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128 Ergebnisse - Zeige 41 von 60.

The Spider #33: Legions of Madness

Page, Norvell W. / Gould, John Fleming / Howitt, John Newton
The Spider #33: Legions of Madness
Never had Richard Wentworth-he who is the scourge of the Underworld in his guise of the Spider-faced such tremendous odds or been so alone in the strife! Nita, his beloved, had tried to kill him, was hopelessly insane. His faithful servant had been tortured beyond human endurance. And the Master of Madness, chief of a powerful, fiendish syndicate, was spreading his germs of mania unchecked. Who could rescue America from screaming, murderous fr...

CHF 18.90

The Spider #32: Slaves of the Dragon

Page, Norvell W. / Gould, John Fleming / Howitt, John Newton
The Spider #32: Slaves of the Dragon
White slavery, the loathsome traffic in women's bodies-and souls-was stripping America of wives, sisters and sweethearts. Richard Wentworth, valiant champion of human rights, knew that an Oriental master criminal was captaining the slavery syndicate, guessed the unspeakable purpose behind those wholesale abductions. But with Nita hopelessly lost, with G-men harrying him relentlessly, can the Spider outwit his most formidable foeman and save Am...

CHF 20.50

The Spider #31: The Cholera King

Page, Norvell W. / Gould, John Fleming / Howitt, John Newton
The Spider #31: The Cholera King
Death in its ugliest form ravaged America. An ambitious, clever madman, master of a far-flung criminal empire, spread cholera germs through every rank and class of a large and totally unsuspecting populace. Numbed by terror, the citizens fled from certain death... while the police, baffled and powerless, campaigned relentlessly against the Spider, the only man able to save the stricken and bring the Plague Master to justice!

CHF 20.50

The Spider #17: The Pain Emperor

Page, Norvell W. / Gould, John Fleming / Howitt, John Newton
The Spider #17: The Pain Emperor
In a hundred thousand homes, families sat down together at the supper table. A few hours later, those persons were dead-killed by poison in canned foods! Thousands of women used cosmetics, and acid made their faces forever hideously scarred. A master criminal, daring and clever, was ruthlessly slaughtering Americans to win immense illicit profits for himself. Only one man was powerful enough and wise enough to stop this wholesale murder-Richar...

CHF 20.50

The Spider #30: Green Globes of Death

Page, Norvell W. / Gould, John Fleming / Howitt, John Newton
The Spider #30: Green Globes of Death
Richard Wentworth-who, as the swift-killing Spider, is the scourge of the Underworld-thought the Fly was dead. But once more that most formidable enemy had arisen, pillaging, slaying wantonly, armed with a ghastly new weapon, the Green Globes of Death! Ruthless and astute, heading a gigantic criminal syndicate, the Fly was butchering innocent persons only, it seemed, to see their red blood flow. It was with flagging hope and heavy heart that t...

CHF 20.50

The Spider #29: Slaves of the Murder Syndicate

Page, Norvell W. / Gould, John Fleming / Howitt, John Newton
The Spider #29: Slaves of the Murder Syndicate
Never before had a shrewd criminal leader so successfully defied the Law-and the Spider's sure vengeance! A powerful Eastern murder syndicate, employing two deadly weapons, held America for ransom, spreading pain and terror and red destruction... Never had the Spider's struggle against the Underworld seemed so futile, for the name of Richard Wentworth was disgraced, his fortune was forfeit, and his beloved had betrayed him into the hands of th...

CHF 20.50

The Spider #28: The Mayor of Hell

Page, Norvell W. / Gould, John Fleming / Howitt, John Newton
The Spider #28: The Mayor of Hell
In that single, unguarded moment while he played his precious Stradivarius, the combined forces of the Mayor of Hell-the crooked Law and the vengeful Underworld-besieged Richard Wentworth, otherwise known as the Spider, nemesis of criminals! Mourned as dead, the Spider must start life anew, without friends or funds or hidden refuge, so that the Mayor of Hell's bloody-handed henchmen-who judge no deed too base, who respect neither man nor God-m...

CHF 20.50

The Spider #27: Emperor of the Yellow Death

Page, Norvell W. / Gould, John Fleming / Howitt, John Newton
The Spider #27: Emperor of the Yellow Death
Pitiless, astute, ambitious, yellow-skinned Wang-ba emerged from the mystic Orient to proclaim himself Emperor of America! Sight of his green face caused blood-curdling terror, his anger could be appeased only by soul-twisting agony and writhing, long-lasting death... Such was the criminal genius whom Richard Wentworth had to kill. Never before has the Spider been squeezed so tightly between the vise-jaws of the Law and the Lawless. Nor has he...

