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Zur Kasse

9 Ergebnisse.

Thailandsk Smagsunivers

Rasmussen, Anders
Thailandsk Smagsunivers
Træd ind i en verden af intense smage med "Thailandsk Smagsunivers: Autentiske Opskrifter til Dit Køkken, " skabt af Anders Rasmussen. Denne kogebog inviterer dig til at udforske de fortryllende smage fra Thailand og bringe den autentiske thailandske madkultur ind i dit eget køkken. Anders Rasmussen, en passioneret madentusiast og kendt for sin kærlighed til det thailandske køkken, har samlet opskrifter, der hylder landets mangfoldighed og s...

CHF 51.50

Civil War Settlers

Rasmussen, Anders Bo
Civil War Settlers
Civil War Settlers is the first comprehensive analysis of Scandinavian Americans and their participation in the US Civil War. Based on thousands of sources in multiple languages, that have to date been inaccessible to most US historians, Anders Bo Rasmussen brings the untold story of Scandinavian American immigrants to life by focusing on their lived community experience and positioning it within the larger context of western settler coloniali...

CHF 82.00

Eigentlich wollte ich keine Kohlrüben kaufen

Rasmussen, Anders Haahr / Bliesener, Lars
Eigentlich wollte ich keine Kohlrüben kaufen
Niemand verinnerlicht ?Du bist, was du isst' mehr als Amanda in ihrer kleinen Küche in Brooklyn. Die überzeugte Vegetarierin denkt über das Leben genau so viel nach wie über political correctness und darüber, ihr Gemüse nicht verschimmeln zu lassen. Lösungen für die großen Herausforderungen, wie ihr Liebesleben und die unfertige Doktorarbeit, findet sie entweder beim Kochen, bei Foucault und Marx oder sie geht laufen ? aber manchmal ist es ebe...

CHF 27.90

In the Absence of the Gift

Rasmussen, Anders Emil
In the Absence of the Gift
By adopting ideas like "development, " members of a Papua New Guinean community find themselves continuously negotiating what can be expected of a relative or a community member. Nearly half the people born on the remote Mbuke Islands become teachers, businessmen, or bureaucrats in urban centers, while those who stay at home ask migrant relatives "What about me?" This detailed ethnography sheds light on remittance motivations and documents how...

CHF 53.90

German Idealism Today

Rasmussen, Anders Moe / Gabriel, Markus
German Idealism Today
This collection of essays provides an exemplary overview of the diversity and relevance of current scholarship on German Idealism. The importance of German Idealism for contemporary philosophy has received growing attention and acknowledgment throughout competing fields of contemporary philosophy. Part of the growing interest rests on the claim that the works of Kant, Fichte, Schelling, Hegel remain of considerable interest for cultural studie...

CHF 40.50

Kierkegaard im Kontext des deutschen Idealismus

Rasmussen, Anders Moe / Hutter, Axel
Kierkegaard im Kontext des deutschen Idealismus
Der Band verortet Kierkegaard im Kontext der klassischen deutschen Philosophie. Durch Aufweis vielfältiger Bezüge wird deutlich, dass Kierkegaard sich als Glied der an Kants "Revolution der Denkart" anschließenden Tradition versteht, mit der er auf streitbare Weise eine gemeinsame Orientierung des Denkens teilt. Der Band trägt dazu bei, Kierkegaards Verhältnis zu dieser Tradition differenzierter zu betrachten, als es gängige Meinungen nahe legen.

CHF 102.00

The Will to Lead

Rasmussen, Anders Fogh
The Will to Lead
“I have a clear message and plea to the American people: The world needs a policeman. The only capable, reliable, and desirable candidate for that position is the United States.”In the next few years, the future world order, and America’s place in it, will be determined. In all likelihood, it will fall to the next US president to make the crucial decisions that will define that future. If the United States withdraws to concentrate on “nation b...

CHF 19.50

German Idealism Today

Rasmussen, Anders Moe / Gabriel, Markus
German Idealism Today
This collection of essays provides an exemplary overview of the diversity and relevance of current scholarship on German Idealism. The importance of German Idealism for contemporary philosophy has received growing attention and acknowledgment throughout competing fields of contemporary philosophy. Part of the growing interest rests on the claim that the works of Kant, Fichte, Schelling, Hegel remain of considerable interest for cultural studie...

CHF 163.00