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4222 Ergebnisse - Zeige 81 von 100.

c¿u v¿ng tr¿, màu s¿c c¿a mèo

Roy, Rainbow
c¿u v¿ng tr¿, màu s¿c c¿a mèo
Chào m¿ng b¿n ¿¿n v¿i th¿ gi¿i ¿¿y mê höc c¿a " c¿u v¿ng tr¿ : màu s¿c c¿a mèo", m¿t b¿ sách giáo d¿c dành cho tr¿ em ¿¿¿c thi¿t k¿ ¿¿ thu hút tâm trí tr¿ ¿¿ng th¿i gi¿i thi¿u cho chúng v¿ d¿i màu r¿c r¿. Trong m¿i trang, tr¿ s¿ h¿c v¿ màu s¿c c¿a chúng thông qua s¿ liên k¿t c¿a các chú mèo. B¿ng cách liên k¿t màu s¿c v¿i các ch¿ ¿¿ trong th¿ gi¿i th¿c, tr¿ h¿c ¿¿¿c nhi¿u k¿ n¿ng khác nhau, h¿c theo ng¿ c¿nh, nâng cao trí nh¿, h¿c t¿p ¿a gi...

CHF 21.50

Arc-en-Ciel Junior, Couleurs de Chats

Roy, Rainbow
Arc-en-Ciel Junior, Couleurs de Chats
Bienvenue dans le monde enchanteur de Arc-en-Ciel Junior : Couleurs de Chats , une série de livres éducatifs pour enfants conçus pour captiver les jeunes esprits tout en leur faisant découvrir le spectre vibrant des couleurs. Dans chaque page, les enfants apprendront leurs couleurs grâce à l'association des chats. En associant les couleurs à des sujets du monde réel, les enfants acquièrent diverses compétences , apprentissage contextuel, am...

CHF 21.50

Junior Duga, Boje Ma¿ki

Roy, Rainbow
Junior Duga, Boje Ma¿ki
Dobrodöli u öaravaju¿i svijet "Junior Duga: Boje Mäki", serije edukativnih knjiga za djecu osmi¿ljene da öaraju mlade umove i upoznaju ih sa ¿ivopisnim spektrom boja. Na svakoj stranici djeca ¿e nau¿iti njihove boje kroz asocijaciju mäaka. Povezivanjem boja sa subjektima iz stvarnog svijeta, djeca u¿e razne vje¿tine, kontekstualno u¿enje, pobolj¿anje pam¿enja, multisenzorno u¿enje, jezi¿ni i kognitivni razvoj, i ¿to je najvänije... kreativn...

CHF 21.50

Origin of Life Insights from Computational Models

Roy, Suvam
Origin of Life Insights from Computational Models
The origin of life on this earth is as yet an unsolved mystery for scientists since the processes and pathways that lead from basic chemical building blocks to self- replicating cells are not yet clearly understood. Explaining the emergence and even- tual proliferation of large functional biomolecules in the absence of catalysts has been a long-standing hurdle in this regard. Such biomolecules must have preceded the Last Universal Common Ances...

CHF 41.50

A Second Defence of the Monotheistical System of the Veds

Roy, Ram Mohan
A Second Defence of the Monotheistical System of the Veds
A Second Defence of the Monotheistical System of the Veds: An apology for the present state Of Hindoo worship by Ram Mohan Roy first published in 1817. This doctrine, I am happy to observe, strongly corroborates every assertion that I have made in my translation, a few paragraphs of which I beg leave to repeat here for the satisfaction of my readers.

CHF 24.90

Valentine's Day Love Stories Volume 1

Roy, Anupam
Valentine's Day Love Stories Volume 1
Valentine's Day Love Stories Volume 1" is a captivating anthology that invites readers to immerse themselves in the enchanting world of love on the most romantic day of the year. Within the pages of this collection, love unfolds in diverse and unexpected ways, spanning various genres and settings to create a rich tapestry of emotional narratives. Embark on a journey through bustling cities, remote villages, virtual reality games, and more, as ...

CHF 25.90

Azadi - Updated Edition

Roy, Arundhati
Azadi - Updated Edition
The chant of Azadi! Urdu for Freedom -is the slogan of the freedom struggle in Kashmir against what the Kashmiris see as the Indian Occupation. Ironically, it also became the chant of millions on the streets of India against the project of Hindu nationalism. Even as Arundhati Roy began to ask what lay between these two calls for freedom-a chasm or a bridge?-the streets fell silent. Not only in India but all over the world. Covid-19 brought wit...

CHF 34.90

Arcoiris Junior, Colores de Serpientes

Roy, Rainbow
Arcoiris Junior, Colores de Serpientes
Bienvenido al encantador mundo de "Arcoiris Junior: Colores de Serpientes", una serie de libros educativos para niños diseñada para cautivar las mentes jóvenes mientras les presenta el vibrante espectro de colores. En cada página, los niños aprenderán sus colores mediante la asociación de serpientes. Al asociar colores con temas del mundo real, los niños aprenden una variedad de habilidades, aprendizaje contextual, mejora de la memoria, apr...

