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63 Ergebnisse - Zeige 1 von 20.


Prophet, Elizabeth Clare / Prophet, Mark L
Aveces miramos a los ojos a un extraño y en un destello lo reconocemos: ¡conozco a esta persona! Posiblemente sientas una conexión instantánea en tu alma al mirar a los ojos del ser fiero cuyo retrato adorna la cubierta de este libro. ¿Quién es? Se trata del Maestro Ascendido El Morya. Ahora es un ser puramente espiritual, pero El Morya ha tenido muchas encarnaciones terrenales en las que millones de almas lo conocieron de manera íntima: com...

CHF 28.90

The Art of Divinity: Volume Two

Prophet, Elizabeth Clare / Prophet, Mark L
The Art of Divinity: Volume Two
There is a brotherhood of light ... ... masterful beings who have transcended the wheel of rebirth and graduated from earth's schoolroom. These masters are way-showers. From the heaven realm, they assist mankind in all fields of human endeavor, helping to raise the consciousness of humanity. Each master is also a teacher in search of a student ... desiring to uplift that one for the acceleration of spiritual evolution. Paul the Venetian is a m...

CHF 36.50

The Art of Divinity: Volume One: Volume One

Prophet, Elizabeth Clare / Prophet, Mark L.
The Art of Divinity: Volume One: Volume One
There is a brotherhood of light ... ... masterful beings who have transcended the wheel of rebirth and graduated from earth's schoolroom. These masters are way-showers. From the heaven realm, they assist mankind in all fields of human endeavor, helping to raise the consciousness of humanity. Each master is also a teacher in search of a student ... desiring to uplift that one for the acceleration of spiritual evolution. Paul the Venetian is a m...

CHF 37.50

La búsqueda espiritual: Ensenanzas de los maestros ascend...

Prophet, Mark L. / Prophet, Elizabeth Clare
La búsqueda espiritual: Ensenanzas de los maestros ascendidos
CURSO SOBRE AUTOMAESTRÍA: La búsqueda espiritual.Summit University, una escuela de misterios moderna, te ofrece este transformador programa de estudio a distancia denominado Aventura del espíritu. La búsqueda espiritual, el primer libro de la serie, te brinda una guía por etapas para el sendero espiritual. Además, te da una detallada explicación de la meta de la vida, desde tu origen hasta tu destino final como ser espiritual dotado de maestrí...

CHF 40.90

El Mandato de Víctory

Prophet, Elizabeth Clare / Prophet, Mark L.
El Mandato de Víctory
What is the Victory Consciousness? Success is the byword of our modern civilization. Yet, few people reach the pinnacles of success that many dream of. For most of us the sense of true accomplishment is moderate. Or we feel boxed in by the ideal of material success that leaves little room for living life as it was meant to be-in the richness of spiritual self-fulfillment. And our souls yearn for a higher way. This book offers that higher way-f...

CHF 30.50

El Sendero Hermandad

Prophet, Elizabeth Clare / Prophet, Mark L.
El Sendero Hermandad
Antes de la Caída del antiguo continente de Lemuria, hombres y mujeres vivían en una era dorada paradisíaca. Su alma evolucionaba con amor, paz y armonía. Ser el guardián del hermano era un principio que todo el mundo encarnaba. En las eras oscuras que acontecieron después de la Caída, las almas se extraviaron, perdiendo su sentimiento de unidad y unión con Dios y haciéndose cada vez más conscientes de un sentimiento de separación y de sus ...

CHF 26.90

El sendero del Cristo Universal

Prophet, Elizabeth Clare / Prophet, Mark L.
El sendero del Cristo Universal
En El sendero del Cristo Universal, los reconocidos autores del exitoso libro Los años perdidos de Jesús vuelven a capturar la esencia del mensaje del Maestro: tú, como Jesús, debes realizar tu Divinidad innata. Estás destinado a unirte a tu Yo Superior, a tu Ser Crístico. Hace mucho tiempo los Padres de la Iglesia suprimieron la enseñanza original de Jesús sobre el Cristo interior. Pero hoy, Mark y Elizabeth Prophet revelan nuestra verdader...

CHF 27.50

Los Maestros y el sendero espiritual

Prophet, Mark L. / Prophet, Elizabeth Clare
Los Maestros y el sendero espiritual
Los Maestros y el sendero individual Tienes amigos en altos puestos. . . Todas las grandes tradiciones espirituales del mundo han producido Maestros. Estas grandes lumbreras de Oriente y Occidente se han graduado de la escuela de la Tierra y se han reunido con el Espíritu, al realizar el proceso conocido como la ascensión. Los Maestros nos dicen que ellos son ejemplos, y no excepciones a la regla. Nosotros también estamos destinados a cump...

