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Zur Kasse

11 Ergebnisse.

Technology in Sport

Page, Tom / Thorsteinsson, Gísli
Technology in Sport
Sport is a very subjective topic, people''s opinions will often differ, and therefore encourage debate, frequently resulting in disagreement and argument. Many traditionalists will declare that technology should not be introduced into sport, it should remain how it has been since its creation, played how it was designed to be played. After all, controversies make sport more interesting and ultimately part of what it is today. Others will, howe...

CHF 64.00

Sustainable Product Development or Marketing Hype?

Page, Tom / Thorsteinsson, Gísli
Sustainable Product Development or Marketing Hype?
This study explores consumer's attitudes and behaviour to the concept of sustainability within products in the bathroom industry. Scrutinising these against the actual product development and marketing which is pushing these products as green consumables. 'The possibility that sustainable development may not actually be achievable in any practical sense does not, however, make it any less important' (Walker, 2006). Even if this is true huge st...

CHF 64.00

The Relationship Between Symmetry and Appeal in Product D...

Page, Tom / Thorsteinsson, Gísli
The Relationship Between Symmetry and Appeal in Product Design?
This book investigates if there is any correlation between the symmetrical aspects of a product and their impact on the desirability of it. Research studies carried out include, a survey of 40 questionnaire participants and a focus group consisting of 6 individuals who commented upon a range of products, both symmetrical and asymmetrical. This was carried out in order to obtain reasons why people find products desirable and what it means to th...

CHF 64.00

Brand Innovation in FMCG

Page, Tom / Thorsteinsson, Gísli
Brand Innovation in FMCG
The definition of packaging is as follows: "Packaging is the science, art and technology of enclosing or protecting products for distribution, storage, sale, and use. Packaging also refers to the process of design, evaluation, and production of packages and all the development and manufacturing processes that are required to create the packaging. In order to develop consistent successful packaging within the competitive and fast moving food an...

CHF 64.00

Playful Learning

Page, Tom / Thorsteinsson, Gísli
Playful Learning
Toys and play occupy a large portion of a child's lifetime, providing a basis for a magnitude of skills and developmental stages. They can provide solitary amusement or help to facilitate a game with others. Not only are toys considered to be fun, but they can also help a child to learn new skills and progress through their younger years thus labelling them as educational.The aim of this study was to investigate the impact of toys and play on ...

CHF 64.00

Social Networking Technologies and Their Implications for...

Page, Tom / Thorsteinsson, Gísli
Social Networking Technologies and Their Implications for Commerce
With social networking sites continuing to sign up thousands of new members combined with increased popularity of online shopping due to its convenience and economic benefits, a new form of commerce is emerging. It is known as Social Commerce. This report looks at how the staggering growth of Facebook to over 600 million active members in under a decade (Carlson, 2011) has led to a social network that is now not only influencing how people com...

CHF 64.00

Electronic Product Design of Home Entertainment Systems

Page, Tom / Thorsteinsson, Gísli
Electronic Product Design of Home Entertainment Systems
This study was undertaken to determine what makes people buy the consoles they do, with particular reference to gender, and the technology and networking facilities they provide. It looks at the evolution of Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo over the past decade to establish how their console designs have developed, and what their latest 7th generation models have to offer in contrast to their competitor's offers. Research has been gathered from bo...

CHF 64.00

Electronic Product Design: A Case Study In Cellular Devic...

Page, Tom / Thorsteinsson, Gísli
Electronic Product Design: A Case Study In Cellular Device design
Information was collected in three different ways, a review of the literature, qualitative data from semi-structured interviews and quantitative questionnaires. A comprehensive review of current literature showed that usability is just as important as a technological approach for mobile phone design. It was also apparent from the literature that Nokia and Microsoft still value a user centred design approach as they continue to evolve their par...

CHF 52.50

Brand Loyalty & Product Design in Consumer Purchasing Pre...

Page, Tom / Thorsteinsson, Gísli
Brand Loyalty & Product Design in Consumer Purchasing Preferences
Brand loyalty, in marketing, consists of a consumer's commitment to repurchase or otherwise continue using the brand and can be demonstrated by repeated buying of a product or service, or other positive behaviours such as word of mouth advocacy(Dick and Basu, 1994). In this day and age, it would be almost impossible to find a consumer who does not own a single branded product. Brand loyalty could potentially be the most important factor influe...

CHF 47.50

Apple Brand or Product?

Page, Tom / Thorsteinsson, Gísli
Apple Brand or Product?
The research looks at why people purchase certain products and if factors such as age change the way in which brands and products are perceived and bought. This research question will be applied to the American electronics company Apple. Products that will be focused upon are the iPod, iPhone and MacBook. The brand of will be looked at to identify its effects on consumer purchasing, and uncover what it is that motivates potential and current c...

CHF 52.50

Product Design Considerations for Automated Manufacturing

Page, Tom / Thorsteinsson, Gísli
Product Design Considerations for Automated Manufacturing
Manufacturing industry is continuously looking for innovative means of improving their operations to meet the ever growing consumer demand, and achieve this at the lowest possible cost. This investigation explores the role that automated design and products have had in expanding the horizons for such companies. The discussions and conclusions drawn from this investigation represent the predictions for future involvement and development of auto...

CHF 64.00