bir mihenk tasi olmustur ve dünya capinda en fazla okunan kitaplardan biridir.Partinin yönetiminde, Büyük Biraderin izleyen bakislarinin kontrolünde ve Düsünce Polisinin ceza tehditleri ile kimse bu distopik dünyada özgür degildir. Ama Gercek Bakanliginin ofisindeki sakli bölmesinde, Winston Smith özgür olmak...

CHF 14.50

Hayvan Ciftligi

Orwell, George
Hayvan Ciftligi
Su insan üretmeden tüketen tek yaratiktir. Ne süt verir, ne yumurtlar. Sabani cekecek gücü yoktur, tavsanikendi basina avlamaktan aciz. Ama yine de tüm hayvanlarin efendisidir.TÜM HAYVANLAR ESITTIR AMA BAZI HAYVANLAR DIERLERINDEN DAHA ESITTIR., Aclik, zorluk ve hayal kirikliklarinin bu hayatin degismez kanunu oldugunu söylüyordu.Insanlarla savasinizda ona benzememeye dikkat edinÖzgürlük hic bir sey degilse, insanlara isitmek istemediklerini sö...

CHF 14.50