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Zur Kasse

11 Ergebnisse.

Accounting for Alcohol

Quinn, Martin / Oliveira, João
Accounting for Alcohol
Consumption of alcohol is a globally ubiquitous, often controversial activity, and business organizations in this sector are of significant social and economic relevance. This book draws on accounting records from this sector in order to reveal unique and interesting insights into the historic development of the production of alcoholic beverages.

CHF 190.00

Brilliant Accounting

Quinn, Martin
Brilliant Accounting
Discover everything you need to know to take control of your accounts and manage the success of your business or personal finances.Brilliant Accounting is the practical, step-by-step guide that will help you get to grips with accounting basics. Written by an accounting expert with years of experience, Brilliant Accounting is free from technical jargon and theory and is packed with practical examples and expert tips and tricks. This book covers...

CHF 19.80

Platelet Function

Quinn, Martin / Fitzgerald, Desmond / Cox, Dermott
Platelet Function
Platelet function, or clot formation, is difficult to assess, but extremely important because inadvertent or excessive platelet activation underlies many common cardiovascular disorders, such as myocardial infarction, unstable angina, and stroke. In Platelet Function: Assessment, Diagnosis, and Treatment, a panel of leading researchers and clinicians review the latest findings on the complexities of platelet function and the various means of i...

CHF 237.00

Platelet Function

Quinn, Martin / Fitzgerald, Desmond / Cox, Dermott
Platelet Function
A cutting-edge review of the latest findings on the complexities of platelet function and the various means of inhibiting platelet clot formation. The authors delineate an up-to-date picture of platelet biology and describe methods for assessing platelet function, including the commonly used platelet aggregation, thromboxane production, procoagulant function, platelet function under flow, and the expression of platelet activation markers. The ...

CHF 237.00

Senza zucchero aggiunto. La Bibbia

Quinn, Sue / De Martin, M.
Senza zucchero aggiunto. La Bibbia
Imparate a distinguere gli zuccheri buoni da quelli nocivi. Scoprite modi semplici per diminuire gradualmente lo zucchero aggiunto, senza sforzo. Preparate gli alimenti indispensabili in versione "senza zucchero aggiunto" da conservare in frigorifero e sostituiteli a quelli acquistati, ricchi di zucchero. Ingolositevi con queste ricette di dessert, spuntini e dolci senza zucchero, senza miele né dolcificanti artificiali.

CHF 29.50

Le basi della cucina spagnola

Quinn, Sue / De Martin, M.
Le basi della cucina spagnola
Siete tornati dal vostro viaggio in Spagna con un velo nostalgico davanti agli occhi? Non fate scolorire tutta l'allegria in un grigio e stanco ripetersi di foto sullo schermo del vostro computer. Questo libro è una macchina del tempo: apritelo, beatevi dei colori caldi delle sue immagini e preparate le ricette proposte. Buttate via le diapositive: un'accurata selezione di tapas, un gazpacho fresco e saporito, una paella speziata trasformerann...

CHF 47.50

Brilliant Book-keeping

Quinn, Martin
Brilliant Book-keeping
Accurate book-keeping is crucial to business success  Successful financial management starts with effective book-keeping. Whether you run a business, are self-employed, or simply want to get to grips with your personal finances, read Brilliant Book-keeping to ensure your accounts are as efficient and profitable as they should be. Brilliant Book-keeping will help show you how to keep accurate and complete financial records. You'll never fear a ...

CHF 19.00

Poder y gracia

Quinn, Nick / Prieto Martín, Deborah
Poder y gracia
¿Por qué la felicidad eterna siempre aparenta ser ilusoria? Bajo la impresión del condicionamiento, a menudo estamos convencidos del enorme progreso que hemos logrado en el camino hacia el júbilo auténtico, cuando de hecho, ni siquiera hemos accedido a él. Permanecemos perdidos en la persecución de libertad y alegría, ignorando que es el ego el que está guiando esa búsqueda de transcenderse a sí mismo. Siempre hemos tenido acceso al júbilo aut...

CHF 36.90

Book-Keeping and Accounts for Entrepreneurs

Quinn, Martin
Book-Keeping and Accounts for Entrepreneurs
Mastering book-keeping and accounts is critical to the success of any business. But you don't have to be an expert to manage your company's finances. Read Book-keeping and Accounts For Entrepreneurs to learn all the tricks and tips from an expert to ensure your business flies - find out how to: Master finance essentials Apply the essentials to your business now Prepare and present impressive business plans Track costs to maximise profits Analy...

CHF 22.90