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20 Ergebnisse.


Osborn, Stephanie
A lone boy, orphaned by the Nazis and imprisoned in a concentration camp. A dragon-like being, elected to the leadership of the galactic government. What do these two beings have in common? Why would they meet in one of the most war-torn regions of Earth? And what does it mean for Earth, and the galaxy?

CHF 27.50

The Bounty Game

Osborn, Stephanie
The Bounty Game
In Agent Omega's worldview, certain things simply were not possible.And the claim of this tall, imposing alien woman calling herself Myclestra, that she came from another universe, was impossible. Worse yet, Myclestra claimed to be a bounty hunter tracking an evil shape-shifting perpetrator who wielded real, powerful, world-shattering...magic. Not simple cantrips, but wizardry that could destroy a world...or a galaxy.But as terrible as her per...

CHF 27.50

Head Games

Osborn, Stephanie
Head Games
Two galaxies will go to war-if Fox can't save Chairbeing Entiyti from assassins.While Alpha One handles a Nazi zombie apocalypse, an assassin squad catches the Galactic Coalition President by surprise, leaving him at death's door. Director Fox rushes to his old friend's side, leaving Echo in charge of the Division.But when the belligerent Persis Federation arrives from the Andromeda Galaxy, the Ennead orders Alpha One on the tricky first-conta...

CHF 27.50


Osborn, Stephanie
Alpha One wants a family!Echo and Omega are working with the medlab to see if it might be possible for Omega to safely have children. Or they had been......Until Echo's old Kochavi girlfriend shows back up. She wants him back, and she'll do whatever it takes. And the Kochavi are the 'sexpots of the universe, ' after all.But what secrets is she keeping? Why do those secrets threaten all of Division One? And who are the beings on Kochav with int...

CHF 27.90

Break, Break, Houston

Osborn, Stephanie
Break, Break, Houston
If Division One can't find Omega, Echo will die.When Alpha One sets out on an emergency assignment to rescue the NASA mission to which Omega once had been assigned before it ends in catastrophe, all hell breaks loose. But galactic medicine can save Echo, even from the brink of death...Or can it?What's left of Echo's mind-after he is resuscitated-rejects his life, his love, and his friends. Devastated and distraught, a heartbroken Omega flees E...

CHF 27.50

Mega Moth

Osborn, Stephanie
Mega Moth
Who-or what-is attacking Manhattan?As Echo struggles to recover from the Cortians' ravages and Omega deals with severe PTSD, something invades the island of Manhattan, laying waste to Central Park before attacking the city from Hell's Kitchen all the way to the Upper West Side. Animals die, vehicles are destroyed, skyscraper windows are blown out, and buildings are set on fire. Worse, civilians-human and alien-are missing... or dead.Can Echo a...

CHF 27.50

Tourist Trap

Osborn, Stephanie
Tourist Trap
The Cortians are back, and they want Echo.After months of "playing target, " the heads of the Alpha Line special forces department, Alpha One-Agents Echo and Omega-finally take a very special vacation on Tiniken, the "Eden planet, " for some much-needed R&R., The pair kick back, relax, and play tourist, exploring this lovely alien world together.But when they unwittingly cross paths with a Cortian slave ring and the Cortians recognize Echo as ...

CHF 27.50

Texas Rangers

Osborn, Stephanie
Texas Rangers
It's time for Alpha One to take a vacation! Traveling to The Ranch, a field station in western Texas near the famed Pecos River, the pair relax and unwind, riding horseback, picnicking, and generally having fun... ...Until they discover a team of alien assassins sneaking across the landscape and headed to Dallas, to take out the President of the United States on a campaign junket! Meanwhile, back at Headquarters and unknown to him, Echo's estr...

CHF 27.50

Trojan Horse

Osborn, Stephanie
Trojan Horse
After returning the healer Doron to his homeworld of Edeptis, Echo takes Omega on a training run to make her a Pan-Galactic Coalition-certified starship pilot-celestial navigation, extra-vehicular activity, emergency repair, planetary surveys, you name it. And he secretly delights in seeing Omega's joy at finally fulfilling a childhood dream. But when the Cortians show on the scene, intending to take Alpha One into custody for crimes against t...

CHF 27.50

Tour de Force

Osborn, Stephanie
Tour de Force
Alpha One is participating in Omega's very first First Contact diplomatic operation. Unfortunately, it's going to split up the team-the Cortians, a race from the Sagittarius Dwarf Galaxy, have stringent requirements, and that narrows down the list of "candidate exchange students" to...Echo. ONLY Echo. PGLEIA's top Division One Agent, the man being groomed to be the next Director...and Omega's partner. A plum assignment, for the pick of the cro...

CHF 27.50

A Very UnCONventional Christmas

Osborn, Stephanie
A Very UnCONventional Christmas
It's Christmas in NYC, but for Alpha Line it's anything but a Silent Night: The Agency has a mole, leaking classified information to toy manufacturers and film producers alike, and the Agents are in danger of losing their anonymity. To complicate matters, the Prime Minister of Lambda Andromedae III, complete with entourage, has arrived to negotiate a new trade agreement with Earth. Worse, the more paranoid Division One field agents look at Ome...

CHF 27.50

A Small Medium At Large

Osborn, Stephanie
A Small Medium At Large
What if Sir Arthur Conan Doyle was right all along, and Harry Houdini really DID do his illusions, not through sleight of hand, but via noncorporeal means? More, what if he could do this because...he wasn't human?Ari Ho'd'ni, Glu'g'ik son of the Special Steward of the Royal House of Va'du'sha'a, better known to modern humans as an alien Gray from the ninth planet of Zeta Reticuli A, fled his homeworld with the rest of his family during a time ...

CHF 27.50

Alpha and Omega

Osborn, Stephanie
Alpha and Omega
Dr. Megan McAllister was already a pretty unusual human -- NASA astronaut, professional astronomer, polymath -- when she encountered the man in the black Suit that night in west Texas. What Division One Agent Echo didn't know, when he recruited her to the Agency, was that she was even more special.But he'd find out, soon enough.Stephanie Osborn, aka the Interstellar Woman of Mystery, former rocket scientist and author of acclaimed science fict...

CHF 27.50

The Cresperian Alliance

Osborn, Stephanie / Bain, Darrell
The Cresperian Alliance
As Earth becomes an interstellar species, the ramifications hit home -- literally. Alien Cresperians scattered all over Earth, enemy Snappers seeking to expand their interstellar empire in any way they can. And Sergeant Edward "Bang" Bangler finds himself in the midst of two of the biggest battles he's ever been in -- a battle for his heart, and a battle for his home.

CHF 24.90


Osborn, Stephanie
Burnout is a science fiction mystery about a Space Shuttle disaster that turns out to be no accident. As the true scope of the disaster is gradually uncovered by the principal investigators, "Crash" Murphy and Dr. Mike Anders, they find themselves running for their lives, as lovers, friends and coworkers involved in the investigation perish around them. What happened to the Shuttle? Who is responsible and why? Why is the government calling it ...

CHF 27.50