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Zur Kasse

9 Ergebnisse.

Green Living Sustainable Paths

Raj, Solomon
Green Living Sustainable Paths
Green living and feasible ways typify an upright way to deal with day to day existence, stressing rehearses that limit ecological effect and advance an agreeable concurrence with the planet. At its center, green living is a guarantee to embracing way of life decisions that focus on natural maintainability, asset protection, and a decreased carbon impression. Economical ways in living frequently start with careful utilization propensities. This...

CHF 48.50

Gas Gaints Energy Exploration

Raj, Solomon
Gas Gaints Energy Exploration
Gas monsters, otherwise called gas goliath planets, are enormous planets fundamentally made out of hydrogen and helium, with hints of different gases and unpredictable mixtures. These enormous divine bodies, like Jupiter and Saturn in our nearby planet group, have one of a kind qualities that make them charming subjects for energy investigation. While the essential focal point of current space investigation is on understanding these far off pl...

CHF 48.50

Visionaries Of Corporate Landscape

Raj, Solomon
Visionaries Of Corporate Landscape
The corporate scene is frequently molded by people with the premonition to imagine potential outcomes past the regular and the boldness to graph new courses. These visionaries of the business world typify creative reasoning, vital discernment, and a profound comprehension of cultural patterns. Their effect stretches out a long ways past the meeting room, impacting enterprises, economies, and the actual texture of how we live and function. Visi...

CHF 43.50

Storytelling Power

Raj, Solomon
Storytelling Power
Narrating has an extraordinary power that stretches out past simple stories, it shapes points of view and fills in as an impetus for motivating change. At its center, narrating is a major human encounter, rising above societies, dialects, and ages. Whether passed on through antiquated oral practices, composed writing, or present day sight and sound stages, stories can shape discernments, touch off sympathy, and prepare people and social orders...

CHF 46.90

Majestic Heights, Kilimanjaro_s Secrets

Raj, Solomon
Majestic Heights, Kilimanjaro_s Secrets
Lofty Levels, settled in the core of the striking Kilimanjaro's Mysteries, remains as a demonstration of nature's greatness and the charm of untamed excellence. This uncommon objective spellbinds the daring soul, offering an all encompassing departure into the persona of the unbelievable Kilimanjaro mountain range. Arranged at a rise that gives a stunning vantage point, Glorious Levels permits guests to observe the superb quality of Kilimanjar...

CHF 42.90

From Leaf To Cup

Raj, Solomon
From Leaf To Cup
In the tranquil hug of lavish tea manors, an entrancing excursion starts - one that rises above time and geology. "From Leaf to Cup: Divulging Tea" is a dazzling investigation of the perplexing system that changes a basic leaf into the remedy that has captivated civilizations for quite a long time.The excursion begins in the midst of the emerald-toned slants of tea bequests, where columns of carefully developed Camellia sinensis shrubberies in...

CHF 42.50

Igniting The Cosmos Rocketry Wonders

Raj, Solomon
Igniting The Cosmos Rocketry Wonders
In the immense field of the universe, human creativity takes off with Touching off The Universe: Rocketry Ponders, a stunning excursion into the domains of room investigation and the wonders of rocketry. This otherworldly endeavor epitomizes the determined quest for information, pushing the limits of science and innovation to disentangle the secrets of the universe. At the core of Lighting The Universe is the extraordinary force of rockets, th...

CHF 40.50

Biodiesel from Flowering Plants

Raj, Samuel Paul / Thangaraj, Baskar / Solomon, Pravin Raj
Biodiesel from Flowering Plants
This book offers an exhaustive coverage of process modifications in biodiesel production from oil drawn from 84 oleaginous plant species occurring in all parts of the world, thereby enlisting the scope and potential of many new and non-conventionally obscure plant sources. Biodiesel, now prepared from major vegetable oils, has become a compulsion to offset the dwindling reserve of petro-diesel, which naturally intrudes into the cooking oil de...

CHF 206.00

Biodiesel from Flowering Plants

Raj, Samuel Paul / Thangaraj, Baskar / Solomon, Pravin Raj
Biodiesel from Flowering Plants
This book offers an exhaustive coverage of process modifications in biodiesel production from oil drawn from 84 oleaginous plant species occurring in all parts of the world, thereby enlisting the scope and potential of many new and non-conventionally obscure plant sources. Biodiesel, now prepared from major vegetable oils, has become a compulsion to offset the dwindling reserve of petro-diesel, which naturally intrudes into the cooking oil de...

CHF 206.00