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74 Ergebnisse - Zeige 21 von 40.


Powell, Julie Elizabeth
Henry Ian Darling is a collector of oddities, those that bring him closer to an enigma, one he hopes will be a great thing. But maybe it isn't. Cover Design: Julie Elizabeth Powell

CHF 11.50

Christmas Past

Powell, Julie Elizabeth
Christmas Past
What was Christmas? How did it start? And why was it now banned? Why had the Elders decided it would only cause trouble, that its roots were based on something that only caused wars...those that had destroyed the Old Earth? Some disagree, and maybe can change things before it's too late for humankind. Or maybe it's already too late.

CHF 11.90


Powell, Julie Elizabeth
I couldn't resist putting together all those little ideas that have popped into my mind then out onto paper as the years have flown. Most have fallen by the wayside into the bin of 'of my' but some stayed and here they are. These pieces have also tested my abilities and certainly stretched my brain towards a variety of genres, styles and ways of looking at the world and the people in it. From comedy to a touch of horror, romance, fantasy...

CHF 23.90

Slings & Arrows

Powell, Julie Elizabeth
Slings & Arrows
Nobody expects to lose a child but when it happens what can we do? In the sea of grief that seizes the soul how can we swim against the tide? But when that loss is compounded in each minute of every day, what do we do then? Slings and Arrows is a story about the consequences of a moment, a moment, which separates a mother and daughter in ways impossible to imagine. It charts their parallel lives, each suffering, one knowing, one not. ...

CHF 16.90

The Puzzling Brain Of Martha Tidberry

Powell, Julie Elizabeth
The Puzzling Brain Of Martha Tidberry
Martha Tidberry grew up knowing she was different. But that difference was far from what anyone could imagine. Even herself, in the beginning. What was she to do with that puzzling brain of hers? Except believe in the impossibility of the possible. Cover Design: Julie Elizabeth Powell Source photos: freedigitalphotos by Victor Habbick & renjith krishnan

CHF 11.90

Slings & Arrows /Gone Omnibus Edition

Powell, Julie Elizabeth
Slings & Arrows /Gone Omnibus Edition
Although Slings & Arrows and Gone are available separately, I felt that as the stories are undeniably linked, it would be useful to combine the two stories - one true, one fantastical answer - in one volume. In so doing, I hope that after reading the events of the first, your mind will be open to the possibility of the truth of the second. Whatever you believe in this world, I'm sure that by the time you've read to the end of both tales, you w...

CHF 34.50


Powell, Julie Elizabeth
A weird dream tips Henry Ian Darling into the Shadowlands. What has this to do with Brett? Ms Peabody has a plan, but will Henry survive his quest? Cover Design: Julie Elizabeth Powell Source photos from freedigitalphotos, by farconville, hyena reality, evgeni dinev Monochrome Fantasy - Jem's Designs

CHF 12.90

Intermittent Fasting

Powell, Elizabeth J.
Intermittent Fasting
How many types of diets will you have heard of over the past few years? How many promises of immediate and dramatic weight loss?Who knows how many you've tried? Most of them have turned out to be pure fantasy. Some may have worked, but in the long run it will have become heavy, boring and unbearable.Am I right?This volume may be for you.Intermittent fasting is the best way not only to lose weight without depriving yourself of your favorite foo...

CHF 34.90

Intermittent Fasting

Powell, Elizabeth J.
Intermittent Fasting
How many types of diets will you have heard of over the past few years? How many promises of immediate and dramatic weight loss?Who knows how many you've tried? Most of them have turned out to be pure fantasy. Some may have worked, but in the long run it will have become heavy, boring and unbearable.Am I right?This volume may be for you.Intermittent fasting is the best way not only to lose weight without depriving yourself of your favorite foo...

CHF 26.50

Intermittent Fasting for women

Powell, Elizabeth J.
Intermittent Fasting for women
Are you tired of trying to lose weight with no results? Of seeing yourself fat and uncomfortable in your body, but at the same time you want to avoid an unbalanced diet with negative consequences on your health? Well, intermittent fasting is the one for you.In this book you will find this theoretical and practical path specifically for women to approach the lifestyle of intermittent fasting. Lifestyle, not only diet!

