Suche einschränken:
Zur Kasse

8 Ergebnisse.

On Rudolf Steiner's Mystery Dramas

Pfeiffer, Ehrenfried E
On Rudolf Steiner's Mystery Dramas
4 lectures, Spring Valley, New York, Nov. 14 and 28, Dec. 12 and 26, 1948For Dr. Ehrenfried Pfeiffer, the Mystery Dramas provide a sequel to Rudolf Steiner's How to Know Higher Worlds. The four dramas also comprise a manual for finding answers to questions of one's efforts toward a spiritual life in community.

CHF 17.90

Biodynamic Farming and Gardening

Pfeiffer, Ehrenfried
Biodynamic Farming and Gardening
There have been numerous developments and advancements in biodynamic agricultural methods since Ehrenfried Pfeiffer introduced North Americans to the foundational principles and practices of biodynamics, the basics of which continue to be used today. Thus, although Biodynamic Farming and Gardening was first published in 1938, it remains a foundational text for anyone who is or plans to become a serious biodynamic farmer or gardener.

CHF 35.50

Wat onkruid ons kan vertellen

Pfeiffer, Ehrenfried / Pfeiffer, Ehrenfried E. / Laan-Gradenwitz, Diana
Wat onkruid ons kan vertellen
Wat doe je om van je onkruid af te komen, en waarom? Waarom groeit speciek die plant op die plek? Wat vertelt het over de grond, en wat vertelt het over jou? In dit waardevolle boekje kun je alles lezen over planten die bekend staan als onkruid. Ehrenfried Pfeiffer bespreekt welke soorten onkruid er bestaan, hoe ze groeien, en wat ze ons kunnen vertellen over de vruchtbaarheid van de grond. De strijd tegen het onkruid wordt zowel in theorie al...

CHF 23.90

Sensitive Crystallization Processes

Pfeiffer, Ehrenfried E / Monges, Henry B
Sensitive Crystallization Processes
Dr. Ehrenfreied Pfeiffer writes: "Research carried on since 1925 has shown that the formation and arrangement of crystals during the process of crystallization can, under certain conditions, be greatly influenced by the admixture of various substances.... Hence, from these alterations (in form) apriori conclusions can be drawn about the qualities and characteristics of the admixture itself." This is an essential element in his work of analyzin...

CHF 23.50