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856 Ergebnisse - Zeige 441 von 460.

Animal Farm

Orwell, George
Animal Farm
The animals of Manor Farm live hard, miserable lives under their master, the cruel Mr Jones. But when his drunken neglect becomes too much to bear, they rise up and claim the farm as their own.The plan is to create a new community where all animals can be equal, free and happy, but things soon go horribly wrong. A sinister group betray the ideals of the Rebellion and it seems that one terrible bully has been replaced with others who may be eve...

CHF 16.50


Orwell, George / Ruta, Angelo
If there is no word for freedom, how can anyone be free? Winston Smith lives in a nightmare world where the Thought Police spy on everyone and children are taught to betray their parents. Even the smallest sign of disagreement with the Party results in torture, imprisonment, or death. Big Brother oversees everything - but who is he?

CHF 12.90

Animal Farm

Orwell, George / Ruta, Angelo
Animal Farm
All the animals were looking forward to the new, happy lives they would lead when Mr Jones's rule over them came to an end. When the animals get rid of Mr Jones and take over the farm, they are excited by their new freedom. But can they run the farm with tools that are designed for humans?

CHF 12.90

Animal Farm

Orwell, George / Ruta, Angelo
Animal Farm
All the animals were looking forward to the new, happy lives they would lead when Mr Jones's rule over them came to an end. When the animals get rid of Mr Jones and take over the farm, they are excited by their new freedom. But can they run the farm with tools that are designed for humans?

CHF 14.50

Nineteen Eighty-Four

Orwell, George / Ruta, Angelo
Nineteen Eighty-Four
If there is no word for freedom, how can anyone be free? Winston Smith lives in a nightmare world where the Thought Police spy on everyone and children are taught to betray their parents. Even the smallest sign of disagreement with the Party results in torture, imprisonment, or death. Big Brother oversees everything - but who is he?

CHF 14.90

Animal Farm

Orwell, George
Animal Farm
George Orwell wrote Animal Farm as a scathing satire of the Soviet Union under Stalin. Today, it remains a powerful fable about the nature of tyranny and corruption which applies for all ages.

CHF 7.90

Nineteen Eighty-Four

Orwell, George
Nineteen Eighty-Four
The Thought Police, Doublethink, Newspeak, Big Brother - '1984' itself: these terms have moved from the world of fiction into our everyday lives. They are central to our thinking about freedom and its suppression, yet they were created by George Orwell in 1949 as he conjured his dystopian vision of a world where totalitarian power is absolute.

CHF 7.90

Farm der Tiere

Orwell, George / Wolff, Lutz-W. / Herbst, Christoph Maria
Farm der Tiere
Die wirkmächtigste politische Fabel der Literaturgeschichte - gelesen von Christoph Maria HerbstDie Tiere auf dem Hof des Säufers Mr. Jones leiden unter seinem gewalttätigen Regiment. Aber genug ist genug! Die intelligenten Schweine arbeiten ein Programm für die Befreiung vom menschlichen Unterdrücker aus. Die Rebellion ist erfolgreich. Doch selbst die, die sich aus der Unterdrückung befreien, können zu Unterdrückern werden - und bald schon le...

CHF 27.90


Orwell, George / Wolff, Lutz-W. / Herbst, Christoph Maria
Orwells visionäres Meisterwerk - meisterhaft gelesen von Christoph Maria Herbst!Als Mitarbeiter des Ministeriums für Wahrheit verbringt Winston Smith seine Tage damit, die Geschichte zugunsten der regierenden Partei umzuschreiben. Aber in seinem Inneren wächst ein Widerstand gegen das totalitäre System, in dem das Leben aufs Strengste reguliert und überwacht wird. Als Winston sich verbotenerweise verliebt, erfährt er, was der Wunsch nach Freih...

CHF 33.50


Orwell, George / Bonné, Mirko / Haefs, Gisbert
«Orwell told the truth.» Christopher HitchensWinston Smith ist Mitarbeiter im Ministerium der Wahrheit. Der Held von «1984» macht zwei entscheidende Fehler: Er verliebt sich in seine Kollegin Julia, und er vertraut sich seinem Vorgesetzten an. Das ist im Weltreich Ozeanien Selbstmord. Orwell, laut «Observer» der größte Schriftsteller des 20. Jahrhunderts, gelang mit seiner beklemmenden Vision einer Staatsdiktatur, die kein Privatleben duldet, ...

CHF 30.50

Farm der Tiere

Orwell, George / Menasse, Eva / Blumenbach, Ulrich
Farm der Tiere
Die Revolution frisst ihre Küken!«Kein Tier soll seinesgleichen je tyrannisieren. Schwach oder stark, schlau oder schlicht, wir sind alle Brüder. Kein Tier soll je ein anderes töten. Alle Tiere sind gleich.» So Old Major, der preisgekrönte Middle-White-Eber. Doch allen guten Absichten zum Trotz kommt alles anders. Auf der Farm, wo die Tiere in Gleichheit und wechselseitigem Respekt zusammenleben wollten, herrscht bald Ungleichheit, Ausbeutung ...

CHF 25.50

Nineteen Eighty-Four

Orwell, George / Bradford, Richard
Nineteen Eighty-Four
With a new introduction by Professor Richard Bradford, this is a timely, essential edition. Orwell's prescient text is a warning of a world walking into a dystopian future. 'Big Brother', 'newspeak' and 'thoughtcrimes' are central to the author's demonstration of autocratic control, and offer a startling relevance for today.

CHF 15.50

Animal Farm

Orwell, George / Sutherland, John
Animal Farm
With a new introduction by Professor John Sutherland, this edition takes a fresh look at one of the great works of the twentieth century. Animal Farm is a moral animal fable written to highlight the weakness of humankind, and satirize the rule of Stalin, whose rise through revolution ended in totalitarianism. Peppered with slogans such as 'All Animals Are Equal', Orwell undermines the dark treachery of the pigs with a simple economy of style a...

CHF 14.90

George Orwell Visions of Dystopia

Orwell, George / Bradford, Richard / Taylor, D.J.
George Orwell Visions of Dystopia
Orwell is most well-known for his two famous novels Nineteen Eighty-Four and Animal Farm, but their dystopian vision was informed by observations of poverty in England (Down and Out in Paris' and London and Road to Wigan Pier), and disillusion with political and national events of the 1930s and 1940s. Homage to Catalonia chronicled his experience of the Spanish Civil War and formulated his revulsion against totalitarianism, highlighted in his ...

CHF 36.50

Animal Farm

Orwell, George / Mould, Chris
Animal Farm
All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others. When the animals overthrow the oppressive Mr. Jones, they think their problems are over, but in Orwell's great indictment of the Russian Revolution, they find that power corrupts and they have merely swapped one form of tyranny for another.

CHF 27.90

Animal Farm

Orwell, George
Animal Farm
When the ill-treated animals of Manor Farm rebel against their master Mr Jones and take over the farm, they believe that this means freedom and equality for all. But then a ruthless Napoleon takes control and the other animals soon realise that they are not all as equal as they thought.

CHF 12.90