CHF 21.50

Arcobaleno Junior, Colori dei Serpenti

Roy, Rainbow
Arcobaleno Junior, Colori dei Serpenti
Benvenuti nell'incantevole mondo di "Arcobaleno Junior: Colori dei Serpenti", una serie di libri educativi per bambini pensati per affascinare le giovani menti introducendoli al vibrante spettro di colori. In ogni pagina i bambini impareranno i colori attraverso l'associazione dei serpenti. Associando i colori a soggetti del mondo reale, i bambini apprendono una varietà di abilità, apprendimento contestuale, potenziamento della memoria, app...

CHF 21.50

Arcoiris Junior, Colores de Pinguinos

Roy, Rainbow
Arcoiris Junior, Colores de Pinguinos
Bienvenido al encantador mundo de " Arcoiris Junior, Colores de Pinguinos ", una serie de libros educativos para niños diseñada para cautivar las mentes jóvenes mientras les presenta el vibrante espectro de colores. En cada página, los niños aprenderán sus colores mediante la asociación de Pingüinos. Al asociar colores con temas del mundo real, los niños aprenden una variedad de habilidades, aprendizaje contextual, mejora de la memoria, apre...

CHF 21.50

Junior Rainbow, Colors of Penguins

Roy, Rainbow
Junior Rainbow, Colors of Penguins
Welcome to the enchanting world of "Junior Rainbow: Colors of Penguins, " an educational children's book series designed to captivate young minds while introducing them to the vibrant spectrum of colors. In each page, children will learn their colors through the association of penguins. By associating colors with real-world subjects, children learn a variety of skills, contextual learning, memory enhancement, multi-sensory learning, language...

CHF 21.50

Arcobaleno Junior, Colori dei Pinguini

Roy, Rainbow
Arcobaleno Junior, Colori dei Pinguini
Benvenuti nell'incantevole mondo di "Arcobaleno Junior, Colori dei Pinguini", una serie di libri educativi per bambini pensati per affascinare le giovani menti introducendoli al vibrante spettro di colori. In ogni pagina i bambini impareranno i loro colori attraverso l'associazione dei Pinguini. Associando i colori a soggetti del mondo reale, i bambini apprendono una varietà di abilità, apprendimento contestuale, potenziamento della memoria,...

CHF 21.50

The Toy Kingdom Volume 1

Roy, Anupam
The Toy Kingdom Volume 1
The Toy Kingdom Volume 1" is a captivating collection of enchanting tales that beckon readers into the whimsical and vibrant world of toys. Across the pages of this delightful volume, a journey unfolds through magical realms of play, imagination, and camaraderie. Each story is a testament to the timeless joy, boundless imagination, and enduring friendships that define the enchanting world of toys. In "The Lost Teddy Bear's Adventure, " readers...

CHF 26.50

Seduction at the Chateau

Roy, Delphine
Seduction at the Chateau
A wicked game of seduction turns into insatiable desire.The last surviving member of his family after the Revolution, Guy de Cazal leads a life of decadent pleasure in Paris. But his past catches up with him when he agrees to a wicked wager with a notorious beauty-she will take him as a lover if he can seduce the innocent young lady his parents intended him to marry many years before.Antonia Saint Yves dreams of overcoming her reserved nature ...

CHF 20.90

A Defence of Hindoo Theism

Roy, Ram Mohan
A Defence of Hindoo Theism
THE following sheets contain some remarks in reply to a publication which appeared in the " Madras Courier" of November last, under the signature of Sankara Sastri, in answer to my abridgment of the Vedant and my Preface to the translation of the Ishopanishad, as well as to my Introduction to the Kenopanishad. The length to which the arguments of the controvertist extended having precluded their appearance in the Calcutta prints, I have taken ...

CHF 23.50


Roy, Piyali
Confidence is the most beautiful attribute you can possess and wear as a woman. Are we born with self-confidence, or do we learn it? How well do you understand as a woman? Can you truly boast of being a self-confident woman? Are there ways to become an exceptionally confident woman? The answer to this and many more is intelligently explained in this book with lessons from the true-life stories of many women, both adults and aged. Confidenc...

CHF 46.90

Social Epistemology's Ascent Prospects

Roy, Darby
Social Epistemology's Ascent Prospects
In recent years, Social Epistemology has emerged as a captivating and dynamic field of study, revolutionizing our understanding of knowledge and its acquisition within social contexts. As societies continue to become increasingly interconnected through technology and communication, the significance of social factors in shaping beliefs, justifications, and disseminating information has become more evident.Social Epistemology focuses on how coll...

CHF 38.50

A Global History of Warfare and Technology

Roy, Kaushik
A Global History of Warfare and Technology
This book addresses the global history of technology, warfare and state formation from the Stone Age to the Information Age. Using a combination of top-down and bottom-up methodologies, it examines both interstate and intrastate conflicts with a focus on Eurasian technology and warfare. It shows how human agency and structural factors have intertwined, creating a complex web of technology and warfare. It also explores the interplay between tec...

CHF 157.00


Roy, Camille
Études et croquis" est un recueil d'¿uvres littéraires écrit par Camille Roy, un écrivain québécois du début du XXe siècle. Dans ce recueil, Camille Roy propose une série d'études et de croquis qui explorent différents aspects de la société, de la nature humaine et de la vie quotidienne. Les textes abordent des sujets variés, allant de la vie rurale à la vie urbaine, en passant par des réflexions sur la condition humaine et les relations soci...

CHF 22.50