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45 Ergebnisse - Zeige 1 von 20.

Die Ägäiskonflikte im 20. Jahrhundert

Richter, Heinz A.
Die Ägäiskonflikte im 20. Jahrhundert
Der gegenwärtige Konflikt in der Ägäis ist uralt und hochaktuell zugleich. Letztlich geht es dabei um die Frage: Wer kontrolliert die beiden Festlandsküsten und die sie verbindende Inselbrücke in der Ägäis. Die Stationen dieser Auseinandersetzung reichen vom Kampf um Troja über die Perserkriege (490 und 480 v.Chr.), die Eroberung Konstantinopels (1453) bis zur sog. Kleinasiatischen Katastrophe im Jahre 1922. Während die historische Bedeutung d...

CHF 40.90

Smyrna 1922

Richter, Heinz A.
Smyrna 1922
In diesem Band wird die Katastrophe von Smyrna (heute Izmir)aus erster Hand geschildert. Heinz A. Richter zitiert und verarbeitet den Augenzeugenbericht der englischen Bildhauerin und Journalistin Clare Sheridan, die im September 1922 nach Smyrna gekommen war, um den Sieger im Griechisch-Türkischen Krieg Mustafa Kemal, Atatürk, zu interviewen und die dabei den verheerenden Brand hautnah miterlebte, bei dem die griechischen und armenischen Vier...

CHF 27.90

Griechenland von der deutschen Besatzung zur britischen O...

Richter, Heinz A.
Griechenland von der deutschen Besatzung zur britischen Okkupation
Im Mittelpunkt des Interesses stehen in diesem Band der Zusammenbruch der "Heeresgruppe Mitte" und dessen Folgen für Rumänien, Bulgarien und Griechenland. Ferner widmet sich Heinz A. Richter der linken Resistance in Griechenland (EAM / ELAS) sowie dem sogenannen "Prozentabkommen" vom 9. Oktober. Fragen des Machtwechsels in Griechenland, der britischen Intervention und des Vertrags von Varkiza beschließen das Werk. Ein Namensindex erleichtert s...

CHF 34.50

Aspekte griechischer Geschichte im II. Weltkrieg

Richter, Heinz A.
Aspekte griechischer Geschichte im II. Weltkrieg
In dieser Studie widmet sich Heinz A. Richter diversen Aspekten der griechischen Geschichte während des Zweiten Weltkriegs: dem sogenannten Sechswochen-Mythos im Zusammenhang mit den Operationen "Marita", "Merkur" und "Barbarossa", der mit der Aufteilung in drei Besatzungszonen verbundenen Hungersnot, dem deutschen sozialdemokratischen Widerstand um die Georg Eckert Gruppe, dem Widerstandskämpfer Giorgios Dimitriakos, der Frage der Reparatione...

CHF 40.90

History of the Island of Cyprus. Part 2: 1950-1959

Richter, Heinz A.
History of the Island of Cyprus. Part 2: 1950-1959
This study deals with the History of Cyprus from 1950 to 1959 It is the English translation of Peleus 35 CONTENT Foreword 1950-1954: The Route to the Struggle for Independence 1955: Begin and Escalation of the Rebellion Violence and Counterviolence 1957: Internationalisation of the Conflict and Internal Confrontation 1958: Search for a Solution and Intensification of the Internal Conflicts 1959. The Treaties of Zurich and London Final Resul...

CHF 81.00

The Conflicts of the Aegean in the 20th Century

Richter, Heinz A.
The Conflicts of the Aegean in the 20th Century
This study deals with the conflicts in the Aegean in the 20th century It is the English translation of "Friede in der Ägäis" published 30 years ago CONTENT Foreword THE GREEK-TURKISH CONFLICT UNTIL 1986 The potential for conflict The Cyprus Conflict until 1974 The expansion of the conflict after 1974 The Cyprus Problem after 1974 The minorities problem THe Soviet attitude THE GREEK-TURKISH CONFLICT SINCE 1986 Developments up to February 1...

CHF 34.50

History of the Island of Cyprus. Part 1: 1878-1949

Richter, Heinz A.
History of the Island of Cyprus. Part 1: 1878-1949
In this wide-ranging study, Heinz A. Richter describes the development of Cyprus from 1878 to 1949, disregarding no aspect of the changeful and painful Cypriot history. Long a plaything of the powers before and during World War I, Cyprus finally became a British crown colony in 1923. Richter describes the bleak situation of Cyprus under British rule and deals with the successful reforms of Governor Storrs that ended in the disaster of 1931 (O...

CHF 78.00

Cyprus in the 19th & 20th Century

Richter, Heinz A.
Cyprus in the 19th & 20th Century
This study deals with the History of Cyprus in the 19th & 20th Century CONTENT Introduction The Grand Game, the Balkans, the Congress of Berlin and Cyprus The Political Culture of Cyprus The Cypriot Communist Party and the Comintern The Constitution of Cyprus: A critical analysis The Assassination Attempt on Makarios in 1970 and the Murder of P. Georkatzis Henry Kissinger and Cyprus The High Level Agreement of 1977 Varosa versus Nicosia Airp...

