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16 Ergebnisse.


Raimond, Joseph B.
Einen Roman wie diesen hat es noch nie gegeben. Am ehesten könnte man wohl The Naked Lunch von William S. Burroughs finden, allerdings ohne den Heroineinfluss. Seltsam, schräg, lustig, mit einem Hauch von Beatnik, einschließlich Zeichnungen von Joseph B. Raimond für jedes Kapitel. Gibt es hier eine Handlung? Eine Geschichte? Schwer zu sagen. There has never been a novel like this. Probably the closest one could find might be The Naked Lunch b...

CHF 12.90

The Matala Son

Raimond, Joseph B.
The Matala Son
Written in paradise, also known as Matala, on the beautiful island of Crete, in the summer of 2021, this little sixty page book features Joseph's usual poetic mixture of sarcastic social commentary and personal reflections, as well as several full color illustrations.

CHF 8.90

In God We Trusted

Raimond, Joseph B.
In God We Trusted
As the Trump era in America finally wanes, this sixty page book of poetry is a creative expat coming to terms with the racism, sexism and Trumpism of his country of birth. As usual, not recommended for republicans, nationalists, or probably anyone who voted for Trump.

CHF 6.50

Behold The Lovely Monster

Raimond, Joseph B.
Behold The Lovely Monster
Originally planned to be Joseph B. Raimond's second book, these poems were written in the 1990s, shortly after the publication of Joseph'sfirst book "Edges". Recently rediscovered, they remained unpublished until now.

CHF 10.50


Raimond, Joseph B.
Written over several years, this little book combines the in-your-face, punk rock inspired writings of Joseph B. Raimond with Joseph's stark pen and ink drawings. But although the form is different this time around, Joseph's mirror to the many ills of society is as sharp, uncompromising and focused as ever. Not suited for conservative Republicans.

CHF 6.50


Raimond, Joseph B.
All drawings from the Joe series of ink drawings, November and December, 2018.

CHF 6.50

Human Being Horny

Raimond, Joseph B.
Human Being Horny
Written in Fürth between 2012 and 2015, "Human Being Horny" is the ninth in the series of ten books featuring what is sometimes referred to as Western Haiku.

CHF 8.90


Raimond, Joseph B.
Written in 2017 in Gernmany and Italy, this little hardcover book showcases the best writings of Joseph B. Raimond of the year. As always, brutally honest and not recommended for Republicans or populists.

CHF 19.90

Chloride and The Three Rivers

Raimond, Joseph B.
Chloride and The Three Rivers
Written while traveling through the western United States in 2017, this Little book shows Joseph B. Raimond's concern for his home country and, through the little pictures and short poems, expresses his anger and confusion at modern, Trump-era America.

CHF 7.90


Raimond, Joseph B.
A troubled book for troubled times. Inspired by the recent death of his father as well as the death of American democracy, this little book holds a mirror to our modern world and to the modern artist.

CHF 16.90

Red Pepper, Blue

Raimond, Joseph B.
Red Pepper, Blue
This little book of poetry and verse sums up the thoughts of the author as he worked his way through the last months of an abusive and violent marriage, and the hope he felt after finally achieving freedom from abuse.

CHF 11.90