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32 Ergebnisse - Zeige 1 von 20.

Grandmaster Gambits

Palliser, Richard / Williams, Simon
Grandmaster Gambits
Are you bored with playing it safe in the opening? Had enough of developing your pieces sensibly, aiming to control the centre and getting your king castled? Do you yearn to tear the opposition apart in the style of the great 19th century masters? Then Grandmaster Gambits 1 e4 is the book for you! The highly successful writing duo of Richard Palliser and Simon (GingerGM) Williams have teamed up again to create a repertoire based on jettisoning...

CHF 39.90

Eröffnungen kompakt

Palliser, Richard
Eröffnungen kompakt
Bei leichter Erlernbarkeit zählt es zu den besonderen Vorzu¿gen dieses Systems, dass es zu lebhaften Mittelspielpositionen fu¿hrt, in denen der weiße Spieler oftmals einen entscheidenden Angriff gegen den schwarzen König fu¿hren kann. Das Colle-System ist besonders unter Vertreter sind der ehemalige Weltmeisterschafts-Kandidat Artur Jussupow und der zweimalige Jugendweltmeister Shakhriyar Mamedyarov.Vereinsspielern mittlerer Spielstärke belieb...

CHF 26.90

Eröffnungen kompakt

Palliser, Richard
Eröffnungen kompakt
In diesem Buch verschafft Ihnen Richard Palliser einen umfassenden Überblick u¿ber die drei gefährlichsten Angriffskonzepte fu¿r Weiß: das Colle-Zukertort-System, den Barry- und den 150-Angriff. In den letzten Jahren wurden diese drei Eröffnungswaffen insbesondere bei Vereinsspielern immer populärer. Die Gru¿nde sind naheliegend: Sie sind einfach zu erlernen und anzuwenden, sie bringen Schwarz aus der Eröffnungstheorie und sie können alle in e...

CHF 26.90

Geheimnisse des offensiven Damenbauern

Palliser, Richard
Geheimnisse des offensiven Damenbauern
Wollen Sie mit 1.d4 angreifen? Dann sind Sie hier genau richtig! Richard Palliser analysiert drei der gefährlichsten Angriffsformationen, die Weiß mit 1. d4 zur Verfügung stehen. Insbesondere im Vereinsschach haben die oben genannten Eröffnungen beträchtlich an Bedeutung hinzugewonnen. Die Gründe dafür liegen auf der Hand: Systeme wie der "Tarzan-Angriff" im Barry bewegen sich jenseits der üblichen Theorie, sind leicht zu erlernen und ermögli...

CHF 19.90

Starting Out

Palliser, Richard
Starting Out
International Master Richard Palliser studies the Closed Sicilian in a clear-cut way introducing the crucial initial moves and ideas and taking care to explain the reasoning behind them something that is sometimes neglected or taken for granted

CHF 33.50


Palliser, Richard
International Master and renowned openings theoretician Richard Palliser presents a complete repertoire for Black against queen's pawn openings based on the dynamic and very much underrated Black Knights Tango.

CHF 28.90

Chess Developments

Palliser, Richard
Chess Developments
Chess Developments is a brand new series providing state-of-the-art openings coverage. Chess Developments focuses on the current trends concentrating on critical lines, theoretical novelties and powerful new ideas. It offers players of all levels the opportunity to keep up-to-date with current opening theory whilst also expanding and improving their repertoires. The Modern Benoni is an exciting, counter-attacking weapon against 1 d4. Black wil...

CHF 37.50

The Torre Attack

Palliser, Richard
The Torre Attack
This new series provides an ideal platform to study chess openings. By continually challenging the reader to answer probing questions throughout the book, the Move by Move format greatly encourages the learning and practising of vital skills just as much as the traditional assimilation of opening knowledge. Carefully selected questions and answers are designed to keep you actively involved and allow you to monitor your progress as you learn. T...

CHF 35.90

Starting Out

Palliser, Ricahard / Palliser, Richard
Starting Out
Starting Out: The Colle "is a further addition to Everyman's best-selling "Starting Out" series, which has been acclaimed for its original approach to tackling chess openings. International Master Richard Palliser examines the fundamentals of the Colle, elaborating on the crucial early moves and ideas for both sides in a way that is often neglected in other texts. This book is a perfect guide for improving players and those new to this opening.

CHF 31.50

Starting Out

Palliser, Richard
Starting Out
The Ruy Lopez is one of the most famous of all chess openings. It has a long and distinguished history and has been played by virtually all of the strongest Grandmasters: Fischer, Karpov, Kasparov, Kramnik, Anand ¿ the list goes on! From very early on White activates pieces, takes the initiative and sets about building a dominant centre. In this user-friendly book we go back to basics, studying the fundamental principles of the Ruy Lopez and i...

CHF 31.50

The Bb5 Sicilian

Palliser, Richard
The Bb5 Sicilian
The Bb5 Sicilian is a logical and practical weapon against Black's most popular defense to 1 e4 and is an excellent choice for White players who are fed up of constantly trying to keep abreast of the latest developments in the Open Sicilian. The early bishop move signals White intention to develop rapidly and it can lead to both wild gambit play and calmer positional waters. Significantly, this opening weapon has the seal of approval from many...

CHF 29.90

Beating Unusual Chess Openings

Palliser, Richard
Beating Unusual Chess Openings
Beating Unusual Chess Openings is a godsend to those chess players fed up with struggling against all opening moves other than White s main two: 1 e4 and 1 d4. From the respectable (English Opening, Reti and King s Indian Attack) through to the offbeat (Nimzo-Larsen Attack, Bird s Opening) and the totally bizarre (Orang-utan, Grob), everything Black needs to know about facing unusual openings is covered within these pages. Richard Palliser get...

CHF 33.90

Fighting the Anti-Sicilians

Palliser, Richard
Fighting the Anti-Sicilians
The Sicilian Defence is by far Black's most popular answer to 1 e4 at all levels of chess. The reason for this is easy to understand: from the very first move Black unbalances the position and can play for a win without needing to take unjustified risks. This is particularly the case with the Open Sicilian, where Black can take comfort from the knowledge that his superior pawn structure ensures control of the centre and excellent long-term cha...

CHF 37.50

Sicilian Najdorf

Palliser, Richard
Sicilian Najdorf
The Sicilian Najdorf is one of Black's most sharp, adventurous and popular lines against the king's pawn opening. From the very start Black directs the game into asymmetrical positions in which he or she can play for the win without unjustified risk. For this reason the Najdorf has been a firm favourite amongst the very elite of world chess, including Garry Kasparov and, before him, Bobby Fischer. What attracts such world-class players to the ...

CHF 30.50

Colle Geheimnisse

Palliser, Richard
Colle Geheimnisse
Die Colle-Eröffnung könnte Ihre Lieblingsvariante werden. Colle gilt als solides, zuverlässiges Entwicklungssystem und ist leicht zu erlernen. Als Collespieler kommen Sie zu einem spannenden Mittelspiel mit nachfolgend heftigen Angriff auf den schwarzen König. Schacheinsteiger und Klubspieler erzielten mit dem Colle-Repertoire immer wieder überraschende Erfolge gegen spielstärkere Gegner. Diese Eröffnung wird auch auf Großmeisterebene gerne ge...

CHF 30.90