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27 Ergebnisse - Zeige 1 von 20.

Harmony and contrast (poems)

Raphael, Antoine Archange
Harmony and contrast (poems)
The moonlight filters the room. It is soothing. We would like the day, like the night star, to be discreet, subdued, conspicuous, but more stable, less exposed to the eclipse of a somber cloud...We would like people to have peaceful habits...We would like the world to offer less disconcerted aspects...However, reality doesn't often come close to this harmony of light and shadow, it rather bathes in a universe of troubling contrasts.

CHF 31.50

Marcel, the young positive mind, book1

Raphael, Antoine Archange
Marcel, the young positive mind, book1
This book is an instance in which the whole community is mistaken in its apperception of reality, while an adolescent gets it right. In fact, he maintains that systematic doubt allows us to keep things in check. Without it, knowledge would have remained still from the past to eternity.

CHF 29.90

A stranger's wonderful chronicle (short stories)

Raphael, Antoine Archange
A stranger's wonderful chronicle (short stories)
Several people have claimed to have been assisted by a perfect stranger, when they thought they had reached the end of their tether. An investigative journalist, Brian Clifford, has kept and reported a chronicle of these happenings. Note: the author can translate your books from English into French.The fees are reasonable.

CHF 43.90

Marcel, the young positive mind (bookII)

Raphael, Antoine Archange
Marcel, the young positive mind (bookII)
This book is an instance in which the whole community is mistaken in its apperception of reality, while an adolescent gets it right. In fact, he maintains that systematic doubt allows us to keep things in check. Without it, knowledge would have remained still from the past to eternity.

CHF 31.50

Harmony and Contrast, the female impact (book I)

Raphael, Antoine Archange
Harmony and Contrast, the female impact (book I)
Peter Young, like any idealistic adolescent, is convinced that if everybody thinks and behaves like him, the world will be a lot better. Indeed, he admits that the right attitude to have should be to go to school and maintain an "A" average, to have a set of values to live or die for, to believe that society is a continuum, an amalgamation of intelligent beings communicating their endless experiences to one another, which should be the seeds o...

CHF 45.90

Concern, the sources of values under fire in Cows Island

Raphael, Antoine Archange
Concern, the sources of values under fire in Cows Island
Frank Legar, depending on the angle from which he is viewed, passes off as a pain in the neck, a sexual pervert, a mentally deranged, a righteous fellow, a living paradox... Then, he rescues Lorraine Pinson, a beautiful and wealthy adolescent, from suicide. They become good friends later. Such friendship unleashes an avalanche of intense emotions and uncontrollable passion, in Cows Island. Along the way, philosophy, religion, art, politics, sc...

CHF 42.50

Voodoo, within the boundaries of the laws

Raphael, Antoine Archange
Voodoo, within the boundaries of the laws
As far as everybody was concerned, Theodore Merlin's stomachache was a case of minor ailment, an indigestion, a bloated stomach, after having savored two mangoes out of three received as a gift from his first cousin. By the way, the third mango mysteriously disappeared. For the patient, his days were numbered. He had an intuition: he strongly believed that he had been inoculated with the most potent poison in the world, under the cover of vood...

CHF 45.90

Big Ninny's home, The confrontation (a story)

Raphael, Antoine Archange
Big Ninny's home, The confrontation (a story)
Ninny and Allen are madly in love. Yet she recognizes that her intuition and apprehension happen to be true: she and her boyfriend belong to two different worlds. She belongs to a world inhabited by her people and ruled by ancestral traditions, including Voodoo, he belongs to a sophisticated world of positive knowledge, populated by the enemies of her people. The dividing line becomes so clear to her now, and she has no choice but to acknowled...

CHF 42.90

Les merveilleuses chroniques d'un étranger, livre 5

Raphael, Antoine Archange
Les merveilleuses chroniques d'un étranger, livre 5
Le journaliste Brian Clifford a rencontré des gens qui lui ont parlé de l'apparition d'une étranger se montrant à temps nommé pour tirer des individus d'un mauvais pas. Qui est cet étranger? A-t-il plusieurs d'emprunt? Personne ne sait. Pour une raison ou une autre, il disparaît aussitôt après avoir accompli ses bonnes actions.

