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24 Ergebnisse - Zeige 1 von 20.

Global Tax Fairness

Pogge, Thomas / Mehta, Krishen
Global Tax Fairness
This book is on tax justice and why it is important for peace, human rights, and a more sustainable future. It addresses the inequities that currently exist in the global tax system, and what can be done about it.

CHF 162.00

Global Tax Fairness

Pogge, Thomas / Mehta, Krishen
Global Tax Fairness
This book is on tax justice and why it is important for peace, human rights, and a more sustainable future. It addresses the inequities that currently exist in the global tax system, and what can be done about it.

CHF 62.00

Povertà mondiale e diritti umani. Responsabilità e riform...

Pogge, Thomas / Caranti, L. / Botti, D.
Povertà mondiale e diritti umani. Responsabilità e riforme cosmopolite
La disuguaglianza continua ad aumentare di decennio in decennio. La parte opulenta della popolazione mondiale diventa sempre più ricca e i poveri rimangono a un livello al di sotto del minimo di sussistenza. Come può persistere una povertà estrema per la metà dell'umanità, nonostante l'enorme progresso economico e tecnologico, le norme morali e i valori illuminati della nostra civiltà occidentale? Perché noi - cittadini degli stati ricchi dell...

CHF 50.90

World Poverty and Human Rights

Pogge, Thomas W.
World Poverty and Human Rights
Some 2.5 billion human beings live in severe poverty, deprived of such essentials as adequate nutrition, safe drinking water, basic sanitation, adequate shelter, literacy, and basic health care. One third of all human deaths are from poverty-related causes: 18 million annually, including over 10 million children under five. However huge in human terms, the world poverty problem is tiny economically. Just 1 percent of the national incomes of t...

CHF 34.50

Politics as Usual

Pogge, Thomas W.
Politics as Usual
Worldwide, human lives are rapidly improving. Education, health-care, technology, and political participation are becoming ever more universal, empowering human beings everywhere to enjoy security, economic sufficiency, equal citizenship, and a life in dignity. To be sure, there are some specially difficult areas disfavoured by climate, geography, local diseases, unenlightened cultures or political tyranny. Here progress is slow, and there may...

CHF 95.00

Weltarmut und Menschenrechte

Pogge, Thomas / Wehofsits, Anna
Weltarmut und Menschenrechte
Warum sind viele Wohlhabende der Ansicht, keine Verantwortung für die Beseitigung der Weltarmut tragen zu müssen, obwohl eine Einkommensverschiebung moralisch zwingend scheint? Die Theorien der Vermögenden koppeln sie scheinbar von der Armut im Ausland ab. Pogge erklärt und beseitigt diese Illusion und schlägt einen realistischen Standard globaler ökonomischer Gerechtigkeit vor. Das Buch ist eine Übersetzung des in Großbritannien und den USA ...

CHF 77.00

Classics of Global Justice

Pogge, Thomas / Moellendorf, Darrel
Classics of Global Justice
Global justice is rapidly emerging as a major academic field, focusing on the values to assess and guide the most important political transition of our time. Professional philosophers and political theorists made many of the most important contributions to this field as it was developing at the end of the 20th Century. Those seminal early contributions continue to define terrain of the current debates about global justice, and have now been br...

CHF 28.90

John Rawls: His Life and Theory of Justice

Pogge, Thomas / Kosch, Michelle
John Rawls: His Life and Theory of Justice
John Rawls was one of the most important political philosophers of our time, and promises to be an enduring figure over the coming decades. His Theory of Justice (1971) has had a profound impact across philosophy, politics, law, and economics. Nonetheless Rawlsian theory is not easy to understand, particularly for beginners, and his writing can be dense and forbidding. Thomas Pogge's short introduction (originally published in German) gives a ...

CHF 59.90

Freedom from Poverty as a Human Right

Pogge, Thomas
Freedom from Poverty as a Human Right
Collected here in one volume are fifteen cutting-edge essays by leading academics which together clarify and defend the claim that freedom from poverty is a human right with corresponding binding obligations on the more affluent to practice effective poverty avoidance. This volume is co-published with UNESCO publishing.

CHF 63.00

Gerechtigkeit in der "Einen Welt

Pogge, Thomas / Wieczorek-Zeul, Heidemarie / Nida-Rümelin, Julian / Thierse, Wolfgang / Weißkirchen, Gerd
Gerechtigkeit in der "Einen Welt
Gerechtigkeit ist die oberste politische Tugend, an ihr muss sich alles andere messen. Angesichts der globalen Vernetzung der Welt, der internationalen Warenströme, der Migrationsbewegungen, der kulturellen und politischen Konflikte stellen sich Fragen der politischen Gerechtigkeit heute international und gewinnen gerade zu Zeiten der Weltwirtschaftskrise erneut an Relevanz.Thomas Pagge, Leitner Professor for Philosophy and International Affai...

CHF 14.50

Incentives for Global Public Health

Pogge, Thomas / Rimmer, Matthew / Rubenstein, Kim
Incentives for Global Public Health
This portrait of the global debate over patent law and access to essential medicines focuses on public health concerns about HIV/AIDS, malaria, tuberculosis, the SARS virus, influenza, and diseases of poverty. The essays explore the diplomatic negotiations and disputes in key international fora, such as the World Trade Organization, the World Health Organization and the World Intellectual Property Organization. Drawing upon international trade...

CHF 68.00

Global Ethics: Seminal Essays

Pogge, Thomas / Horton, Keith
Global Ethics: Seminal Essays
Global Ethics, along with its companion volume Global Justice, will aid in the study of global justice and global ethical issues with significant global dimensions. Some of those issues directly concern what individuals, countries, and other associations

CHF 34.90

Global Justice: Seminal Essays: Global Responsibilities, ...

Pogge, Thomas / Moellendorf, Darrel
Global Justice: Seminal Essays: Global Responsibilities, Volume I
Global Justice is part of a two-volume set (with Global Ethics) that will aid in the study of global justice and global ethical issues with significant global dimensions. Some of those issues directly concern what individuals, countries, and other associations ought to do in response to various global problems, such as poverty, population growth, and climate change>

CHF 40.90