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15 Ergebnisse.


Pink, A. W / Kulakowski, Editor Rev Terry
The death of Christ, the incarnate Son of God, is the most remarkable event in all history. Its uniqueness was demonstrated in various ways. Centuries before it occurred it was foretold with an amazing fullness of detail, by those men whom God raised up in the midst of Israel to direct their thoughts and expectations to a fuller and more glorious revelation of Himself. The prophets of Jehovah described the promised Messiah, not only as a perso...

CHF 25.50

Gleanings in Genesis

Pink, A. W / Kulakowski, Editor Rev Terry
Gleanings in Genesis
Appropriately Genesis has been termed "the seed plot of the Bible, " for in it we have, in germ form, almost all of the great doctrines which are afterwards fully developed in the books of Scripture which follow.Gleanings in Genesis is a thoughtful work on the old testament by evangelist and biblical scholar Arthur W. Pink. Gleanings in Genesis has been a popular published work for scholars and patrons of christianity for centuries. This impor...

CHF 35.90

The Antichrist

Pink, A. W / Terry Kulakowski, Editor Rev
The Antichrist
The contents of this book were first given out by the author at Bible Conferences, and then appeared in their present form in Studies in the Scriptures.1 As the subject of them is of such importance to students of prophecy, and as so little has been published thereon, we have deemed it advisable to issue them, complete, in book form. So far as the writer is aware, only two or three comparatively brief booklets and essays have appeared on this ...

CHF 28.90

Spiritual Growth

Pink, A. W / Kulakowski, Editor Rev Terry
Spiritual Growth
Spiritual growth is a mystery and is more evident in some than in others. The more the Holy Spirit shines upon the mind and puts forth His lifegiving influences in the heart, so much the more sin is seen, felt and loathed as the greatest of all evils. And this is an evidence of spiritual growth, namely, to hate sin as sin and to abhor it on account of its contrariety to the nature of God.

CHF 24.90

Studies on Saving Faith

Pink, A. W / Kulakowski, Editor Rev Terry
Studies on Saving Faith
The "evangelism" of the day is not only superficial to the last degree, but it is radically defective. It is utterly lacking a foundation on which to base an appeal for sinners to come to Christ. There is not only a lamentable lack of proportion (the mercy of God being made far more prominent than His holiness, His love than His wrath), but there is a fatal omission of that which God has given for the purpose of imparting a knowledge of sin.

CHF 46.90


Pink, A. W / Kulakowski, Editor Rev Terry
It is of the utmost importance that people should clearly understand and be made thoroughly aware of their spiritual impotence, for thus alone is a foundation laid for bringing them to see and feel their imperative need of divine grace for salvation. So long as sinners think they have it in their own power to deliver themselves from their death in trespasses and sins, they will never come to Christ that they might have life, for "the whole nee...

CHF 42.90

Gleanings From Elisha, His Life and Miracles

Pink, A. W / Kulakowski, Editor Rev Terry
Gleanings From Elisha, His Life and Miracles
That Which Occupies the central and dominant place in what the Spirit has been pleased to record of the life of Elisha is the miracles performed by and connected with him. Far more miracles were wrought by him or were granted in answer to his prayers than any other of the Old Testament prophets.The character of Elisha's mission and ministry was in thorough keeping with Israel's condition at that time. The very fact that these miracles were nee...

CHF 33.90


Pink, A. W / Kulakowski, Editor Rev Terry
We purpose giving a series of studies on the thirteenth chapter of Matthew, which, in the writer's judgment, is, from the standpoint of prophecy, the most important chapter of all the New Testament. There is much in God's prophetic program which must necessarily remain dark until the parables of this chapter are thoroughly mastered. At present they are much misunderstood and misinterpreted. It will be found that in Matthew 13:10, 11 the Lord J...

CHF 18.90

Doctrine of Revelation

Pink, A. W / Kulakowski, Editor Rev Terry
Doctrine of Revelation
What we propose doing in this book, namely, to make a serious attempt to assist some of those who have inhaled the poisonous fumes of infidelity and been left in a state of mental indecision concerning sacred things. Our principal object will be to set forth some of the numerous indications that the Bible is something far superior to any human production, and give some of the rules which require to be heeded if the Scriptures are to be properl...

CHF 24.50


Pink, A. W / Kulakowski, Editor Rev Terry
The blessings of Sanctification and Justification walk hand in hand, and never were, never will be, never can be parted. No more than the delicious scent can be separated from the beautiful bloom of the rose or carnation: let the flower be expanded, and the fragrance transpires. Try if you can separate gravity from the stone or heat from the fire. If these bodies and their essential properties, if these causes and their necessary effects, are ...

CHF 19.50

Exposition of the Sermon on the Mount

Pink, A. W / Kulakowski, Editor Rev Terry
Exposition of the Sermon on the Mount
And seeing the multitudes, He went up into a mountain, and when He was set, His disciples came unto Him, and He opened His mouth, and taught them" (5:1, 2). Yet brief as these verses be, there are several things in them which call for careful consideration. First, we must notice the place from which this Sermon was preached. "As in other things, so in this, our Lord Jesus was but ill-accommodated: He had no convenient place to preach in, any m...

CHF 37.90


Pink, A. W / Kulakowski, Editor Rev Terry
In sending forth this little book, much of which has been gathered up from the labors of another, we are reminded of the words of the Apostle Paul to Timothy, his son in the faith: "And the things that thou hast heard of me among many witnesses, the same commit thou to faithful men" (2 Tim. 2:2). And again: "But continue thou in the things which thou hast learned and hast been assured of, knowing of whom thou hast learned them" (2 Tim. 3:14). ...

CHF 19.50


Pink, A. W / Kulakowski, Editor Rev Terry
Opinion has been much divided concerning the design, scope, and application of the Sermon on the Mount. Most commentators have seen in it an exposition of Christian ethics. Men such as the late Count Tolstoi have regarded it as the setting forth of a "golden rule" for all men to live by. Others have dwelt upon its dispensational bearings, insisting that it belongs not to the saints of the present dispensation but to believers within a future m...

CHF 19.50


Pink, A. W / Kulakowski, Editor Rev Terry
The theme in our studies in Hebrews is, the super-abounding excellence of Christianity over Judaism. The sum and substance, the center and circumference, the light and life of Christianity, is Christ. Therefore, the method followed by the Holy Spirit in this Epistle, in developing its dominant theme, is to show the immeasurable superiority of Christ over all that had gone before. One by one the various objects in which the Jews boasted are tak...

CHF 50.90