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30 Ergebnisse - Zeige 1 von 20.

Financial Literacy for Beginners & Dummies

Rigters, Giovanni
Financial Literacy for Beginners & Dummies
Financial literacy is crucial for anyone who wishes to achieve financial freedom. Managing money and planning our finances for different stages and situations is sensible if we don't want to find ourselves in a mess. Those who lack this management or planning skill often end up feeling lost. They struggle to pay off their debts and stay on top of their bills. Educating yourself in financial knowledge is a life skill necessary to have if you do...

CHF 33.90

Deja de procrastinar

Rigters, Giovanni
Deja de procrastinar
La procrastinación es un mal hábito que puede convertirse en un rápido viaje en un espiral descendente. Comienza inocentemente como una evasión de las tareas y responsabilidades que deben cumplirse, pero si se le permite desarrollarse puede convertirse en un hábito desagradable. Hay muchos efectos negativos y perjudiciales de la procrastinación, y es vital que se aprenda a reconocer los signos y a tomar medidas para dejar de postergar. Así que...

CHF 13.90

Personal Finance for Beginners & Dummies

Rigters, Giovanni
Personal Finance for Beginners & Dummies
You can quickly lose all your income if you are unable to create a concrete plan to guide you on spending. You can continually look for ways to successfully grow your income, but if you keep growing your lifestyle, then you will find yourself in the same position. Personal finance management is the key to creating the breakthrough you need in your finances. It covers all areas, including your spending, income, investing, and savings, to ensu...

CHF 24.90


Rigters, Giovanni
Finanzas personales para principiantes. Tus finanzas personales son tu prioridad monetaria número uno en tu vida para hacerse rico. Hacer pequeños cambios puede llevar a grandes resultados financieros, incluso a convertirse en millonario. Exploraremos 50 consejos diferentes sobre finanzas personales que no sólo aumentarán tus ingresos, sino que también lo harán más inteligente, seguro y preparado financieramente. Empiece ahora y cambia tu futu...

CHF 12.90

Contabilidad para principiantes y dummies

Rigters, Giovanni
Contabilidad para principiantes y dummies
¿Está interesado en aprender los fundamentos de la contabilidad? Ya sea propietario de una empresa, estudiante o consumidor, la información contable es esencial en los negocios y en el día a día. La contabilidad desempeña un papel importante en el seguimiento de los ingresos y los gastos, la gestión del flujo de caja y la declaración de impuestos. Para las empresas, es crucial comprender algunos fundamentos de la contabilidad para entender cóm...

CHF 12.90

Financial Literacy for Beginners & Dummies

Rigters, Giovanni
Financial Literacy for Beginners & Dummies
Financial literacy is crucial for anyone who wishes to achieve financial freedom. Managing money and planning our finances for different stages and situations is sensible if we don't want to find ourselves in a mess. Those who lack this management or planning skill often end up feeling lost. They struggle to pay off their debts and stay on top of their bills. Educating yourself in financial knowledge is a life skill necessary to have if you do...

CHF 15.90

Options Trading for Beginners, Dummies & Idiots

Rigters, Giovanni
Options Trading for Beginners, Dummies & Idiots
It's time to take over the world of Options trading. You will learn about the brief history of options, what options trading means, different options, and the basic terminology associated with this instrument. You will learn about the different benefits of options trading, the risks involved, and the popular myths you must ignore while trading.Once you get the hang of the basics, we will delve into the different market outlooks, factors to con...

CHF 15.50

Forex Trading for Beginners, Dummies and Idiots

Rigters, Giovanni
Forex Trading for Beginners, Dummies and Idiots
Are you intrigued by Forex trading or Forex traders? Have you ever wondered if you could truly supplement your income with Forex trading? Do you find Forex trading intimidating? Perhaps you've thought long and hard about trading your way out of the rat race but have no idea where or how to start. Then this book is just for you.Discover price action secrets that will put you ahead of other traders.Learn truths that 99 percent of retail traders ...

CHF 29.90

Learn Spanish for Beginners, Dummies & Idiots

Rigters, Giovanni
Learn Spanish for Beginners, Dummies & Idiots
Spanish is one of the most important and relevant languages in the world. There are plenty of non-native Spanish speakers learning how to speak Spanish because nobody can afford to be left behind in this ever-changing world. Learning Spanish is an important decision that will give you a great edge in life. However, it's easier said than done, as there are as many paths to learn Spanish as there are stars in the sky, and not every Spanish learn...

CHF 18.50

Penny Stock Trading for Beginners, Dummies & Idiots

Rigters, Giovanni
Penny Stock Trading for Beginners, Dummies & Idiots
One of the most misunderstood concepts in the world of trading is penny stocks. These stocks are a very lucrative option if you play your cards right. However, most people don't bother investing in these stocks because of the myths and misconceptions surrounding them.This book explains everything you need to know about penny stocks in order to get started. The following chapters are carefully crafted to help you develop a proper understanding ...

CHF 15.90

Bitcoin Trading for Beginners, Dummies & Idiots

Rigters, Giovanni
Bitcoin Trading for Beginners, Dummies & Idiots
Whether you are looking to invest in bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies or understand why it will have a massive impact on your life in the near future, this book will clear out everything you need to know about what makes this technology what it is:Develop a solid understanding of cryptocurrencies and become an investor or use it for your own businessMaster the concept of blockchain and understand how this groundbreaking technology is changin...

