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8 Ergebnisse.

Cómo Establecer Objetivos con los Métodos Ikigai y Kaizen

Raymond, Anthony
Cómo Establecer Objetivos con los Métodos Ikigai y Kaizen
¿Te cuesta definir y cumplir tus objetivos?¿Sabías que el 80% de los propósitos que fijamos para el Año Nuevo se han terminado en febrero?El problema es el siguiente: A la mayoría de las personas nunca se les enseñó a definir y perseguir objetivos correctamente. Incluso los profesionales más capacitados y con más éxito siguen teniendo dificultades para cumplir sus compromisos y vencer las fuerzas de la pereza y la procrastinación.Para superar ...

CHF 21.90

How to Set Goals with Kaizen and Ikigai

Raymond, Anthony
How to Set Goals with Kaizen and Ikigai
Do you have trouble setting and accomplishing your goals?Do you procrastinate or put things off till the last moment?Did you know that 80% of New Year's Resolutions have failed by February?The problem is this: Most people were never taught how to set and pursue goals properly. Even highly-skilled and successful professionals still struggle to stick to their commitments and defeat the forces of laziness and procrastination.To overcome these wea...

CHF 20.50

How Autonomous Vehicles will Change the World

Raymond, Anthony
How Autonomous Vehicles will Change the World
Would you like to know what your life will be like in the next decade?Are you curious to learn about how you'll be getting around town, where you'll be working, and what the future has in store for your family? At the 2017 World Government Summit, Tesla founder Elon Musk proclaimed:"In 10 years it will be very unusual for cars to be built that are not fully autonomous." Take a look at the vehicle sitting in your driveway. It may be the last on...

CHF 24.90

How Autonomous Vehicles will Change the World

Raymond, Anthony
How Autonomous Vehicles will Change the World
Would you like to know what your life will be like in the next decade?Are you curious to learn about how you'll be getting around town, where you'll be working, and what the future has in store for your family? At the 2017 World Government Summit, Tesla founder Elon Musk proclaimed: "In 10 years it will be very unusual for cars to be built that are not fully autonomous." Take a look at the vehicle sitting in your driveway. It may be the last o...

CHF 42.50