CHF 40.90

The Turkish Straits in International Politics 1900-1917

Richter, Heinz A.
The Turkish Straits in International Politics 1900-1917
Heinz A. Richter's new study sheds light on the importance of the Bosporus and the Dardanelles before and during the First World War. From the development of Anglo-Russian relations to the start of the war and Turkey's entry into it, the role of the Straits in the struggle for Constantinople is examined. The detailed account of the political maneuvering of the powers involved around the Battle of Gallipoli is based on previously unevaluated Ru...

CHF 52.90

Greek Military Lines of Defence 1941

Richter, Heinz A.
Greek Military Lines of Defence 1941
The defense systems of Germany and France in World War II along the Maginot Line and the Westwall are generally known and well researched in Western Europe. That the Metaxas Line is the Greek equivalent is hardly known. Much has been written about the battle for the Metaxas Line, but a detailed description of this defensive system is still not available. This bunker line served as a defense against possible Bulgarian attacks and would probably...

CHF 46.90

History of Greece in the 20th Century

Richter, Heinz A.
History of Greece in the 20th Century
This study is a short comprehensive version of several long studies that have appeared over the years as Peleus volumes. It contains chapters on the most important historical events that occurred in Greece between 1900 and 1939, beginning with the Balkan Wars and World War I. The chapter on the Paris Peace Conference describes how Venizelos was asked by President Wilson and British Prime Minister Lloyd George to ban an Italian landing in Smyrn...

CHF 52.90

Macedonia 1915-1918. The War in the Southeast 2

Richter, Heinz A.
Macedonia 1915-1918. The War in the Southeast 2
The war in Macedonia between 1915 and 1918 and its political consequences are forgotten events of the First World War. Heinz A. Richter's second volume on the war in the Southeast, based on literature from Germany, Austria, England, France and Greece, is the first comprehensive scientific study of military and political developments in Macedonia. After numerous unsuccessful Allied offensives from their fortified bridgehead near Thessaloniki, ...

CHF 51.50

Greece 1940-1950

Richter, Heinz A.
Greece 1940-1950
In contrast to the Spanish Civil War from 1936 to 1939, the Greek Civil War, which took place exactly ten years later, is not present in the historical consciousness of Europe. When it raged, Germany was busy with survival and Europe with reconstruction. Its causes date back to 1936, when King George II broke his oath taken on the Constitution and, together with General Metaxas, paved the way for the four-year dictatorship of the fascist syste...

CHF 66.00

Greece in World War II

Richter, Heinz A.
Greece in World War II
Of the campaigns of the Second World War, the Italian-Greek War from October 1940 to April 1941 and the German campaign in Greece (April to May 1941) are still among the neglected aspects of historical research. In Italy, this war has been suppressed, and there is still no scientific reappraisal of it today. In Germany, too, research has hardly dealt with this topic, the Balkan campaign was considered a short episode before the Russian offensi...

CHF 61.00

Operation Mercury

Richter, Heinz A.
Operation Mercury
May 2011 marked the 70th anniversary of the Battle of Crete. It was in this battle that the new Airborne Forces' weapon was deployed for the first time in history. It was a venture that war history had never seen before, especially since the Cretan defenders knew the plans of the Germans in detail from wartime signals intelligence (Ultra) and had prepared themselves accordingly. Starting from Clausewitz's famous statement that war is the cont...

CHF 58.50

Greece 1947-1967

Richter, Heinz A.
Greece 1947-1967
Greece 1947-1967 brings together contributions by Heinz A. Richter on the history of Greece from the time of the civil war to the coup d'état on April 21, 1967. In the first part, decisive factors of the Greek civil war are presented, the second part analyzes the background of the military coup. The contributions were published a few years ago mainly in German, to make them accessible to a wider range of scholars, they were translated and revi...

CHF 40.90

Griechische Verteidigungsanlagen 1941

Richter, Heinz A.
Griechische Verteidigungsanlagen 1941
Die Verteidigungssysteme Deutschlands und Frankreichs im Zweiten Weltkrieg an der Maginot-Linie und dem Westwall sind in Westeuropa allgemein bekannt und gut erforscht. Dass die Metaxas-Linie das griechische Äquivalent ist, weiß kaum jemand. Über die Schlacht um die Metaxas-Linie wurde viel geschrieben, aber eine detaillierte Beschreibung der Verteidigungslinie liegt bis heute nicht vor. Die Bunkerlinie diente zur Abwehr möglicher bulgarischer...

CHF 40.90

Modern Greek Myths

Richter, Heinz A.
Modern Greek Myths
According to the Neo-Platonist Salustios, myths are things that "never happened, but always are." It is commonly known that the ancient history of Greece is marked by myths and legends. Less well known, however, is the fact that 20th-century Greece also produced numerous myths and legends, particularly those related to the Second World War. This volume of Heinz A. Richter presents a selection of the stories of history and thus makes a major c...

CHF 27.90

Aspekte neugriechischer Geschichte

Richter, Heinz A.
Aspekte neugriechischer Geschichte
Der Band Aspekte neugriechischer Geschichte enthält Aufsätze quer durch die Geschichte Neugriechenlands und Zyperns. Der erste Aufsatz von Jannis Benos etwa befasst sich mit der Frage, wie Hölderlin die Insel Poros beschreiben konnte, ohne je dort gewesen zu sein. In einem weiteren Kapitel zeigt Stratos N. Dordanas, dass im Ersten Weltkrieg eine Seeblockade eine ähnliche Hungersnot hervorrief wie jene im Zweiten Weltkrieg. Vaios Kalogrias' Bei...

CHF 40.90