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82 Ergebnisse - Zeige 41 von 60.

Kein Wasser, kein Mond

Osho / Spohr, Joachim
Kein Wasser, kein Mond
Zehn enigmatische ZEN-GESCHICHTEN - Anekdoten, die von japanischen ZEN-MEISTERN zur Weitergabe der Lehren Buddhas eingesetzt wurden. Ähnlich der Tradition der "Haiku", sind ZEN-GESCHICHTEN eine vollendete Kunstform. Osho kommentiert sie im Licht der modernen Psychologie und seiner eigenen Bewusstseinsarbeit. So erschließt sich dem Leser mühelos die Welt des ZEN.

CHF 25.50

Worte eines Mannes ohne Worte

Osho / Müller, Hanna
Worte eines Mannes ohne Worte
Aphorismen aus der wortlosen Stille. Auch wenn Osho über Jahre unzählige Vorträge gehalten und enorm viel gesprochen hat, war er doch in der wortlosen Stille zu Hause. Deswegen gelingt es ihm besonders gut, diesen Zustand jenseits der Worte mit Worten zu beschreiben.

CHF 22.50

Jesus - Mensch und Meister

Jesus - Mensch und Meister
Jesus ist eine Revolution in der Welt der Religion. Er ist der erste arme Mann, der erklärt: "Ich bin der Sohn Gottes." Er ist der erste arme Mann, der zu erklären wagt: "Ich bin ein Prophet, ein Theerthankar, ein Avatar." Niemals zuvor war etwas Derartiges in der Geschichte der Menschheit vorgekommen. Er bahnte für viele die nach ihm kamen, den Weg. Nach ihm konnte Mohammed sich erklären und danach kam Kabir und Sena und Nanak und Dadu und Vi...

CHF 23.90


Osho Transformationskarten 60 wunderschöne Karten mit Darstellungen von Gleichnissen aus den grossen Weisheitstraditionen der Menschheit - Zen, Buddhismus, Sufismus, christliche und jüdische Mystik, Tantra und Tao - weisen uns den Weg zu dem in allen Bereichen unseres täglichen Lebens versteckten Potenzial für Wandel und Erneuerung. Osho war ein begnadeter Erzähler. Wie andere grosse spirituelle Lehrer benutzte er Parablen aus unterschiedlich...

CHF 47.50

Aspects of Meditation

Osho / Spohr, Joachim
Aspects of Meditation
Osho hat viele Meditationstechniken entwickelt, die sehr hilfreich sind. Nachzulesen im "Orangenen Buch". Dieses "Sixpack" ist jedoch einem anderen Aspekt gewidmet, den alle, die zu sehr auf Techniken erpicht sind, meist übersehen: dass Meditation grundsätzlich kein Ergebnis von Techniken ist - sondern von Erkenntnis. Das gilt nicht nur für die sogenannten alten Meditationstechniken, sondern auch für die modernen "wissenschaftlichen" Methoden....

CHF 12.90

Das Orangene Buch

Das Orangene Buch
Der Klassiker unter den Meditationsbüchern! Diese Buch ist eine Fundgrube! Unter den vielzähligen Meditationen, die in diesem Buch vorgestellt werden, ist für jeden Leser die Richtige dabei. Die oft unorthodoxen Techniken sind einzig in ihrer Originalität und Frische. Sie zeugen nicht nur von Oshos tiefen Einblicken in die menschliche Natur, sondern auch von seiner großen Kunst der Synthese der Weisheit des Ostens und der Psychologie des Westens.

CHF 17.50

Osho Zen Tarot

Osho / Padma, Ma D
Osho Zen Tarot
Dieses Tarotdeck ist wie die klassischen in Kleine und Große Arkana unterteilt, unterscheidet sich jedoch in den Bezeichnungen für die Karten, außerdem besteht es aus 79 Karten, eine Meisterkarte ist der Großen Arkana hinzugefügt. Die Karten der Großen Arkana sind mit den Ziffern von 0 - 21versehen, die Meisterkarte, das Symbol der Transzendenz, trägt keine Nummer. Die Karten symbolisieren die zentralen, archetypischen Themen der spirituellen ...

CHF 29.50

Osho Zen Tarot

Osho / Padma, Deva
Osho Zen Tarot
Dieses Set besteht aus den 79 Osho Zen Tarotkarten und dem ausführlichen Begleitbuch, zusammen in einer stabilen Stülpdeckelschachtel. Das Tarotdeck ist wie die klassischen in Kleine und Große Arkana unterteilt, unterscheidet sich jedoch in den Bezeichnungen für die Tarotkarten, außerdem besteht es aus 79 Karten, eine Meisterkarte ist der Großen Arkana hinzugefügt. Die Karten der Großen Arkana sind mit den Ziffern von 0 - 21 versehen, die Meis...

CHF 39.50

Nirvana: The Last Nightmare: Learning to Trust in Life

Osho / Osho International Foundation
Nirvana: The Last Nightmare: Learning to Trust in Life
Nirvana has become an idealized word associated with the juxtaposition of a cult rock celebrity who died before his time and a vague new age version of Eastern religion. An altered state to be hoped for, but likely unattainable, reinforcing that all too familiar uneasiness associated with never being able to have what we truly desire in life. Osho masterfully brings this internal state of tension to the surface and through the use of five beau...

