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14 Ergebnisse.


Plimer, Ian
For Primary School Children. THE PERFECT GIFT FOR ALL THE GRANDCHILDREN The first of three books Book 2 - Secondary Children Book 3 - Post high school Fun and entertaining, this is the perfect introduction to climate change. Written for primary school children and uses body functions such as food and farts to show the carbon cycle and demonstrates that net zero and carbon neutral are impossible. "I find it frustrating, as a lay perso...

CHF 27.90

The Little Green Book for Teens

Plimer, Ian
The Little Green Book for Teens
For Secondary School children THE PERFECT GIFT FOR ALL THE GRANDCHILDREN Book 2 of three books Book 1 - Primary School Book 3 - Post High School Fun and entertaining, this is the perfect introduction to climate change. Volume 2 is for high school students and deals with climate change, renewable energy and EVs in a humorous, irreverent, seditious and entertaining style. "I find it frustrating, as a lay person, to find answers to te...

CHF 37.50

THE LITTLE GREEN BOOK - For Twenties and Wrinkles

Plimer, Ian
THE LITTLE GREEN BOOK - For Twenties and Wrinkles
For post-High School THE PERFECT GIFT FOR ALL THE GRANDCHILDREN The third of three books Book 1 - Primary School Book 2 - Secondary School Fun and entertaining, this is the perfect introduction to climate change. Volume 3 is for teens to wrinklies and shows the long history of the planet, its climate changes and how climate policy will have a profound negative effect on their generation. "I find it frustrating, as a lay person, to...

CHF 27.50

Green Murder

Plimer, Ian
Green Murder
It has never been shown that human emissions of the gas of life drive global warming. Large bodies of science that don't fit the narrative have been ignored by IPCC, COP and self-interested scientists paid by taxpayers. A huge subsidised industry of intermittent unreliable wind and solar electricity has been created based on unsubstantiated science. The same hucksters now want subsidised hydrogen, costly inefficient EVs, subsidised mega-batter...

CHF 51.90

Green Murder

Plimer, Ian
Green Murder
It has never been shown that human emissions of the gas of life drive global warming. Large bodies of science that don't fit the narrative have been ignored by IPCC, COP and self-interested scientists paid by taxpayers. A huge subsidised industry of intermittent unreliable wind and solar electricity has been created based on unsubstantiated science. The same hucksters now want subsidised hydrogen, costly inefficient EVs, subsidised mega-batter...

CHF 77.00

Heaven and Earth, Global Warming

Plimer, Ian
Heaven and Earth, Global Warming
First Published in 2009, International best-seller.The Earth is an evolving dynamic system. Current changes in climate, sea level and ice are within variability. Atmospheric CO2 is the lowest for 500 million years. Climate has always been driven by the Sun, the Earth's orbit and plate tectonics and the oceans, atmosphere and life respond. Humans have made their mark on the planet, thrived in warm times and struggled in cool times. The hypothes...

CHF 55.90

Not for Greens

Plimer, Ian
Not for Greens
The processes required to make a humble stainless steel teaspoon are remarkably complicated and every stage involves risk, coal, energy, capital, international trade and finance. Stainless steel cutlery has taken thousands of years of experimentation and knowledge to evolve and the end result is that we can eat without killing ourselves with bacteria. We are in the best times to have ever lived on planet Earth and the future will only be bette...

CHF 39.50

How to Get Expelled from School

Plimer, Ian
How to Get Expelled from School
Are pupils, parents and the public being fed political propaganda on climate change? Now is your chance to find out. Professor Plimer gives 101 simple questions with answers for you to ask teachers, activists, journalists and politicians. The climate industry adjusts the temperature record and withholds raw data, computer codes and information from scrutiny. Computer predictions of a scary future don't agree with measurements. Past natural cli...

CHF 39.90

Climate Change Delusion and the Great Electricity Rip-Off

Plimer, Ian
Climate Change Delusion and the Great Electricity Rip-Off
How did one of the world's largest exporters of coal, gas and uranium end up with unreliable and expensive energy?Massive subsidies for renewable energy, gaming of the electricity market and government mandates have closed coal-fired generators that previously provided cheap reliable electricity.Five hundred years ago, Martin Luther objected to indulgences. Today indulgences are sought as subsidies from consumers for renewable energy generator...

CHF 57.50


Plimer, Ian
The Encylical Letter of Pope Francis Laudato Si "care for our common home" was influenced by atheists, communists and green activists. The Pope advocates burdening the Third World with inefficient unreliable high cost renewable energy and agriculture thereby keeping the poor in eternal poverty. Only when Third World children can do homework at night using cheap coal-fired electricity can they escape from poverty. Looking purely at the science ...

CHF 39.90

Himmel + Holle: Der Papst Verdammt Die Armen Zu Ewiger Armut

Plimer, Ian
Himmel + Holle: Der Papst Verdammt Die Armen Zu Ewiger Armut
Die Enzyklika Laudato Si' Über die Sorge um unser gemeinsames Haus von Papst Franziskus I wurde von Atheisten, Kommunisten, und Grünen Aktivisten beeinflusst. Der Papst tritt dafür ein, der Dritten Welt die Bürde ineffizienter, unverlässlicher, teurer erneuerbarer Energie und Landwirtschaft aufzuerlegen. Dies wird die Armen auf Dauer arm halten. Nur wenn die Dritte Welt nachts unter Nutzung von Kohlestrom Hausaufgaben machen kann, wird sie der...

CHF 37.90

Heaven and Earth: Global Warming, the Missing Science

Plimer, Ian
Heaven and Earth: Global Warming, the Missing Science
In this controversial new book Australia's leading geologist makes the case that carbon dioxide is just one of many factors that drive climate--and a relatively insignificant one at that. Heaven and Earth engagingly and comprehensively synthesizes what we know--or think we know -- about the sun, earth, ice, water, and air. Heaven and Earth is a powerful argument against many of the punitive--and expensive--laws that are now being passed to 'pr...

CHF 30.50