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19 Ergebnisse.

Creating Restorative Justice

Paul, Gregory D. / Borton, Ian M.
Creating Restorative Justice
Discussion of the histories, meanings, and assumptions of restorative justice have enriched the development of its theory, research, and practices. While some of this work has addressed the role of communication, the treatment of communication within restorative justice remains rather under-developed. Communication plays a central role in processes of restoration and justice and a constitutive role in making restorative justice what it is. In ...

CHF 63.00

Creating Restorative Justice

Paul, Gregory D. / Borton, Ian M.
Creating Restorative Justice
Discussion of the histories, meanings, and assumptions of restorative justice have enriched the development of its theory, research, and practices. While some of this work has addressed the role of communication, the treatment of communication within restorative justice remains rather under-developed. Communication plays a central role in processes of restoration and justice and a constitutive role in making restorative justice what it is. In ...

CHF 119.00

Das Wuhan-Corona-virus-Sicherheitshandbuch

Paul M. D., Daniel C.
Das Wuhan-Corona-virus-Sicherheitshandbuch
Panik wegen des 2019-nCoV-Virus, das in Wuhan, einer Stadt in der chinesischen Provinz Hubei mit 11 Millionen Einwohnern, seinen Ursprung hat:Mit der Ausbreitung des Virus in mehr als 70 Länder bereiten sich die Menschen auf der ganzen Welt auf diese Pandemie vor, die bereits über 3.000 Todesopfer gefordert hat. Die WHO hat den Ausbruch zu einem internationalen Gesundheitsnotstand erklärt, und Artikel wie Gesichtsmasken und Handdesinfektionsmi...

CHF 19.50

Het Wuhan coronavirus veiligheidshandboek

Paul M. D., Daniel C.
Het Wuhan coronavirus veiligheidshandboek
Paniek over het 2019-nCoV-virus dat zijn oorsprong vindt in Wuhan, een stad in de Chinese provincie Hubei met 11 miljoen inwoners.Met de verspreiding van het virus naar meer dan 70 landen bereiden mensen over de hele wereld zich voor op deze pandemie die al meer dan 3.000 doden heeft veroorzaakt. De WHO heeft de uitbraak uitgeroepen tot een noodsituatie van internationaal belang voor de volksgezondheid. Items als gezichtsmaskers en handreinige...

CHF 19.50

Manual de seguridad ante el Coronavirus de Wuhan

Paul M. D., Daniel C.
Manual de seguridad ante el Coronavirus de Wuhan
Pánico por el virus NCoV 2019 que se originó en Wuhan, una ciudad de la provincia china de Hubei con 11 millones de habitantes.Con la propagación del virus a más de 70 países, la gente de todo el mundo se está preparando para esta pandemia que ya ha causado más de 3.000 muertes. La OMS ha declarado el brote como una emergencia de salud pública de interés internacional. Artículos como mascarillas y desinfectantes de manos se venden ahora como p...

CHF 19.50

Coronavirus di wuhan

Paul M. D., Daniel C.
Coronavirus di wuhan
Panico per il virus 2019-NCoV che ha avuto origine a Wuhan, una città nella provincia cinese di Hubei con 11 milioni di abitanti.Con la diffusione del virus in più di 70 paesi, le persone in tutto il mondo si stanno preparando per questa pandemia che ha già causato più di 3.000 morti. L'OMS ha dichiarato l'epidemia un'emergenza sanitaria pubblica di rilevanza internazionale. Articoli come maschere facciali e disinfettanti per le mani sono ora ...

CHF 19.50

The Wuhan Coronavirus Safety Handbook

Paul M. D., Daniel C.
The Wuhan Coronavirus Safety Handbook
Panic over the 2019-nCoV virus that originated in Wuhan, a city in the Chinese province of Hubei with 11 million inhabitants.With the virus spreading to more than 70 countries, people around the world are getting ready to prepare for this pandemic that has already left over 3, 000 death. The WHO declared the outbreak a public health emergency of international concern, and items such as facemasks and hand sanitizers are selling out like hotcake...

CHF 18.90

Manual de Segurança do Coronavírus Wuhan

Paul M. D., Daniel C.
Manual de Segurança do Coronavírus Wuhan
pânico com o vírus 2019-NCoV que teve origem em Wuhan, cidade da província chinesa de Hubei com 11 milhões de habitantes.Com a propagação do vírus para mais de 70 países, pessoas ao redor do mundo estão se preparando para esta pandemia que já causou mais de 3.000 mortes. A OMS declarou o surto como uma emergência de saúde pública de preocupação internacional. Itens como máscaras faciais e higienizadores de mãos estão agora cada vez mais sendo ...

CHF 19.50

Manuel de sécurité du corona-virus de Wuhan

Paul M. D., Daniel C.
Manuel de sécurité du corona-virus de Wuhan
La panique autour du virus 2019-nCoV qui a pris naissance à Wuhan, une ville de 11 millions d'habitants dans la province chinoise de Hubei.Avec la propagation du virus dans plus de 70 pays, les gens du monde entier se préparent à affronter cette pandémie qui a déjà fait plus de 3 000 morts. L'OMS a déclaré que l'épidémie était une urgence de santé publique de portée internationale, et des articles tels que les masques et les désinfectants pour...

CHF 19.50


Paul, D. M.
On a dig where the Sdhe, or faerie race, were thought to have originated, an elderly archeologist has discovered one of their two great staves of power. The artifact has been taken for authentication to a museum in the multi-layered city of Cloudview, but before it can be examined fully, thieves steal the ancient staff and disappear into the wilds of the vast Park that comprises the 13th level of the metropolis. While on a routine reconnaissan...

CHF 18.90

One Wizard Place

Paul, D. M.
One Wizard Place
Young Justin Kasey Hobskin (known as Kase) and his faithful partner Murdox (who just happens to be a talking wolf-dog) are agents for the Incantation Enforcement Agency, Counter-Curse Division. In a world where magic and technology are intertwined, they have the unpleasant job of righting magic that has gone wrong. Following the completion of the difficult task of rousting some pesky nixies (wily little blue vermin), they learn that their next...

CHF 17.90

Successful Strategies for Clarinet Reed Making

Paul, D. M. A. , Randall S.
Successful Strategies for Clarinet Reed Making
An important priority for any serious clarinetist is to have a greater understanding of the clarinet reed. Many clarinetists have turned to custom reed making to attain a higher level of artistic control, expression, and consistency. The purpose of this book is to document and compare several successful clarinet reed making methods. The individuals and methods chosen have been proven over time to be successful in a demanding professional perfo...

CHF 80.00

Passion Is the Power

Paul, M. D. Richard
Passion Is the Power
In this high-octane psychological thriller, a young woman grows up battling rape, eating and sexual disorders, husbands, miscarriage, corporate and police corruption, and the Mafia. Ultimately she finds herself and the true meaning of passion.

CHF 35.50