CHF 40.50

A Stranger's Wonderful Chronicles, Book4

Raphael, Antoine Archange
A Stranger's Wonderful Chronicles, Book4
The reporter, Brian Clifford, has no other alternative but to believe that a stranger, with extraordinary power, has been spreading goodness in his wake. He has also learned that stranger gives new meanings to words such as love, duties, fellowmen, brothers and sisters in humanity.

CHF 45.90

Les merveilleuses chroniques d'un ?tranger, Livre 4

Raphael, Antoine Archange
Les merveilleuses chroniques d'un ?tranger, Livre 4
Le journaliste Brian Clifford a rencontr? des hommes et des femmes qui lui ont parl? de l?apparition d?un ?tranger se pr?sentant ? temps nomm? pour tirer des individus d?un mauvais pas. Qui est cet ?tranger ? Quel est son nom ? A-t-il plusieurs noms d?emprunt ? Personne ne sait. Pour une raison ou une autre, il dispara?t aussit?t apr?s avoir accompli ses bonnes actions.

CHF 46.90

Le drame haïtien, une tournure inquiétante de l'histoire

Raphael, Antoine Archange
Le drame haïtien, une tournure inquiétante de l'histoire
Le drame commence quand, ^ la lumi?re des explications classiques de la situation, la conclusion qui s'impose est la suivante: Ha.ti n'est point responsable de son triste sort. Elle tombe victime d'une tournure inquiZtante de l'histoire. Une philosophie politique s'av?re nZcessaire pour rompre son immobilisme et l'engager dans la voie de l'autodZtermination

CHF 63.00

Marcel, Le Jeune Esprit Positif, Livre2

Raphael, Antoine Archange
Marcel, Le Jeune Esprit Positif, Livre2
Ce livre est un exemple selon lequel la communauté se fourvoie dans son apperception du réel, tandis qu'un adolescent s'engage dans le chemin de la vérité. En somme, cet adolescent maintient que le doute systématique nous permet de contrôler les objets de la connaissance. Sans lui, la connaissance resterait stationnaire du passé à l'éternité.

CHF 31.50

A Stranger's Wonderful Chronicles, Book 3

Raphael, Antoine Archange
A Stranger's Wonderful Chronicles, Book 3
The reporter, Brian Clifford, has no other alternative but to believe that a stranger, with extraordinary power, has been spreading goodness in his wake. He has also learned that stranger gives new meanings to works such as love, duties, fellowman, brothers and sisters in humanity.

CHF 45.90

Mutual Discovery, at the End of the Tunnel

Raphael, Antoine Archange
Mutual Discovery, at the End of the Tunnel
Racial conflicts, more than ever, are in full swing and stir up human relationships. However, Bernard and Marie manage to change their nascent hatred to harmony, mutual discovery and love. To reach such positive outcome, they agree to talk about existential conditions ?

CHF 50.90

The Haitian Drama, History Taking the Wrong Turn

Raphael, Antoine Archange
The Haitian Drama, History Taking the Wrong Turn
The socio-historical explanation of Haiti predicament shows a nation plagued by a monstrous psychological repression stemming from its colonial heritage to such a par that the commotions of its political reality seem to be equal to symptoms of generalized neurosis. A politico-socio-economic philosophy may be essential to pull this country from standstill and take it along the road of self-determination

CHF 45.50

The Sources of Values

Raphael, Antoine Archange
The Sources of Values
Certainly, we live in a new century. Unfortunately, everywhere on our planet, humankind betrays a widespread distressing situation, confusion, perplexity, a lack of contact with the idea of civilization. A sad and unthinkable state of affaire seems to prevail throughout the planet. The author believes that we have dragged the drawbacks of past centuries behind us. In such a case, he believes that we should reevaluate the sources of values.

CHF 49.90

A Stranger's Wonderful Chronicles, Book 2

Raphael, Antoine Archange
A Stranger's Wonderful Chronicles, Book 2
The reporter, Brian Clifford, has no other alternative but to believe that a stranger, with extraordinary power, has been spreading goodness in his wake. He has also learned that stranger gives new meanings to words such as love, duties, fellowmen, brothers and sisters in humanity.

CHF 46.90

Food for Thought

Raphael, Antoine Archange
Food for Thought
We, Alex Smith Bruno and I, the author Antoine Archange Raphael, believe in the need for drawing the readersÕ attention on salient aspects of my books. Thus, it would be to the readersÕ advantage not to forget that the analyses taken into consideration in this present volume and presented by Alex, on Sundays, on Radio Omega, have drawn their inspiration from books already published.

CHF 35.90