Suche einschränken:
Zur Kasse

16 Ergebnisse.

Smaki Indii

Patel, Priya
Smaki Indii
Smaki Indii: Ksi¿¿ka Kucharska dla Pocz¿tkuj¿cych" zaprasza Ci¿ na pasjonuj¿c¿ podró¿ do krainy intensywnych aromatów i wyj¿tkowych smaków Indyjskiej kuchni. Ta ksi¿¿ka zostäa stworzona z sercem i wiedz¿, specjalnie dla tych, którzy pragn¿ odkrywä magi¿ indyjskiego gotowania bez trudu. Priya Patel, entuzjastka kulinariów i kultury Indyjskiej, b¿dzie Twoim przewodnikiem w tej kulinarnej wyprawie. Poprzez przyst¿pne instrukcje i jasne wyjänien...

CHF 51.50

Indiska Smaker

Patel, Priya
Indiska Smaker
Indiska Smaker: Läckra Recept från Färgstarka Kryddor och Aromer" är en kokbok skriven av författaren Priya Patel som tar dig med på en smakresa till Indiens rika och mångfaldiga kök. Denna bok är fylld med läckra och autentiska recept som låter dig utforska Indiens spännande matkultur och skapa magi i ditt eget kök. Genom att använda en mängd olika kryddor, örter och aromatiska ingredienser kan du skapa smakrika rätter som tar dina smaklöka...

CHF 53.50

I Sapori dell'India

Patel, Priya
I Sapori dell'India
Benvenuti in un viaggio culinario unico attraverso l'incantevole mondo della cucina indiana con "I Sapori dell'India" di Priya Patel. Questo libro è un inno alla ricchezza delle spezie, ai sapori avvolgenti e alle tradizioni gastronomiche che caratterizzano la cucina indiana. Priya Patel, un'appassionata cuoca indiana con radici profonde nella cultura culinaria del subcontinente, presenta una straordinaria raccolta di ricette autentiche, tra...

CHF 54.50

Sabores de la India

Patel, Priya
Sabores de la India
Embárcate en un apasionante viaje culinario a través de la India con "Sabores de la India", el último libro de cocina de la experta en gastronomía india, Priya Patel. Este libro te invita a explorar y experimentar la riqueza de sabores, especias y tradiciones culinarias de una de las cocinas más diversas y exquisitas del mundo. Priya Patel, con su profundo amor por la cocina india, ha reunido una colección extraordinaria de recetas auténtica...

CHF 51.90

De Betoverende Smaak van India 2023

Patel, Priya
De Betoverende Smaak van India 2023
In "De Betoverende Smaak van India" neemt culinair expert Priya Patel je mee op een culinaire ontdekkingsreis door de fascinerende wereld van de Indiase keuken. Met haar passie voor de rijke smaken en geurige specerijen van India, deelt Priya haar authentieke recepten om je te laten kennismaken met de betoverende smaken van dit prachtige land. Dit boek biedt een uitgebreide collectie van klassieke en eigentijdse Indiase gerechten, variërend ...

CHF 54.90

Spezie e Sapori dell'India

Patel, Priya
Spezie e Sapori dell'India
Spezie e Sapori dell'India: La Cucina Tradizionale Indiana a Portata di Mano" è il libro di ricette perfetto per chi vuole scoprire i segreti della cucina indiana. Con oltre 100 ricette autentiche, questo libro ti porterà alla scoperta dei sapori esotici dell'India, dalle spezie piccanti ai dolci fragranti. Il libro è pensato sia per chi è alle prime armi con la cucina indiana, sia per chi cerca nuove sfide e vuole sperimentare ricette più c...

CHF 55.90

De Geuren en Smaken van India

Patel, Priya
De Geuren en Smaken van India
De Geuren en Smaken van India: Een Betoverend Kookboek vol Indiase Culinaire Erfgoed" neemt je mee op een culinaire ontdekkingsreis naar de kleurrijke en geurige wereld van de Indiase keuken. Als Priya Patel deel ik mijn passie voor de rijke smaken, kruiden en specerijen die India zo uniek maken. Dit kookboek is jouw gids om authentieke Indiase meesterwerken te creëren in je eigen keuken. Laat je betoveren door de aroma's van India terwijl j...