CHF 15.90

Mercado de Ações Investimentos para Iniciantes e Leigos

Rigters, Giovanni
Mercado de Ações Investimentos para Iniciantes e Leigos
Você sabe que precisa começar a investir, porque você não será capaz de trabalhar toda sua vida. Você não vai querer ser o antigo funcionário que trabalha como recepcionista em sua grande rede de lojas. Além disso, será frustrante e muito deprimente se você não estiver financeiramente consciente de seu futuro. O tempo parece andar mais rápido quanto mais velho você fica e nunca é tarde demais para começar.Mas talvez um de seus problemas seja d...

CHF 11.90

Beleggen in Aandelen voor Beginners & Dummies

Rigters, Giovanni
Beleggen in Aandelen voor Beginners & Dummies
U weet dat u moet investeren, omdat u uw hele leven niet kunt werken. U wilt niet de oude medewerker zijn die tussen jongeren werkt en zich te oud voelt. Het zal ook frustrerend en zeer deprimerend zijn als u zich niet financieel bewust bent van uw toekomst. De tijd lijkt sneller te gaan naarmate u ouder wordt en het is nooit te laat om te beginnen.Maar aan de slag gaan kan een van uw problemen zijn. Er is te veel informatie beschikbaar en te ...

CHF 11.90


Rigters, Giovanni
&#2348,&#2367,&#2327,&#2367,&#2344,&#2381,&#2344,&#2352,&#2381,&#2360, &#2324,&#2352, &#2337,&#2350,&#2367,&#2360, &#2325,&#2375, &#2354,&#2367,&#2319
aap jaanate hain ki aapako nivesh shuroo karane kee jaroorat hai, kyonki aap apanee pooree jindagee kaam nahin kar sakate hain. aap apane bade chen dipaartament stor mein ek daravaaje ke svaagatakarta ke roop mein kaam karane vaale boodhe karmachaaree nahin banana chaahenge. agar aap apane bhavishy ke baare mein aarthik roop se jaagarook nahin hain to yah bhee ek niraashaajanak aur bahut udaas karane vaalee baat hogee. jaise-jaise aapakee umr ...

CHF 10.90

Smart Investors Keep It Simple

Rigters, Giovanni
Smart Investors Keep It Simple
It's a daunting task to figure out how the stock market works. You've probably heard both good and bad things about it.Still, you want to learn more about the stock market. It could also be that you want to start investing but don't know where to begin or how much to invest.If you're already investing, you want to learn better ways to grow your investments, because you want to be more confident about your financial future.Up until now, you pro...

CHF 28.50

Inversión En El Mercado De Valores Para Principiantes Y D...

Rigters, Giovanni
Inversión En El Mercado De Valores Para Principiantes Y Dummies [Stock Market Investing For Beginners & Dummies]
Obtener la parte de inversión de su vida bajo control te colocará en el camino de construir riqueza y mejorar tu vida enormemente. Tendrás tranquilidad cuando pienses en su futuro y también tendrás la confianza para tomar buenas decisiones de inversión. Dentro de este libro aprenderás: . Cómo comprar grandes acciones. Qué hacer cuando el mercado se desploma. Cómo los inversores inteligentes se benefician del mercado. Ingresos pasivos a través ...

CHF 24.90

Forex Trading for Beginners & Dummies

Rigters, Giovanni
Forex Trading for Beginners & Dummies
Uncover what forex trading is, how to get started in forex trading, and how to make a trading plan. You will learn how to assess your risk and manage it appropriately in the trades you will conduct.This book is going to teach you the do's and don'ts of forex, to help you avoid the most common mistakes traders make. Why not learn from experts who have already done things incorrectly? By learning what not to do, you have a leg up against anyone ...

CHF 24.90

Investir En Bourse Pour Les Débutants Et Les Novices

Rigters, Giovanni
Investir En Bourse Pour Les Débutants Et Les Novices
Vous savez que vous devez commencer à investir, car vous ne pourrez pas travailler toute votre vie. Vous ne souhaitez pas être le vieil employé qui travaille comme hôte d'accueil dans votre grand magasin. Ce sera également frustrant et très déprimant si vous n'êtes pas conscient de votre avenir sur le plan financier. Le temps semble aller plus vite avec l'âge et il n'est jamais trop tard pour commencer.Mais se lancer pourrait être l'un de vos ...

CHF 11.90

Aktienmarkt Investieren für Anfänger & Dummies

Rigters, Giovanni
Aktienmarkt Investieren für Anfänger & Dummies
Sie wissen, dass Sie mit dem Investieren anfangen müssen, weil Sie nicht Ihr ganzes Leben arbeiten können. Sie wollen doch nicht der alte Angestellte sein, der als Türsteher in seinem großen Unternehmen arbeitet. Es ist frustrierend und auch sehr deprimierend, wenn Sie sich finanziell Ihrer Zukunft nicht bewusst sind. Je schneller die Zeit vergeht, umso älter werden Sie und es ist nie zu spät anzufangen.Aber anzufangen ist vielleicht eins Ihre...

CHF 11.90

Investire in Borsa per Principianti e Inesperti

Rigters, Giovanni
Investire in Borsa per Principianti e Inesperti
Sai che devi iniziare ad investire, perché non sarai in grado di lavorare per tutta la vita. Non vuoi essere il vecchio dipendente che lavora come usciere nel suo centro commerciale preferito. Sarà anche frustrante e molto deprimente non essere finanziariamente consapevole del tuo futuro. Il tempo sembra scorrere più velocemente man mano che si invecchia, ma non è mai troppo tardi per cominciare.Iniziare potrebbe essere un problema. Ci sono tr...

CHF 10.90