CHF 28.50

Discourses on Cosmic Law - Volume 1

Prophet, Mark L. / Prophet, Elizabeth Clare
Discourses on Cosmic Law - Volume 1
Mark Prophet had a life of many challenges. He left high school during the Great Depression to support his widowed mother. He laid track on the Soo Line Railroad, served in the Air Force in World War II, was the head of an electrical workers' union in the Midwest. Finally, he achieved the American dream-the house, the job, the new car-only to see it all taken in a great spiritual test. But through all of this, it was his quest for God that was...

CHF 25.90

Saint Germain On Alchemy

Prophet, Elizabeth Clare / Prophet, Mark L.
Saint Germain On Alchemy
Voltaire called him the "man who never dies and knows everything." The Count Saint Germain turned base metals into gold, removed the flaws from diamonds and discovered the elixir of youth. In the eighteenth century, this "Wonderman of Europe" was the confidant of kings and a friend to the poor.Today the master Saint Germain shows that miracles are nothing more than the natural outgrowth of the practice of spiritual alchemy. In this greatest of...

CHF 36.90

Morya and You

Prophet, Mark L. / Prophet, Elizabeth Clare
Morya and You
Sometimes we look a stranger in the eye and have a flash of recognition: we know this person! You may feel an instant soul connection when you gaze into the eyes of the fierce being whose portrait graces the cover of this book. Who is he?He is the ascended master El Morya. Now a purely spiritual being, he's had many earthly embodiments where millions of souls knew him intimately-as father, brother, teacher, ruler and friend. He was Abraham. He...

CHF 33.90

The Lost Teachings of Jesus

Prophet, Elizabeth Clare / Prophet, Mark L.
The Lost Teachings of Jesus
In Book 1 of their Lost Teachings of Jesus series, Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet demonstrate that many of Jesus' original teachings were lost. In Book 2, they go one step further. They show how early churchmen, aided and abetted by the Roman emperors Constantine and Justinian, distorted Jesus' true teachings. And robbed you of what he wanted you to know about the power of your own inner Christ.In modem vernacular, parable and sto...

CHF 25.50

The Spiritual Quest

Prophet, Elizabeth Clare / Prophet, Mark L / Staff of Summit University
The Spiritual Quest
Summit University, a modern-day mystery school, offers you this transformative home study program called a Sacred Adventure. The Spiritual Quest, the first book in the series, presents a step-by-step guide to the spiritual path. It gives you a thorough understanding of the purpose of life-from your point of origin to your ultimate destiny as a masterful spiritual being. You'll find dynamic keys to your spiritual growth in each of these chapter...

CHF 44.90

Meeting the Masters

Prophet, Elizabeth Clare / Prophet, Mark L. / Staff of Summit University
Meeting the Masters
The material world in which we live represents only a small slice of a broad spectrum of being-from the realm of the humblest nature spirits to that of the most exalted archangels. This second book in the Sacred Adventure series expounds on the presence of masterful spiritual beings just beyond the veil. Learn from them how to embody the divine qualities of Will, Wisdom and Love as you explore the hidden dimensions of life in these revealing c...

CHF 65.00

La Ciencia de la Palabra Hablada

Prophet, Mark L. / Prophet, Elizabeth Clare
La Ciencia de la Palabra Hablada
¡La fuerza más poderosa del mundo! Conviértete en tu propio maestro. Vuelve a descubrir el arte de la invocación practicado en las eras de oro de la Atlántida y Lemuria.Usa fórmulas precisas de la Palabra para ordenar que la luz fluya de tu mente supraconsciente a la consciente, desechando un potencial creativo ilimitado.Aprende a invocar la llama violeta: una energía de alta frecuencia que puede penetrar tu sistema nervioso, tu corazón y tu c...

CHF 49.50

Morya and You

Prophet, Mark L. / Prophet, Elizabeth Clare
Morya and You
Sometimes we look a stranger in the eye and have a fl ash of recognition: we know this person! You may feel an instant soul connection when you gaze into the eyes of the fierce being whose portrait graces the cover of this book. Who is he?He is the ascended master El Morya. Now a purely spiritual being, he's had many earthly embodiments where millions of souls knew him intimately-as father, brother, teacher, ruler and friend. He was Abraham. H...

CHF 27.50

Saint Germain On Alchemy

Prophet, Elizabeth Clare / Prophet, Mark L.
Saint Germain On Alchemy
Voltaire called him the "man who never dies and knows everything."And that's an understatement. The Count Saint Germain turned base metals into gold, removed the flaws from diamonds and discovered the elixir of youth. In the eighteenth century this "Wonderman of Europe" was the confidant of kings and a friend to the poor. His well-documented "miracles" were the natural outgrowth of his practice of spiritual alchemy, whose principles he imparts...

CHF 31.90