CHF 21.90

Absolute Tao: Subtle Is the Way to Love, Happiness and Truth

Osho / Osho International Foundation
Absolute Tao: Subtle Is the Way to Love, Happiness and Truth
Moving beyond the usual interpretations of this classic Chinese text - that of using it as an indicator of what to do next or attempting to predict the future - Osho is using the Tao Te Ching as Lao Tzu intended: to ignite the flame of individual awareness and insight. His commentaries on these seven verses burn through every idea we may hold about ourselves until we can see with the same crystal clear light as Lao Tzu.

CHF 21.90

Born with a Question Mark in Your Heart

Osho / Osho International Foundation
Born with a Question Mark in Your Heart
Born with a Question Mark in Your Heart' continues the AUTHENTIC LIVING series by Osho with talks by the contemporary mystic during his stay in the United States. Osho says: "It is fortunate that man is born with a question mark, otherwise he would be just another species of animal." This volume is a radical questioning of traditional belief systems in religious, political, and social dimensions. Here Osho encourages readers to ask questions t...

CHF 27.90

The Path of Yoga: Discovering the Essence and Origin of Yoga

Osho / Osho International Foundation
The Path of Yoga: Discovering the Essence and Origin of Yoga
Yoga is now internationally an integral part of our health-conscious cultural landscape. It is practiced by millions for health and fitness reasons. While Yoga is seen and practiced mostly as a body exercise program, the interest in the philosophical and spiritual dimension of Yoga is growing.This book introduces us to Patanjali, the founder of ancient Yoga in India. It takes us step by step into a deeper understanding of the essence and origi...

CHF 21.90

Dang Dang Doko Dang: The Sound of the Empty Drum

Osho / Osho International Foundation
Dang Dang Doko Dang: The Sound of the Empty Drum
Osho sees Zen not as a historical spiritual tradition, but as the future of a humanity that has matured to the point that people no longer need religions controlled by "priesthoods” and based on fearful superstitions that cripple people's innate intelligence and divide them from one another. This book offers a deeper understanding of the underlying differences between Eastern and Western approaches to religion and the nature of consciousness. ...

CHF 21.90

The Magic of Self-Respect: Awakening to Your Own Awarenes...

Osho / International Foundation, Osho
The Magic of Self-Respect: Awakening to Your Own Awareness [With DVD]
So much of the experience of everyday life, says Osho in this insightful guide, is shaped by religious and social conditioning - and we are not even aware of the fact. We are constantly being pulled away from the unique nature that is our birthright. In place of that original and unique self, a false self called the "ego” is constructed that eventually gains control of our creativity, our ideas about what it means to be successful, our relatio...

CHF 29.90

The Heart Sutra: Becoming a Buddha Through Meditation

Osho / Osho International Foundation
The Heart Sutra: Becoming a Buddha Through Meditation
The Heart Sutra, originally a very short set of verses, was given in privacy. It was a message to one of Buddha's close disciples, Sariputra, and was specifically addressed to him. Over time, the Heart Sutra became one of Buddhism's core teachings. In these ten talks Osho presents the powerful message of these ancient words and brings them to a modern audience - one with different minds and needs than the original audiences of Buddha more than...

CHF 23.50

The Search: Finding Your Inner Power, Your Potential

Osho / Osho International Foundation
The Search: Finding Your Inner Power, Your Potential
The question remains -- what is life and where does the life energy come from, what is the source? An ancient Zen story symbolizes the search for the source of life. Zen master Kakuan's story of The Ten Bulls of Zen is a teaching that uses ten images, each representing a particular step on the journey of experiencing and understanding what it means to be a conscious and aware human being. Osho takes readers through this story, and its lessons ...

CHF 21.90

Words from a Man of No Words

Osho / Osho International Foundation
Words from a Man of No Words
The book offers a radically different approach to life and to seeing the world. Short excerpts from Osho are selected to inspire, to provoke, and to trigger a self-reflection that leads to change. It is easy to read but perhaps difficult to digest . . . in essence, it is a meditation book!"The truth that you will find - you will be surprised - is nowhere written, cannot be written. It is impossible to write it. It has never been uttered by any...

CHF 17.90

Last in the Evening: 365 Relaxing Moments to Enter the Ni...

Osho / Osho International Foundation
Last in the Evening: 365 Relaxing Moments to Enter the Night Consciously
Falling asleep in front of a TV screen or a computer screen as so many do these days is know to disturb sleep patterns and dreams. Whatever we do at the end of the day somehow carries through our night and sleep. We can easily understand that this is not be the most relaxing ending of a busy day.Last in the Evening gives you a different option to end your day in a more meditative way, to give you a taste and space of meditation which you can c...

CHF 21.90

First in the Morning: 365 Uplifting Moments to Start the ...

Osho / Osho International Foundation
First in the Morning: 365 Uplifting Moments to Start the Day Consciously
While many of us might start our day with emails and news, we can easily agree that this is not be the most inspirational start of a day. First in the Morning by Osho gives you a different option to start your day in a more meditative way, to give your mind a taste of meditation that carries you through the day. Here readers find short text pieces for daily meditations and inspiration to start the day. Simply start each day by reading a sugges...

CHF 21.90