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5 Ergebnisse.

The Smuggler

Plowright, Piers / Milne, John
The Smuggler
Intermediate Level 8. - 9. Klasse / 1.600 Wörter John Samuel Fame hat einige verdächtige Freunde und überquert regelmäßig die Grenze. Als eine wertvolle Goldstatue aus dem Darna-Museum gestohlen wird, sind dies für Inspektor Roland genug Verdachtsmomente, um John sofort zu verfolgen.

CHF 15.50

Causes, Course and Outcomes of World War Two

Plowright, John
Causes, Course and Outcomes of World War Two
In the longer perspective, even the most momentous events can appear to lose coherence and significance. However, such was the impact of World War Two that even more than sixty years after its end, interest in the origins, course and consequences of the war continues to increase and generate debate.In this essential introductory guide, John Plowright casts a critical eye over the mass of literature that surrounds the conflict, focusing on key ...

CHF 53.50

The Routledge Dictionary of Modern British History

Plowright, John
The Routledge Dictionary of Modern British History
From the Romantic age to the twenty-first century, The Routledge Dictionary of Modern British History is an essential guide to 250 years of history that have seen 'this sceptr'd isle' rise, fall and rise again as a major world power.A colourful, highly readable text, The Routledge Dictionary of Modern British History covers: Prime Ministers, from William Pitt to Winston Churchill and Tony Blairprotest movements, from Chartism to CND'the Troubl...

CHF 146.00

Regency England

Plowright, John
Regency England
The early nineteenth century was marked by public disorder, governmental repression and correction. It was a period of revolution, reaction and reform.This pamphlet focuses on three key issues:* the factors which combined to produce the turmoil and uprisings of 1812-21 and the severity with which they were put down* the validity of the distinction between 'repressive' and 'liberal' phases of the administration* the ability of Lord Liverpool as...

CHF 57.90