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13 Ergebnisse.

It Was You

Platt, Jo
It Was You
In this charming and funny romantic novel, Alice Waites learns that when life falls apart, friendship will keep you together.Alice Waites has been happily single for almost two years. When her close friends in the Short Book Group gently question her current distinct lack of interest in men, she accepts that maybe it is time to open herself up to new possibilities. However, things soon unravel for Alice as she uncovers the secret heartache and...

CHF 18.50

Working It Out

Platt, Jo
Working It Out
Her new colleague is about to shake things up...When her love life crashed down around her, Edie found solace in work. But her job rapidly goes from uplifting to unbearable, with the departure of her work wife, Ruby, and the arrival in the office of new guy, Cameron - a chauvinist, a womaniser, and the very opposite of a team player. And just as things start to go downhill at work, Edie's personal life takes a downturn too, when her ex, Jason,...

CHF 17.50

Reading Upside Down

Platt, Jo
Reading Upside Down
Happiness could be just around the corner‿“‿perfect setting, perfect dress, perfect flowers, one hundred and eight guests ‿ and one, total and utter, rat.�Abandoned at the altar, Rosalind Shaw descends into the kind of depression which involves watching too much daytime TV and not bothering to shower as regularly as her mother would like. Relocating, she begins a new life at antiquarian bookshop “Chapters�. Here Ros finds herself...

CHF 17.50

It Was You

Platt, Jo
It Was You
When life falls apart, friendship will keep you togetherAlice Waites has been happily single for almost two years. When her close friends in The Short Book Group gently question her current distinct lack of interest in men, she accepts that maybe it is time to deal with the past and open herself up to new possibilities. Oh yes, the time has come to go dating again. However, things soon unravel for Alice as she uncovers the secret heartache and...

CHF 17.50

You Are Loved

Platt, Jo
You Are Loved
Sometimes, life needs a rewrite‿Author Grace Waterhouse has hit rock bottom. Her ex-husband has just had a baby with his new partner and her latest novel is‿ well, the less said the better. Desperate for distraction, Grace impulsively takes on a friend‿s cleaning job, parachuting herself into a new social circle including an eccentric OAP, a heartbroken twenty-something and one James Brooke, an enigmatic lawyer with an unblinking stare. Add to...

CHF 17.50

La scrittrice che decise di voltare pagina

Platt, Jo / De Medio, E.
La scrittrice che decise di voltare pagina
La scrittrice Grace Waterhouse è convinta di avere proprio toccato il fondo. L'ex marito Aiden ha appena avuto un figlio dalla nuova compagna e l'ultimo romanzo che ha appena concluso è... be' meglio non parlarne, secondo il suo agente. Scoraggiata, decide di dare un colpo di spugna sul passato e di inventarsi una nuova vita. L'occasione si presenta quando Rose, la sua collaboratrice domestica nonché confidente materna, in partenza per un lung...

CHF 29.90

Die Liebe schreibt die schönsten Geschichten

Platt, Jo / Naumann, Katharina
Die Liebe schreibt die schönsten Geschichten
Happy End gesucht!Grace schreibt erfolgreich Liebesromane. Seit ihrer Scheidung kann sie sich aber nicht mehr zu Happy Ends durchringen. Ihr Agent verordnet ihr eine Auszeit. Nur weiß Grace einfach nichts mit sich anzufangen. Da fügt es sich gut, dass ihre Haushaltshilfe für einige Wochen zu ihrer Schwester nach Spanien will und dringend eine Vertretung braucht. Kurzentschlossen vertritt Grace sie, und fortan putzt die Bestsellerautorin inkogn...

CHF 15.50

Herz über Kopf

Platt, Jo / Naumann, Katharina
Herz über Kopf
Manchmal muss die Welt erst auf den Kopf gestellt werden, damit man erkennt, wohin man gehört. Mit Rückschlägen kennt Rosalind sich aus. Achtzehn Monate ist es her, dass ihr Verlobter - aus gutem Grund nur «die Ratte» genannt - aus der Kirche floh. Am Tag ihrer Hochzeit, durch das Fenster der Sakristei. Seitdem ist nichts mehr wie zuvor.Im malerischen St Albans hofft Ros, endlich mit der Vergangenheit abschließen zu können: Sie liebt das besch...

CHF 14.50

Die Bücherfreundinnen

Platt, Jo / Naumann, Katharina
Die Bücherfreundinnen
Alice, Miriam, Sophie, Connie und Abigail sind die besten Freundinnen. Sie lachen zusammen und sie lesen zusammen. Einmal im Monat trifft sich ihr Buchclub. Doch eine fehlt - Lydia. Vor drei Jahren starb sie an Krebs. Ihr letzter Wunsch an die Freundinnen: Ihr Mann sollte in den Club aufgenommen werden, seitdem ist Jon bei jedem Treffen dabei. Die Freundschaft hat allen fünf geholfen, mit dem Verlust fertigzuwerden. Nur Alice ist nicht glückli...

CHF 15.50