CHF 25.50

Intermittent fasting 2 books in 1

Powell, Elizabeth J.
Intermittent fasting 2 books in 1
Everything you need to cope with intermittent fasting: the innovative, simple and healthy lifestyle that will allow you to lose all the excess pounds without effort and without giving up your favorite foods.

CHF 36.90

Intermittent fasting 2 books in 1

Powell, Elizabeth J.
Intermittent fasting 2 books in 1
Everything you need to cope with intermittent fasting: the innovative, simple and healthy lifestyle that will allow you to lose all the excess pounds without effort and without giving up your favorite foods.

CHF 32.90

Digiuno intermittente per donne

Powell, Elizabeth J.
Digiuno intermittente per donne
CON ILLUSTRAZIONI A COLORISei stanca di provare a perdere peso senza risultati? Di vederti grassa e a disagio nel tuo corpo, ma allo stesso tempo vuoi evitare una dieta sbilanciata e con conseguenze sulla salute?Bene, il digiuno intermittente è quello che fa per te. In questo libro troverai un percorso teorico e pratico specifico per le donne, per avvicinarsi allo stile di vita del digiuno intermittente. Stile di vita, non dieta!

CHF 30.90

Digiuno Intermittente

Powell, Elizabeth J.
Digiuno Intermittente
2 LIBRI IN 1DIGIUNO INTERMITTENTE, UNA DIETA E UNO STILE DI VITACon le diete precedenti hai sempre fallito? Desideri una vita più sana, più in forma, ma senza rinunciare ai tuoi cibi preferiti?Il digiuno intermittente ti permetterà di ottenere tutto questo.Non si tratta di una dieta, ma di un vero e proprio stile di vita, semplice e salutare! Il digiuno ha sempre fatto parte della storia dell'uomo, non è qualcosa di negativo. Grazie al digiuno...

CHF 40.90

Digiuno Intermittente: 2 libri in 1

Powell, Elizabeth J.
Digiuno Intermittente: 2 libri in 1
2 LIBRI IN 1 - CON ILLUSTRAZIONI A COLORIDIGIUNO INTERMITTENTE, UNA DIETA E UNO STILE DI VITACon le diete precedenti hai sempre fallito? Desideri una vita più sana, più in forma, ma senza rinunciare ai tuoi cibi preferiti?Il digiuno intermittente ti permetterà di ottenere tutto questo.Non si tratta di una dieta, ma di un vero e proprio stile di vita, semplice e salutare! Il digiuno ha sempre fatto parte della storia dell'uomo, non è qualcosa d...

CHF 33.50

Digiuno intermittente

Powell, Elizabeth J.
Digiuno intermittente
CON ILLUSTRAZIONI A COLORIQuante tipologie di diete avrai sentito nominare nel corso degli ultimi anni? Quante promesse di perdite di peso immediate e vertiginose?Chissà quante ne avrai provate. La maggior parte di esse si sono rivelate pura fantasia. Qualcuna avrà anche funzionato, ma sul lungo periodo sarà diventata pesante, noiosa e insostenibile.Non ho forse ragione?Questo volume potrebbe fare al caso tuo.Il digiuno intermittente è la via ...

CHF 27.90

Digiuno intermittente per donne

Powell, Elizabeth J.
Digiuno intermittente per donne
CON ILLUSTRAZIONI A COLORISei stanca di provare a perdere peso senza risultati? Di vederti grassa e a disagio nel tuo corpo, ma allo stesso tempo vuoi evitare una dieta sbilanciata e con conseguenze sulla salute?Bene, il digiuno intermittente è quello che fa per te. In questo libro troverai un percorso teorico e pratico specifico per le donne, per avvicinarsi allo stile di vita del digiuno intermittente. Stile di vita, non dieta!

CHF 24.90

Il Digiuno Intermittente

Powell, Elizabeth J.
Il Digiuno Intermittente
CON ILLUSTRAZIONI A COLORIQuante tipologie di diete avrai sentito nominare nel corso degli ultimi anni? Quante promesse di perdite di peso immediate e vertiginose?Chissà quante ne avrai provate. La maggior parte di esse si sono rivelate pura fantasia. Qualcuna avrà anche funzionato, ma sul lungo periodo sarà diventata pesante, noiosa e insostenibile.Non ho forse ragione?Questo volume potrebbe fare al caso tuo.Il digiuno intermittente è la via ...

CHF 33.50