CHF 20.50

The Spider #23: Master of the Death-Madness

Page, Norvell W. / Gould, John Fleming / Howitt, John Newton
The Spider #23: Master of the Death-Madness
The madness first struck at sea! As if at a signal, young and old initiated the wild bacchanal of self-destruction! Never before had a criminal of such horrible, death-dealing genius preyed upon the American people. Never before did Richard Wentworth, who was in secret the dread Spider, combat a foeman of more deadly power. And while the Spider lay gravely wounded, his beloved, Nita went forth alone to battle for her sweetheart as only a brave...

CHF 20.50

The Spider #24: King of the Red Killers

Page, Norvell W. / Gould, John Fleming / Howitt, John Newton
The Spider #24: King of the Red Killers
Looting, maiming, slaughtering, El Gaucho launched his colossal plot to unite the Underworld-to make himself King of America! No torture was too cruel for him to employ, no deed too bloody, no life too precious, except his own. Richard Wentworth-the Spider, who exacts justice when the Law fails-realized he alone could save America from wanton butchery, in spite of the grim reward posted for his head-its own weight in the purest gold!

CHF 20.50

The Spider #19: Slaves of the Crime Master

Page, Norvell W. / Gould, John Fleming / Howitt, John Newton
The Spider #19: Slaves of the Crime Master
Never before has the Spider, Master of Men, crusader extraordinary against the Underworld, been faced with such overwhelming difficulties. A magically persuasive radio voice luring thousands of young people to crime, a scientific madman dealing germicidal death over the nation, every criminal gang in the country organized to levy toll by stark terror... How can Richard Wentworth link these facts, weave a web of retribution for the Doom Dealer?...

CHF 20.50

The Spider #22: Dragon Lord of the Underworld

Page, Norvell W. / Gould, John Fleming / Howitt, John Newton
The Spider #22: Dragon Lord of the Underworld
In the heart of New York's Chinatown, on his imperial throne, guarded by swordsmen and gunmen and a labyrinth of death traps, sat the Arch-Criminal of all time. Master of life and death, of disease, of horrible, crawling things-the Emperor of Vermin released destruction over city and nation. The Spider, Master of Men, champion of humanity, fought with every ounce of his cunning, against the monster who personified evil incarnate-while one fait...

CHF 20.50

The Spider #21: Hordes of the Red Butcher

Page, Norvell W. / Gould, John Fleming / Howitt, John Newton
The Spider #21: Hordes of the Red Butcher
In the gaunt desolation of those dark Kentucky hills, the Dixie Limited, crack flyer, stood gutted of all living passengers... The Spider, the only survivor, stood alone at that bleak scene, vowing silently, solemnly, to destroy the ambition-mad arch-criminal who had plotted this wholesale ruin. For this, and manifold like disasters, were occurring everywhere in the land-at the direction, Richard Wentworth knew, of some diabolical brain which ...

CHF 20.50

The Spider #20: Reign of the Death Fiddler

Page, Norvell W. / Gould, John Fleming / Howitt, John Newton
The Spider #20: Reign of the Death Fiddler
Exactly at eleven-thirty each Thursday night the Death Fiddler conducted his unholy orchestra in a symphony of murder which sounded the doom of some marked victim. A master of the grotesque, he held an entire city in the strangle-hold of a helpless terror, even the forces of the Law stood in shuddery, superstitious fear of this new destroyer. And then the Spider, Master of Men, modern knight-errant of mankind, rose up against him! But the Spid...

CHF 20.50

The Spider #18: The Flame Master

Page, Norvell W. / Gould, John Fleming / Howitt, John Newton
The Spider #18: The Flame Master
Richard Wentworth was playing the most dangerous game in the world-a man-hunter outside the law, a righteous lone-wolf avenger of the weak, a scourge of the evil, the wicked and the corrupt! Loathed by the organized armies of the underworld, hunted ruthlessly by the forces of the law, he was ever between two raking cross-fires... Seldom, however, had the Spider, Master of men, faced the odds which challenged him when the man called Aronk Dong ...

CHF 20.50

The Spider #16: The City Destroyer

Page, Norvell W. / Gould, John Fleming / Howitt, John Newton
The Spider #16: The City Destroyer
Thousands of busy persons bent over their desks in the tallest building in the world-conducting the commerce of the nation-when suddenly the steel girders began to creak and twist, and the gigantic edifice swayed giddily in the rising wind. Never before had criminal brains devised a more cunning or a more horrible weapon to garner their ill-gotten treasures. And never before was the Spider so strenuously put to test-for the Master, the man beh...

CHF 20.50