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20 Ergebnisse.

The Spiritual Path

Roberts, Gregory David
The Spiritual Path
The author of the international bestseller Shantaram takes us on a gripping personal journey of wonder and insight into science, belief, faith and devotion. Drawing on sacred traditions, rigorous logic and the six-year instruction of his spiritual teacher, Roberts describes the step-by-step process he followed in search of spiritual connection - a process that anyone, of any belief or none, can benefit from in their own lives. This gripping pe...

CHF 18.50

Im Schatten des Berges

Roberts, Gregory David / Schmidt, Sibylle
Im Schatten des Berges
»Shantaram« hat Millionen Leser berührt. Die Geschichte von Lindsay, dem Australier, der aus dem Gefängnis ausbrach, nach Bombay floh, als Arzt in den Slums arbeitete und um seine große Liebe kämpfte, lebt in ihren Herzen weiter.Zwei Jahre sind seitdem vergangen. Bombays Gangs bekämpfen sich immer unerbittlicher, die Gewalt eskaliert. Auf der Suche nach einem Ausweg begegnet Lindsay einem heiligen Mann, der alles infrage stellt, was Lin zu wis...

CHF 19.90

L'ombra della montagna

Roberts, Gregory David / Mingiardi, V.
L'ombra della montagna
Un unico sbaglio può appiccare il fuoco a una foresta nel cuore, oscurando ogni luce...": così comincia quest'opera. "Shantaram" ha come protagonista Lin, il "filosofo che ha smarrito l'integrità nel crimine", il fuggiasco divenuto a Bombay un "uomo della pace di Dio" in grado di allestire ospedali per mendicanti e di stringere relazioni pericolose con la mafia indiana. Ne "L'ombra della montagna" perduto nella giungla urbana di amore, morte e...

CHF 32.50


Roberts, Gregory David
A novel of high adventure, great storytelling and moral purpose, based on an extraordinary true story of eight years in the Bombay underworld.'In the early 80s, Gregory David Roberts, an armed robber and heroin addict, escaped from an Australian prison to India, where he lived in a Bombay slum. There, he established a free health clinic and also joined the mafia, working as a money launderer, forger and street soldier. He found time to learn H...

CHF 22.90


Roberts, Gregory David
Based directly upon the experiences of its author, this is the story of a man who escapes from prison in Australia to arrive in Bombay where he works in a first-aid station and smuggles drugs and guns.

CHF 26.90

The Mountain Shadow

Roberts, Gregory David
The Mountain Shadow
Shantaram introduced millions of readers to a cast of unforgettable characters through Lin, an Australian fugitive, working as a passport forger for a branch of the Bombay mafia. In The Mountain Shadow, the long-awaited sequel, Lin must find his way in a Bombay run by a different generation of mafia dons, playing by a different set of rules. It has been two years since the events in Shantaram, and since Lin lost two people he had come to love:...

CHF 22.90

Shantaram und Im Schatten des Berges

Roberts, Gregory David / Schmidt, Sibylle / Holdorf, Jürgen
Shantaram und Im Schatten des Berges
Der Weltbestseller und seine lang ersehnte Fortsetzung im Doppelpack "Shantaram" ist die Geschichte des Australiers Lin, der aus dem Gefängnis ausbricht, in Mumbai untertaucht, als Arzt im Slum arbeitet und um die Liebe seines Lebens kämpft. In "Im Schatten des Berges" geht sein Abenteuer zwei Jahre später weiter. Der Mafiaboss Khaderbai, den Lin wie einen Vater verehrt, stirbt und die verschiedenen Gangs bekämpfen sich immer unerbittlicher. D...

CHF 40.50


Roberts, Gregory David / Schmidt, Sibylle
Eine ebenso tollkühne wie bewegende Reise ohne Rückfahrkarte in das Indien abseits der touristischen RoutenAls der Australier Lindsay in Bombay strandet, hat er zwei Jahre Gefängnis hinter sich und ist auf der Flucht vor Interpol. Zu seinem großen Glück begegnet er dem jungen Inder Prabaker, der ihn unter seine Fittiche nimmt. Auf ihren Streifzügen durch die exotische Metropole schließen die beiden eine innige Freundschaft, und Lindsay lernt n...

CHF 22.50


Roberts, Gregory David / Mingiardi, V.

Nel 1978, il giovane studente di filosofia e attivista politico Greg Roberts viene condannato a 19 anni di prigione per una serie di rapine a mano armata. È diventato eroinomane dopo la separazione dalla moglie e la morte della loro bambina. Ma gli anni che seguono vedranno Greg scappare da una prigione di massima sicurezza, vagare per anni per l'Australia come ricercato, vivere in nove paesi differenti, attraversarne quaranta, fare ...

CHF 35.00


Roberts, Gregory David / Bower, Humphrey
It took me a long time and most of the world to learn what I know about love and fate and the choices we make, but the heart of it came to me in an instant, while I was chained to a wall and being tortured."So begins this epic, mesmerizing first novel by Gregory David Roberts, set in the underworld of contemporary Bombay. Shantaram is narrated by Lin, an escaped convict with a false passport who flees maximum security prison in Australia for t...

CHF 146.00

The Mountain Shadow

Roberts, Gregory David
The Mountain Shadow
Shantaram introduced millions of readers to a cast of unforgettable characters through Lin, an Australian fugitive, working as a passport forger for a branch of the Bombay mafia. In The Mountain Shadow, the long awaited sequel, Lin must find his way in a Bombay run by a different generation of mafia dons, playing by a different set of rules.It has been two years since the events in Shantaram, and since Lin lost two people he had come to love: ...

CHF 38.50


Roberts, Gregory David
Based directly upon the experiences of its author, "Shantaram" is the story of a man who escapes from a maximum security in Australia to arrive in Bombay, the crossroads of the underworld, where he works in a first-aid station and smuggles drugs and guns.

CHF 53.90

The Mountain Shadow

Roberts, Gregory David
The Mountain Shadow
Shantaram introduced millions of readers to a cast of unforgettable characters through Lin, an Australian fugitive, working as a passport forger for a branch of the Bombay mafia. In The Mountain Shadow, the long-awaited sequel, Lin must find his way in a Bombay run by a different generation of mafia dons, playing by a different set of rules.It has been two years since the events in Shantaram, and since Lin lost two people he had come to love: ...

CHF 28.50


Roberts, Gregory David / Mingiardi, V.
Il bus della scalcagnata Veterans' Bus Service, una compagnia di veterani dell'esercito indiano, è appena arrivato al capolinea di Colaba, la zona di Bombay dove si concentrano gli alberghi a buon mercato. Greg è il primo a mettere piede sul predellino e a farsi largo tra la folla di faccendieri, venditori di droga e trafficanti d'ogni genere in attesa davanti alla portiera. Ha una chitarra a tracolla, un passaporto falso in tasca e un turbini...

CHF 47.50