CHF 53.50

Aroma e India 2023

Patel, Priya
Aroma e India 2023
Aroma e India është një libër gatimi që do t'ju çojë në një udhëtim shije dhe arome në kuzhinën indiane. Autorja Priya Patel, një kuzhinier me përvojë dhe pasion për ushqimin indian, ka mbledhur një koleksion të rrallë dhe autentik të recetave indiane, të cilat janë të shijshme dhe lehtë për tu bërë në shtëpi. Ky libër gatimi nuk është thjesht një koleksion recetash, por një udhëtim në kulturën dhe historinë e kuzhinës indiane. Me shpjegime ...

CHF 53.90

Indijos Aromatai

Patel, Priya
Indijos Aromatai
Indijos virtuv¿ yra gars¿janti savo unikali¿ skoni¿ ir prieskoni¿ derini¿, kuriuos galima naudoti tiek maisto gamybai, tiek medicininiais tikslais. Priya Patel, autoriaus "Indijos Aromatai: Tradiciniai Indi¿ki Receptai" knygos, kvie¿ia skaitytojus patirti Indijos kult¿ros ir virtuv¿s galias su ¿imtu skirting¿ autenti¿k¿ indi¿k¿ patiekal¿. Knyga apima ¿vairius patiekalus, ¿skaitant vegetari¿kus ir nevegetari¿kus, sriubas, pagrindinius patieka...

CHF 55.90

123 Healthy Me

Patel, Priya Malik
123 Healthy Me
Using gentle rhyme and the introduction of numbers, colors and a variety of vegetables, "123 Healthy Me" encourages little ones to discover an appreciation for happy, healthy, eating habits. Ages 0-4 years old.

CHF 33.90

123 Healthy Me

Patel, Priya Malik
123 Healthy Me
Using gentle rhyme and the introduction of numbers, colors and a variety of vegetables, "123 Healthy Me" encourages little ones to discover an appreciation for happy, healthy, eating habits. Ages 0-4 years old.

CHF 23.90

Sports Coverage

Patel, Priya B. / Herrera, Joseph / Miranda-Comas, Gerardo
Sports Coverage
This essential handbook for sports medicine clinicians combines resources from variousUnited States and International Olympic Committee sporting guidelines, national andinternational youth, scholastic, collegiate, and professional associations, and real-worldexperience to provide the most up-to-date and relevant information needed to fulfillcoverage duties for sporting events. Easy to read, concise, and complete, this guide isa one-stop refere...

CHF 120.00


Patel, Priya
1Preformulation 2 Solubilization and solubilized system 3 Dissolution study 4 stability study 5 Absorption of drugs 6 Distribution of drugs 7 Biotransformation of drugs 8 Excretion of drugs 9 Pharmacokinetic parameters 10 Pharmacokinetic Models 11 Nonlinear Pharmacokinetics 12 In vitro in vivo correlationReferences

CHF 46.90

Effect of physiological interventions and spacing on yiel...

Patel, Priya / Patel, V. J. / Chavda, N. K.
Effect of physiological interventions and spacing on yield of sesamum
The book related to field work on the Agronomy and Physiological aspect for one of the most important oil seed crop sesamum. In this context both the factor was showed positive relation for all yield and yield attributes (No. of branches, No. of capsule and seed yield etc., ) as result the sesamum seed and oil production increased which help to mitigate the less production problem due to the growing of such type oil seed crop on marginal land ...

CHF 83.00

Nanoparticle For Pulmonary Drug Delivery System

Patel, Priya / Soni, Tejal / Thakkar, Vaishali
Nanoparticle For Pulmonary Drug Delivery System
A new value paradigm is taking shape in the drug delivery market. Nanotechnology delivery techniques will shape the future of drug delivery. ¿Nanotechnology-enabled drug delivery systems (DDS) over the next ¿ve years are forecast to dramatically reshape the way existing drugs are delivered¿. The growing range of nanotechnology enabled drug delivery methods is poised to change the way new compounds are formulated, and to extend the life cycle o...

CHF 52.50

The Skin Whitening

Patel, Priya / Vachhani, Maulik
The Skin Whitening
It is the time for looking younger and smarter."Whiteness" or having white skin is considered an important element in constructing female as well as now a days also in male beauty. Skin whitening products are growing in markets whose global reaches are greatly facilitated by new scientific innovations. In this book give a brief introduction regarding anatomy of skin and details about skin whitening along with natural ingredients used for purpo...

CHF 52.50