Suche einschränken:
Zur Kasse

9 Ergebnisse.

GOD is still at work

Remery, Michel
GOD is still at work
In this book, travelling priest Fr Michel Remery takes you with him on some of his journeys. Looking through his eyes, you will start to see God at work in the most unexpected places on earth. This engineer, philosopher, academic, theologian and pastor has a unique way in which he looks at the world around him. In each of the continents he visits, he sees God at work in a different way. It is a light, jolly and hopeful book, which is addressed...

CHF 31.90

En ligne avec les Saints

Remery, Michel
En ligne avec les Saints
Tout un chacun peut devenir saint ! Chaque saint est différent, avec sa propre personnalité et son destin. Chacun d'entre eux a trouvé sa vocation d'une manière différente - démontrant que Dieu a un plan et une vocation particulière pour chaque individu. Imagine que tu puisses rencontrer et saluer un saint, quel saint choisirais-tu ? Le contenu multimédia de ce livre offre une rencontre virtuelle avec plus de 100 saints du monde entier. Femmes...

CHF 68.00

Il tuo prossimo è DIO

Remery, Michel
Il tuo prossimo è DIO
Gesù ha detto: "Amerai il tuo prossimo come te stesso" (Mt 22, 39). Se proviamo a mettere in pratica queste potenti parole, sorgono molti interrogativi diversi. Devo dare soldi a chi chiede l'elemosina? E se non posso permettermi uno stile di vita ecologico? Cosa dice la Bibbia della discriminazione? Posso contribuire alla pace nel mondo? Ho il diritto di lavorare? Può lo Stato punire le persone? Devo pagare le tasse e votare? L'intelligenza a...

CHF 56.90

How to Grow in Faith

Remery, Fr Michel
How to Grow in Faith
How to Grow in Faith challenges young Catholics of all ages to ask questions, search for answers together, and discover how God loves each of them very deeply. The personalized program consists of eighteen meetings and can be spread over the course of months or years.

CHF 34.90

Twitteren met God

Remery, Michel
Twitteren met God
Op jouw vragen over God en geloof is een antwoord te vinden! Kan dit in een Tweet? Dat is precies wat de Nederlandse priester Michel Remery doet. Hij twittert antwoorden op tweehonderd brandende vragen van jongeren en geeft ook uitgebreide uitleg op basis van het geloof. Zo kom je meer te weten over jezelf en over God! Download de gratis app, die met een innovatieve techniek de tekst in het boek direct linkt met extra info op de website! De v...

CHF 27.90