Suche einschränken:
Zur Kasse

15 Ergebnisse.

Join-up. La saggezza del cavallo per l'uomo

Roberts, Monty
Join-up. La saggezza del cavallo per l'uomo
Non posso immaginare la mia vita senza i cavalli. Sono stati i miei maestri, i miei amici, i miei compagni di lavoro e il mio divertimento". Monty Roberts ha concentrato le sue ricerche sullo studio del linguaggio non verbale del cavallo. Le osservazioni, le riflessioni e le deduzioni prodotte gli hanno permesso di individuare un sistema di comunicazione fondato su semplici gesti, precisi e coerenti, sul quale si basa la relazione fra componen...

CHF 31.50

L'uomo che ascolta i cavalli

Roberts, Monty
L'uomo che ascolta i cavalli
Monty Roberts è un addestratore di cavalli diventato famoso al mondo dopo che la sua autobiografia "L'uomo che ascolta i cavalli" divenne un bestseller. Nel libro, scritto nel 1996, Roberts racconta di come ha imparato il linguaggio non verbale dei cavalli osservandone il comportamento allo stato brado. Decise di scriverlo dopo il suggerimento, ricevuto nel 1989 dalla regina Elisabetta II d'Inghilterra, di pubblicare un saggio riguardo i metod...

CHF 29.90

The Man Who Listens to Horses

Roberts, Monty
The Man Who Listens to Horses
Monty Roberts is a real-life horse whisperer-an American original whose gentle Join-Up® training method reveals the depth of communication possible between man and animal. He can take a wild, high-strung horse who has never before been handled and persuade that horse to accept a bridle, saddle, and rider in thirty minutes. His powers may seem like magic, but his amazing "horse sense” is based on a lifetime of experience. In The Man Who Listens...

CHF 27.50

Die Sprache der Pferde

Roberts, Monty / Abernethy, Jean / Eicher, Sigrid
Die Sprache der Pferde
Die Sprache der Pferde - zum ersten Mal von Monty Roberts kompakt dargestellt!Die Monty-Roberts-Methode des Join-up hat sich in den vergangenen Jahren weltweit bewährt. In seinem neuen Trainingshandbuch beschreibt und erläutert der "wahre Pferdeflüsterer" die einzelnen Schritte der Kommunikation zwischen Mensch und Pferd. Dieses Buch ist die Quintessenz aus sechs Jahrzehnten Arbeit mit Pferden, es ist das Hauptwerk des Monty Roberts - ein Muss...

CHF 21.50

Ask Monty

Roberts, Monty
Ask Monty
World-famous horse gentler Monty Roberts answers all your horse-related questions If you have ever wanted to know how to get a horse into a trailer, how to deal with a bucking horse, how to walk your horse through water or how to handle a two-month-old foal, then you need look no further than ASK MONTY. In this book, Monty Roberts, lifelong horse trainer and bestselling author of THE MAN WHO LISTENS TO HORSES, answers hundreds of questions tha...

CHF 20.50

La unión

Roberts, Monty / Allum, María Isabel
La unión
Ya famoso por sus métodos de comunicación con los caballos Monty Roberts ahora quiere revolucionar el modo como los humanos nos comunicamos unos con otros. Sus principios de confianza y de no-violencia, sobre los que habla tan apasionada y lúcidamente en sus demostraciones públicas, le ha aportado que miles de personas lo apoyen en todo el mundo y compartan sus puntos de vista y quieran aplicarlos no solamente a la forma de tratar a los caball...

CHF 36.50

The Man Who Listens to Horses

Roberts, Monty
The Man Who Listens to Horses
Biography of real-life "horse whisperer", Monty Roberts, which performed extremely well in Hutchinson hardcover. Using skills learned from watching wild Mustangs in the Nevada desert, he is known to inspire reluctant racehorses and have wild horses accepting saddle and rider within half an hour, and his reputation in riding circles around the world is second to none. A unique and inspirational story.

CHF 20.90

Horse Sense for People

Roberts, Monty
Horse Sense for People
From the author of the #1 bestseller The Man Who Listens to Horses"Monty Roberts will make you marvel."-The New York Times Book ReviewIn The Man Who Listens to Horses, Monty Roberts revealed the depth of communication possible between human and horse. Touching the hearts of more than four million readers worldwide, that memoir-which spent more than a year at the top of The New York Times bestseller list-described his discovery of the "language...

CHF 22.50

Das Wissen der Pferde

Roberts, Monty
Das Wissen der Pferde
Niemand von uns Menschen hat das Recht, zu einem Mitmenschen oder einem Tier zu sagen: , Entweder du machst, was ich dir sage, oder ich werde dir wehtun.' Gerade die Pferde lehren uns, dass Gewalt keine Lösung ist - weder für den Täter noch für das Opfer. Wenn Gewaltanwendung für Mensch und Tier eine solch große Bürde ist, dann wird es Zeit, die Spirale der Gewalt endlich zu durchbrechen. Mit meiner JOIN-UP-Methode kann Vertrauen aufgebaut, kö...

CHF 16.90